Monday, July 16, 2007

SPONSORED Post: Gold Star Credit

GoldStarCredit.NET is a website that compares credit card offers. As those who read this blog regularly know, I do not do credit and agree with Dave Ramsey along with John Cummuta that credit cards are evil and should be avoided at all costs.
There is no question in my mind. A person get ahead faster, in the long run, by paying for everything with cash. Now it may seem at the start credit is better, but in the long run, like the turtle and hare, cash will win as those using credit pay those interest rates and make the banks richer and the spender poorer.
The website even allows the reader to apply right there on the website. However, I would suggest avoiding GoldStarCredit.NET.
GoldStarCredit.NET even compares auto loan companies as well as good credit, poor credit and gas cards. One good thing I found is debt help. However, to make matters worse there was no comparison, it offered one company that being Care One debt counseling.
So as you can see, for someone who follows the teachings of Dave Ramsey and/or John Cummuta, GoldStarCredit.NET is a site that must be avoided at all costs.

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