I heard of a movie titled Affluenzo, today. But I can't seem to find anything of it, online. My sources told me the film was a film/documentary that would fit well within the theme of this blog.
Does any of the readers know of this movie and where I can find it?
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Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Thank You Epiphany
I would like to thank Epiphany who has placed 3 text ads on DebtFree4ever.NET this past week.

The sites advertised are:
Accident Claims
Commercial Mortgages
UK Mortgages

The sites advertised are:
Accident Claims
Commercial Mortgages
UK Mortgages
Thoughts and Links
It's been a couple of days since I posted, so I thought I should write something. It has been slow, in that nothing much has been going on this week. Busy week at work again, although it has quited down some there. People are starting to dispel the rumors now and hopefully things will get back to normal again. Although, it is pretty much public knowledge that the stores may be sold, if they can find the "right" buyer.
As I have been reading some of the other personal finance blogs, I see "Get Rich Slowly," is intrigued by something called "Bacon Salt."
In addition, he mentions Warren Buffett. As many of my regular readers know, I am a huge fan of the Oracle of Omaha. It is my dream, that one day I will actually get to meet him. I am sure though, that he has better things to do then to met and encourage a middle aged man, whose dreams and aspirations have gone no where. Despite all my efforts to make them happen. Still though JD makes some good observations from some recent comments from the world's 2nd richest man.
When investing, most people should buy a cheap index fund and dollar-cost average into it.
“I won the ovarian lottery the day I was born and so did all of you. We’re all successful, intelligent, educated. To focus on what you don’t have is a terrible mistake. With the gifts all of us have, if you are unhappy, it’s your own fault.” (Note that Buffett was addressing a group of business school students.)
Why have relatively few people been able to emulate his success? “The reason gets down to temperament. People want to make money fast, but it doesn’t happen that way.”
After see the comments on Buffett, I thought I would see what another billionaire that I look up to was doing. A billionaire, that like Buffett, I would like to meet someday. A man, who was able to buy his first chain of grocery stores with Buffett investing half the money. I am of course talking about Ron Burkle. The man who unsuccessfully tried to buy the LA times and Chicago Tribune. Well, he has now bought a media company. However, it is in China.
While I don't know if I would invest in a foreign media company, especially one in a communist country. I do find it interesting that he did. I for one would invest in media companies, banks and retail establishments if I had the money. But those are three areas that I know a little something about and are places I have worked in some capacity since my 1987 graduation from high school, where I was even on the school newspaper.
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As I have been reading some of the other personal finance blogs, I see "Get Rich Slowly," is intrigued by something called "Bacon Salt."
In addition, he mentions Warren Buffett. As many of my regular readers know, I am a huge fan of the Oracle of Omaha. It is my dream, that one day I will actually get to meet him. I am sure though, that he has better things to do then to met and encourage a middle aged man, whose dreams and aspirations have gone no where. Despite all my efforts to make them happen. Still though JD makes some good observations from some recent comments from the world's 2nd richest man.
After see the comments on Buffett, I thought I would see what another billionaire that I look up to was doing. A billionaire, that like Buffett, I would like to meet someday. A man, who was able to buy his first chain of grocery stores with Buffett investing half the money. I am of course talking about Ron Burkle. The man who unsuccessfully tried to buy the LA times and Chicago Tribune. Well, he has now bought a media company. However, it is in China.
It may not be the Los Angeles Times, but, for Ron Burkle, it'll have to do. On Tuesday Burkle's Yucaipa vehicle increased its investment in Xinhua Finance Media, this time pumping cash directly into the Chinese news service.
Billionaire Ron Burkle, a favorite of the New York Post's gossip column Page Six, increased his stake in Xinhua Finance Media (nasdaq: XFML - news - people ) to a total of 12% of the company's outstanding common shares. He paid $30 million for convertible preferred shares; this was in addition to the $27.5 million Yucaipa slapped down for common shares from existing stockholders in September. The conversion price is set at $6.00 per American depository receipt, or $3.00 per common share as each ADS listed on the Nasdaq represents two common shares. The company will also be entitled to one board seat on the Chinese Media company's board.
Xinhua Finance Mediatakes its name from an alliance made eight years ago with the Xinhua News Agency, China's state-run press. It produces financial-focused content for nationwide television as well as a variety of print media outlets. It also has radio stations in Beijing and Shanghai. Xinhua Finance Media also has majority stakes in company that produce outdoor advertising, television and movies.
While I don't know if I would invest in a foreign media company, especially one in a communist country. I do find it interesting that he did. I for one would invest in media companies, banks and retail establishments if I had the money. But those are three areas that I know a little something about and are places I have worked in some capacity since my 1987 graduation from high school, where I was even on the school newspaper.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
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Monday, February 25, 2008

