Sunday, February 18, 2007

Yesterday, Mis-Spending & Macaroni Nite

Yesterday, I did well sticking to my budget until I got to work. I ate a box of mac & cost 29 cents. but then I got to, with the leftover macaroni and bought a bottle of Propel water (had coupon for free bottle), a candy bar and box of fresh cookies. Spent Wasted $2.72.

1 comment:

  1. fat, fat, transfat, white flour, junk, junk junk.

    this is not a good experiment.

    now, if you could manage to eat well, healthy, fruit and vegetables on $30, you'd be saying something. most supermarkets have day old, bruised fruit, vegetables & breads.

    if you keep going like this, you will become diabetic, suffer heart problems etc. and spend more than $30 a month on health care. don't have health care? then the taxpayers will be supporting your bad eating habits.

    stupid, stupid, stupid.
    Why do people care so little about their own lives? if you put cheap gas in your car, what's the result? same with the human body.
