Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Flat screen TV's to Drop in Price

CNNMoney.com reports that an oversupply of flat-screen panels means very promotional pricing on hi-definition TVs this fall. 32-inch screens (720p) are expected to be $199, down from the current average of about $299 right now.

The best deal as we approach Black Friday will be on 50-inch plasma screens. Clark guesses they'll price out around $399.
- Clark Howard

I think this is great news. It is a great example of supply and demand. I need to get my flat screen TVs and my flat-screen monitors. So to see a reduction in prices by Christmas time is very welcome news. Of course, I may not be able to purchase any of them by ten, but still it is welcome news.

On Black Friday, 32-inch LCD TVs will drop to an average price of between $249 and $299, with the best deals as low as $199, according to a prediction from research firm iSuppli. The 32-inch LCD TVs currently sell for $349 to $399, on average, with the cheapest model (Emerson's LC320EMX) selling for $300.
- CNNMoney.com

Hopefully, I will get a job soon, so that I can seriously start thinking about replacing some of this antiquated equipment. Some of which is starting to show its age.

In conclusion, I would like to quote Chuck Howard on a piece of advice, that I have been saying for years before I started this personal finance blog. The same advice could be heard from many of the personal finance experts out there, including Dave Ramsey.
One word about extended warranties on TVs: Don't buy them! Consumer Reports says that electronics seldom fail. In fact, TVs only fail at a three percent rate in the first four years of ownership. Why would anyone buy a warranty when you have a 97 percent that your TV will work for numerous years?
- Clark Howard

go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.

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