Do you like to loan money to people or organizations that have been sued, so they can pay for that litigation? Well, according to the blog ChrisPerruna.com that is exactly what you will be doing if you buy the forthcoming Visa IPO.
Visa is hoping to break records and raise up to $19 billion from its initial public offering. The only question is whether they can pull it off in this jittery market.
In a filing on Monday with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the San Francisco-based credit-card company said it was planning to offer 406 million shares between $37 and $42 each. Underwriters can offer an extra 40.6 million shares if demand warrants.
- Forbes
When I first heard about this new IPO, this afternoon, the commentators on the radio were surprised that they weren't already publicly traded. The same talk show with Raubin Pierce and Megan Mosaic even jokingly mused if they could buy the Visa stock with their MasterCard (nyse: MA) or Discover.
While American Express (nyse: AXP) has been publicly traded for years, MasterCard only has been traded since 2006.
The filing showed Visa was the biggest of the credit-card companies, however, with MasterCard and American Express trailing it in transactions in 2006.
In 2006 MasterCard, its closest competitor, had 23.4 billion transactions while Visa had 44.0 billion. Based on MasterCard's current market capitalization of $26.0 billion, Visa's market cap would be $48.9 billion.
Monday's announcement comes only months after Bank of America (nyse: BAC) announced it was resurrecting the BankAmericard brand. BankAmericard, launched in 1958, was the precursor of Visa.
- Forbes
Once this IPO actually occurs Discover, will be the only major credit card that is not publicly traded. If you remember Discover's history, they like H & R Block started out as a division of Sears. Unlike Block (which was spun off), Discover was sold to Morgan Stanley, which spun the card issuer off in July 2007.
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*** Image source ChrisPerruna.com
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Lincoln - Kennedy coincidences
1) Lincoln was elected in 1860, Kennedy in 1960, 100 years apart
2) Both men were deeply involved in civil rights for African Americans.
3) Both men were assassinated on a Friday, in the presence of
their wives.
4) Each wife had lost a child while living at the White House.
5) Both men were killed by a bullet that entered the head from behind.
6) Lincoln was killed in Ford's Theater. Kennedy met his death while
riding in a Lincoln convertible made by the Ford Motor Company.
7) Both men were succeeded by vice-presidents named Johnson who were
southern Democrats and former senators.
8) Andrew Johnson was born in 1808. Lyndon Johnson was born in 1908,
exactly one hundred years later.
9) The first name of Lincoln's private secretary was John, the last
name of Kennedy's private secretary was Lincoln.
10) John Wilkes Booth was born in 1839 [according to some sources] Lee
Harvey Oswald was born in 1939, one hundred years later.
11) Both assassins were Southerners who held extremist views.
12) Both assassins were murdered before they could be brought to trial.
13) Booth shot Lincoln in a theater and fled to a warehouse. Oswald
shot Kennedy from a warehouse and fled to a theater.
14) LlNCOLN and KENNEDY each has 7 letters.
15) ANDREW JOHNSON and LYNDON JOHNSON each has 13 letters.
16) JOHN WlLKES BOOTH and LEE HARVEY OSWALD each has 15 letters.
17) A Lincoln staffer Miss Kennedy told him not to go to the Theater. A Kennedy
staffer Miss Lincoln, told him not to go to Dallas.
Image source: Fun Time Guide
And that's my view, what's yours?
Sunday, February 24, 2008
McCain Blogette
In yesterday's (Sat. 2/23/08) LA Times, they ran a story about the blog of Senator McCain's daughter. I found the article to be very interesting and even checked out the blog (http://www.mccainblogette.com).
