People are always talking about how great having dental insurance is. Well, it's not all that it's cracked up to be, if you are working class or on a fixed income. For example, I have Delta Dental insurance through my work.
It covers 100% of regular semi-annual check-ups and cleanings as well as x-rays. However, if you need any work done at all, you better get you wallet out, because you will be socked. Of course, one can say that it's better then having no insurance at, which is true. But, if you don't have the money, you might as well as not have insurance. I even heard people say, just make payments, if that happens. These days though, dentists want paid at the time of service. Besides I hate credit myself.
Below is a list of what you can expect to pay, even if you do have dental insurance:
Dental Services Covered
% Paid by
Delta Dental Dental Services Covered
100% Diagnostic:
- Oral examinations – one every 6 months
- Diagnostic x-rays – bite wings once each 6 months for dependents under age 18 and once each 12 months for adults age 18 and over
- Full mouth x-rays – once each 5 years
100% Preventative:
- Prophylaxis – cleanings, once each 6 months
- Topical fluoride – once each 6 months for dependent children under age 19
- Space maintainers – for dependent children under age 9 and only for premature loss of primary molars
surface intact.
- Sealants – one per lifetime for dependent children under age 15 and when applied only to permanent molars with no caries (decay) or restorations on any surface and with the occlusal
50% Ancillary:
- Provides for emergency examination by the dentist for relief of pain and when no other services are performed.
50% Oral Surgery:
- Provides for extractions and other oral surgery including pre and post-operative care.
50% Regular Restorative Dentistry:
- Provides amalgam (silver) restorations; composite (white) resin restorations on anterior (front) teeth; and stainless steel crowns for dependents under age 12.
50% Endodontics:
- Includes procedures for root canal treatments and root canal fillings.
50% Periodontics:
- Includes procedures for the treatment of diseases of the tissues supporting the teeth.
50% Special Restorative Dentistry:
- When teeth cannot be restored with a filling material listed in Regular Restorative Dentistry, provides for gold restorations and individual crowns.
50% Prosthodontics:
- Includes bridges, partial and complete dentures, including repairs and adjustments.
50% Orthodontics:
- Includes Orthodontic appliances for treatment, interceptive, and corrective, for dependent children up to age 19.
With these kind of fees, I was very grateful to the free clinic that came to Topeka this past week. Hopefully, I can end this cycle and not need to come up such fees again, but my guess is that eventually, I will have to go to dentures.
Don't be a hater because your employeer has a crappy dental coverage.
ReplyDeleteWhen your employeer shopped around for insurance, they probably looked at all kinds of statistics and decided to cover those services at 50%, etc. This is not Delta Dental's fault. This is your cheap employeer's fault.