Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Referral Visits

I am so enthused (as mentioned here) as I continue to see increased visitors to this blog as an indirect result of the NY Times article featuring Tricia and Leigh Ann. While most of the article focused on a interview with Tricia, most of the referral visits are coming from Leigh Ann's blog, with Tricia's blog being the number 2 referrer, according to MyBlogLog.com.

In addition my article on Bank of America made it into a couple of carnivals.
In addition
seeking some cool bloggers who want to get their sorry ass out of debt or can stretch a dollar like nobody’s business


  1. The things I do for you. :-)

    I am so proud of you....keep up the great work! You are doing so well.

  2. new york times is the best paper in the country. i'm jealous!