After looking through the site, reading her articles. Viewing her pictures and videos, I have to say if I were younger I would certainly be glad to date the 23-year old Scorpio, who graduated last May from Columbia University with a major in Art History. Who as we all know was born and raised in Phoenix. Her previous job experiences include working at "Saturday Night Live" and "Newsweek", according to her site. A beautiful woman like her at my side would certainly be a boost to my sometimes flat ego.
And that's my view, what's yours?
After looking through the site, reading her articles. Viewing her pictures and videos, I have to say if I were younger I would certainly be glad to date the 23-year old Scorpio, who graduated last May from Columbia University with a major in Art History. Who as we all know was born and raised in Phoenix. Her previous job experiences include working at "Saturday Night Live" and "Newsweek", according to her site. A beautiful woman like her at my side would certainly be a boost to my sometimes flat ego.
Meghan McCain posted a photograph this week showing herself leaping through the air on a "sugar high" in Wisconsin, as her dad talked on the phone in the background. And she makes no apologies for leaving policy discussions to others.
"I don't think it's my role," she said, frowning, when asked if she deliberately steers away from the issues. The blog is independent from the campaign and not vetted by campaign staffers. (McCain said that his daughter never asked his permission for her endeavor but that "it seemed to be fine.")
And that's my view, what's yours?
National Grocers Association Prefer McCain
As a grocer, I found this article, in Supermarket News, to be interesting. While not surprised by the results, but that they even took such a poll.
And that's my view, what's yours?
LAS VEGAS — John McCain is the presidential choice of a plurality of members of the National Grocers Association who attended Tuesday's opening general session of NGA's 26th annual convention here. Voting by hand-held devices, 42% of the audience said they would vote for McCain if the election were being held that day, compared with 32% who said they preferred Mitt Romney; 15% who preferred Barack Obama; 11% for Hillary Clinton; and 9% for Mike Huckabee.
And that's my view, what's yours?
Friday, February 22, 2008
Went Shopping at the Communist Red Star Tonight
I went shopping tonight. Wasn't planning to buy anything or even shop at all. A friend and I were hanging at the mall. I used a coupon to get free nuggets at chick-fil-a and then we stopped in the store that I refer to as "The Communist Red Star," because of their logo.
As I looked around at the expensive khaki's, knowing I needed some to replace the ones that have holes in them for work, I found a clearance rack. This clearance rack had khaki's marked down to $19.94. The 2 I bought were regularly priced at $50 or $55 each. It was something I needed, but certainly wasn't in my budget.
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As I looked around at the expensive khaki's, knowing I needed some to replace the ones that have holes in them for work, I found a clearance rack. This clearance rack had khaki's marked down to $19.94. The 2 I bought were regularly priced at $50 or $55 each. It was something I needed, but certainly wasn't in my budget.
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Website Flaunts Potential Illegal Activity
I have learned of an online tool that benefits the identity thieves. Yet our nations law enforcement don't seem to be doing anything about it. Since 9/11, we think that security is tighter, and that online tools as this, would be shut down quickly. Since I have spoken out on consumer advocacy issues before, I can't continue to be quite about this website any longer.
The website is called Fake Name Generator. The owner (Jacob Allred) of the site has registered both the .com (registered since July 1, 2006) and .org (registered since Dec. 31, 2007) versions of this name. According to the Who is records, if he used his real contact, he lives in Suffolk, Virginia. Another person has registered the .NET version, but has not developed the site. That person, according to the records lives in the Bahamas (registered since Aug 16, 2007).

