Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Frugal Tip 22: Avoid Microwave Popcorn Bags

Earlier this year, I started posting a more in depth look at each of the frugal tips. Over the next few weeks I will publish the frugal tips that I have collected. Please note that not every tip will work for everyone. Chose as many of the tips that will work with you and your family and start implementing them. Today we will proceed with Tip #22 I pop my own popcorn, rather then buying microwave popcorn. I think it tastes better anyway.
Here is why you should avoid microwave Popcorn to:
  1. It’s Cheaper (#1 reasons on a budget/frugal blog like this one)
  2. It’s Healthier (You know exactly what is on it. - no preservatives - it's all natural -except the butter/margarine and salt you may or may not put on it)
  3. Flavor the way you like it (heck if you want to use coconut oil from the health food store, go for it....your own cocking, means your own flavors)
  4. Make as little or as much as you want
  5. It’s fun to watch the popping
--- go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think. follow me on Twitter and facebook

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