Thursday, December 20, 2007

Sponsored Post: Exploring Options with Credit Exchange

One of the things that many of my readers struggle with is debt. In fact, that's why they read this blog. I am constantly berating debt. You can not borrow your way out of debt. That is why Dave Ramsey calls them CON-solidation loans, because they con you into believing it is the best option. Fact is half the people who consolidate debt, start charging on their credit cards again and end up in worse financial shape then before.

However, if use wisely consolidation loans can help. If taking a consolidation loan cut up the credit cards and never use them again. In fact never borrow again. In addition be sure it is the best option. Often times people consolidate their high interest credit cards with their car and home loans and those loans have interest lower then the consolidation loan does.

To help you with these decisions and what is the best method of getting out of debt for your circumstances, you might take a look at a credit counseling company such as the Credit Exchange. They will take a look at your situation and recommend a member counseling service in your area that can best help you. Whether it be debt counseling, debt settlement, or consolidation.

Whatever you do, you must get out of debt. We as a society must stop this negative savings rate. We are not getting ahead, when we give away $2 in debt for every dollar we might put in our savings. We absolutely must start saving more then we spend, before it is to late. So please, do something about your debt today. It is time to get serious about it.

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