Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Over Budget in January

Last night, I finished eating the burned rice. This 2ND day, was not nearly as bad as the day before. What I did was put some Vanilla Yogurt on the side and then mixed them together. The Yogurt hid the burnt taste, making the rice much more palatable.

Tonight, I am eating a grilled cheese sandwich. I bought a package of Velveeta ($3.99 for a 1 lb box) and now I am able to eat such a thing. The only problem is the cheese, yogurt and gallon of milk I bought, put me over budget for the month of January. Of course a lot of that was bad chooses that I made earlier in the month. I foresee February going much better. I am going to lock the checkbook up in the safety deposit box and only use cash, which I have already placed in the food envelope.

1 comment:

  1. If you have tofu and soy sauce around, you can fry it up and cover the burned taste.

    If there are any Asian food stores around, you can do a whole lot more with that rice.
