Tuesday, February 8, 2011

AOL Buying Yet Another News Provider

The New York Times and other media sources are reporting to AOL is purchasing the liberal political news provider Huffington Post.

SAN FRANCISCO — AOL is trying to remake itself, yet again.
The new strategy in many ways resembles the old strategy: make acquisitions to attract traffic and reverse a continuing decline in advertising and revenue from its dial-up Internet service. In the latest iteration of its do-over, it is paying $315 million to buy the liberal news commentary site The Huffington Post, not long after paying $25 million to buy TechCrunch, the Silicon Valley technology news blog.
- The New York Times
What are they doing? Why are they doing this? Those are the questions everyone seems to be asking. I mean they bought a technology news blog recently, as the excerpt above says. Reports are the this latest acquisition will bring news content to AOL pages. Still one has to wonder why? Will AOL become a content provider? Attempting to go against Google? If so, will they get out of the access business altogether?
Finally, who will be bought next?

My name is Kevin, and that's what I think. What do you think? Agree? Disagree?

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