Sunday, November 28, 2010

Why You Should NEVER borrow To Invest

When I first started this blog in 2006, I published a number of articles on the topic of borrowing, and why to avoid it. One of the articles was published in May of that year. I had a number of people taking me to task for my thoughts there. Today, I would like to republish that article. The only changes from the original is that I corrected some misspellings I found.

Over the past few weeks, I have had people actually tell me that they can borrow at 0% (for say 11 months) and then use the money to invest. I am finally going to address what one financial experts say about that faulty idea.
Crown Financial Ministries says,

Debt presumes on the future. When people commit themselves to payments over a period of time, they are presuming that there will be no pay reductions, no loss of job, and no unexpected expenses. That is an improbable assumption (see Proverbs 27:1)Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.

Suppose you borrow for that awesome investment, that is earning higher interest, and next week your company files bankruptcy and there is no payroll checks? How are you going to make the payments? The same could be said if you were laid off or had to take a cut in pay.

I personally know about pay cuts. I took a $2 pay cut, after just over a year, I received a promotion to a higher position then I had before, but my pay still not equal to what I was making before the pay cut. It's called life, things happen. Never, presume you can just continue off your debt and pay cash for everything.

According to CFM, some other reasons include:

  • Debt could delay God’s plan. God said that He would provide for His people’s needs. Debt allows needs to be met now, from a means other than through God’s provision. Debt provides instant gratification, at the expense of financial freedom, rather than waiting on God’s perfect plan and His perfect timing.

  • Debt clouds the line that separates wants, desires, and needs. Needs are necessary purchases such as food, clothing, shelter, medical coverage, transportation, and others. Wants involve choices about quality of goods. Discount shopping versus specialty shopping, lobster versus chicken, or a new car versus a good used car, and so on. Desires are those things that can be purchased only after all other obligations are met and only if there are surplus funds available to purchase them. Debt allows desires to become wants and wants to become needs.

  • Debt eliminates family financial planning. Rather than planning for the future and allowing for a margin of errors, overruns, and changes to dictate future financial development, debt eliminates the necessity for future planning because the course for the financial future of the family will have already been set: pay the debt that has been accumulated.

  • Debt teaches children that the world’s method of managing money is normal. Debt causes children to have a casual regard for using credit cards, obtaining loans and mortgages, and keeping vows to pay the bills. For this reason, we have children who have graduated from college by borrowing for education expenses and living to the limit of their credit cards. They have never considered paying cash for transportation or anything else and have begun adult life with so much debt that they have to work for years just to pay for the debt accumulated during their college years.

  • Finally one final note from the CFM article,

    Christians today are generally polarized into two opposite groups. One feels that the Word of God forbids any and all kinds of debt at all times (see Romans 13:8). Some of these even feel that debt is a sin. The other group assumes that debt is an acceptable and normal way of life that God often uses to meet the needs of His people. Neither of these viewpoints is totally accurate. Although debt is not a sin, it also is not a normal way of life, according to Scripture. Rather, debt is a dangerous tool that must be used, if at all, with extreme caution and much prayer due to its potential for enslaving people in financial bondage (see Proverbs 22:7).

    go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.

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