Welcome to part two of who I want to emulate. Last time we took a look at Warren Buffett, the world's second richest man. It is important (to me anyway) to point out, that I have not personally met any of these men (or women), but would like to. Today, we are going to look at another wise man. Someone who is a millionaire, but as far as anyone knows, has not joined the ranks of billionaire. Someone who millions of people turn to for advice on their finances. This man, if you haven't already guessed is none other then Dave Ramsey. The author of the best selling book Financial Peace. As well as th host of the daily radio program, "The Dave Ramsey Show," and beginning Oct 15 a new television show to be hosted on a brand new television network (Fox Business Network) also launching the same day.
Ramsey made his first million(s) before he was 23. He then lost it all when the banks holding his real estate loans was sold and the new bank called his notes. After he filed bankruptcy, he learned how to live within his means. As he learned he begin teaching people what he learned. Through the process he rebuilt his wealth without going into debt. One may think all of his money comes from teaching people simple common sense things that we all should already know. But, they would be wrong. He did reenter the real estate market with a number of rentals, all of which he paid cash for.
I like this guy, one because he built his own wealth, with out using someone else's money. He busied himself and earned every penny he has in his bank account. What he teaches, makes sense (if you will stop and actually listen) and is something that I want to put into practice.
This gentleman, as with all the people I write about in this series, is one of the people I most want to meet face to face.
***** side note: despite what Cox Cable says, the Fox Business network won't only launch in the Northeast, Time Warner will have it in Atlanta and Kansas City as well as a number of other markets. Direct TV will carry the channel on 359, and will carry it nationwide. Dish Network is still in negotiations.
---Other Posts in Series---
Who I Want To Emulate - Part 1
Dave Ramsey is a model of hard work and wisdom personified. You picked a good one.