Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Getting In and Out of College Without Debt

Below is the first of  a series of guest posts relating to going to school, without incurring debt.  I hope you enjoy the different perspectives, on how this be accomplished.
Getting In and Out of College Without Debt
By Stephanie Mojica

Many students borrow money for their college education and then financially struggle to repay all those loans once they’ve graduated. They probably think that it’s perfectly normal or that “Everyone else is doing it so it shouldn’t be a problem.” Or they tell themselves even “After I finish school, it would be easy to pay that.”

Well, the reality is that it just isn’t that easy to pay back a lot of money. Yes, everyone’s doing it but it WILL be a problem later on. Tens of thousands of dollars just isn’t easy to pay off, even when you’re working. Getting in and out of college without debt may be the most mature and independent thing a student can do for himself.

Now you’re probably asking if it’s possible to get in and out of college without debt? It is. Quite a few people have saved themselves a lot of time and trouble by paying for their own education. It saves money and greatly lessens future financial worries and stress. Just because others use student loans, doesn’t mean you have to join the crowd. The paying for college without loans option is not limited to the privileged either. Anyone can do it.

Then how do I do it?

There are many ways of getting in and out of college without debt. Some of them include:

1. Letting Your Parents Pay for It
Letting your parents pay for your college education might make you feel somewhat immature and dependent. But nevertheless, it is a way. And if they’re willing, then you shouldn’t worry.

2. Working for It
This may be one of the most decent ways to grow up, be independent, and get in and out of college without hefty loans. Skipping a year or two to work and save money isn’t unheard of, especially in this economy. As long as you’re hardworking, determined, and very willing to make use of those few years to earn and save, then there shouldn’t be a problem. Some people also work and go to school, but keep a careful eye on your grades.

3. Scholarships
Scholarships are one of the most common ways to go into college without a loan. If you study hard in high school and earn high grades, it might be much easier for you to find college scholarships and sponsors willing to pay for you to just study and graduate college.

So, while this process might at first feel uncomfortable just try to secure your prosperous financial future by trying some or all of these ways to pay for college. You and your future spouse and children will be eternally grateful that you took this path to pay for your higher education.

Stephanie Mojica is a writer for Quizzle.com, where she specializes in helping consumers with debt management and financial planning. She’s also a business success and prosperity coach and author of “How One Writer Shifted from Settling for $12 an Hour to Prospering at Over $90 an Hour.”

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