Monday, January 15, 2007

Day 10 - Beans Again

I.m not sure how I can write another post about eating beans again. Except to say I ate 2 bowls this time with the corn bread I made yesterday. I Will have to think about it. As a result, I feel stuffed. Which is a different filling then I have felt since the holidays. The past 10-days there has been days that I actually had hunger pangs. Of course, I always have them, it has just been a couple more times each week then usual.
Doing this project, has reminded me of those who struggle with being able to buy food, more then I do. The people, who I left in Chicago (in 1996), to return to my home in Kansas to help here.


  1. Keep your eyes in the circulars! While I'm not up for a $30 food budget, I do limit myself to under $100. Yesterday I picked up a 5 1/2 pound turkey breast for $.99. I'll use that for over 10 meals! I roasted it in the oven last night and will enjoy leftovers through the week. The carcass is the freezer for turkey noodle soup, which will be next weeks lunch.

  2. And I forgot to mention turkey potpie or turkey enchiladas! (Add frozen veggies and a roux or salsa, cheese, beans and tortilla.)

  3. Keep eating all them beans and you'll use the rest of your budget purchasing ROLAIDS!
