Saturday, September 18, 2010

Lowering That Debt

Even though, I am currently unemployed, I still want to payoff my debts. I still, plan on being debt free by the end of the year. At least as far, the debts I started this blog with. If you look in the sidebar, you may have noticed that the debt is the lowest it's ever been. Including the IRS debt. As I really want these debts out of my life, I recently called up the IRS to find out what my remaining debt was. I have been listed as unable to collect since July 2002, the representative told me. Further, I have paid back all of the original debt. All that remained was penalties and interest. If was OK, with me he said, he would see what he could do to waive the penalties. The total amount would be $652.42. After several minutes, checking in his computer, he came back on the phone to inform me that based on my past history of complete compliance, he was able to waive $630 in penalties. Taking my remaining debt down to $811.89, all of which was interest on the original debt and the penalties.

The next step, he told, should I chose to do it, is before I make any payments, to write their office, and ask about getting the interest abated. The interest could then be completely abated or at least partially. However, in order to find out, I can only do it in writing. It cannot be done over the phone. Thank you Jesus, I am so ready to get them out of my life, once and forever.

In addition, I am working on getting the last of the Chase credit card paid off as well. All of which, I plan on getting paid off, by the end of the year. Preferably by the end of the month, but it will take another month, to process the IRS issues, to know exactly how much I will actually owe, after I make the legal maneuvers that the IRS office gave me.

go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.

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