Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Guilt-free rainy day

This guest post from Lewis Beck

Finally, it is a rainy day. It has been so long since we had rain, I forgot how relaxing it is. The best part about the rain is that you can sit inside and not feel guilty about accomplishing absolutely nothing. So, that is my big plan today: accomplishing nothing. It seems silly to plan to do nothing, but sometimes you need a lazy day. I have big plans for my lack of accomplishment today. First off, I am going to read a chapter in my latest novel of interest. Then, I am going to visit and see what movies are available. I hope to watch at least two movies. I have been so busy that the last movie I saw was 3 months ago. And my final plan for my “nothing” day is to take a nap. Rainy day naps are undoubtedly the best naps ever taken. The beat of the rain on the window, the slight chill in the air, and the guiltless enjoyment of sleeping in the middle of the day are only a few reasons why this is the best part of my entire day. It’s funny how excited I feel about a day of doing nothing, but I am so happy for the rain!

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