The website blatantly promotes on the website, "Your Randomly Generated Identity." Then easily and for free the user can get a fake name, address, credit card number and social security number generated. Not only that it will give you a fake email address and website, both of which you would have to register, before they could actually be used.
With the website so blatant, I don't understand why it even still exists after nearly 2-years. I myself first learned of this site a few months ago, when another blogger discussed it. Figuring that it would be gone pretty quickly, I ignored it, However, in recent weeks I have returned to the site and found it was still active. I even played around with the tool and found it to work pretty well. However, my big concern is that identity thieves will and probably do use this site to commit fraud. Whenever, you use a fake social security number to obtain credit or job, you are committing fraud.
Some of my fellow bloggers think the website is OK, because you can use it to generate a fake online name or names for a book. However, my concern, if that was the case the site would not need to generate fake credit card or social security numbers. I really don't see any reason to generate those 2 numbers, except for fraud.

I called the Kansas Bureau of Investigation (KBI) and asked them the question, figuring that ways the place to start. If my concern warranted the attention, that I thought it did, they would certainly bring in the FBI. Amanda with the KBI, didn't feel that any crime was actually committed, because they have free speech. When asked about the social security numbers being on the site, she said that as much as we might not like it, there is no crime unless it can be proved that someone identity was actually stolen.
The website does say, in the FAQ's section:
As for the fake credit card, the website claims:
While it makes the following claim on the Social Security number it generates:
So they admit that they could in fact be real numbers. There lies the problem. It doesn't matter, if they match the name or not. Someone committing fraud whether they be an illegal alien, just trying to get a fake social security number to get a job, or someone that is more malicious trying to get credit without using their own number could easily misuse the number. This site, should be shut down or at least severely modified so that it does not include the fake numbers. Let me clarify my point, I have no problems with the fake name, address, phone, email, website or mothers maiden number. I do have a problem with the so called fake credit card and social security numbers and believe you should to.
I called Allred and asked him about my concerns and he claimed that his biggest clients were government agencies, like Australia. These organizations run computer software that needs national identity numbers to test basic computer software without risking disclosure of real information.
Um, OK, if you say so. He says the same thing about the credit card numbers. He did say that he understood my concern, but he really didn't see how it could be a problem.
His website does provide this response on the FAQ page:
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The website is called Fake Name Generator. The owner (Jacob Allred) of the site has registered both the .com (registered since July 1, 2006) and .org (registered since Dec. 31, 2007) versions of this name. According to the Who is records, if he used his real contact, he lives in Suffolk, Virginia. Another person has registered the .NET version, but has not developed the site. That person, according to the records lives in the Bahamas (registered since Aug 16, 2007).

The website blatantly promotes on the website, "Your Randomly Generated Identity." Then easily and for free the user can get a fake name, address, credit card number and social security number generated. Not only that it will give you a fake email address and website, both of which you would have to register, before they could actually be used.
With the website so blatant, I don't understand why it even still exists after nearly 2-years. I myself first learned of this site a few months ago, when another blogger discussed it. Figuring that it would be gone pretty quickly, I ignored it, However, in recent weeks I have returned to the site and found it was still active. I even played around with the tool and found it to work pretty well. However, my big concern is that identity thieves will and probably do use this site to commit fraud. Whenever, you use a fake social security number to obtain credit or job, you are committing fraud.
Some of my fellow bloggers think the website is OK, because you can use it to generate a fake online name or names for a book. However, my concern, if that was the case the site would not need to generate fake credit card or social security numbers. I really don't see any reason to generate those 2 numbers, except for fraud.

I called the Kansas Bureau of Investigation (KBI) and asked them the question, figuring that ways the place to start. If my concern warranted the attention, that I thought it did, they would certainly bring in the FBI. Amanda with the KBI, didn't feel that any crime was actually committed, because they have free speech. When asked about the social security numbers being on the site, she said that as much as we might not like it, there is no crime unless it can be proved that someone identity was actually stolen.
The website does say, in the FAQ's section:
We do not condone, support, or encourage illegal activity of any kind. We will cooperate with law enforcement organizations to assist in the prosecution of anyone that misuses the information we provide or that asks us to provide illegal materials, such as forged documents or genuine credit card numbers.
That being said, we really don't see how it could be. If you make up a random name and address off the top of your head, do you really think its illegal?
As for the fake credit card, the website claims:
We use Graham King's PHP credit card generator. This script creates a fake, but syntax valid, credit card number. The expiration date is randomly generated to be a date in the near future. We use inactive prefixes to ensure that these cards are not used for fraud. These credit card numbers do not reflect anyone's real credit card number.
While it makes the following claim on the Social Security number it generates:
Social security numbers are generated using the pattern outlined by the Social Security Administration. Social insurance numbers are generated using the pattern outlined on Wikipedia. These numbers are completely random, and are extremely unlikely to match the generated name.
So they admit that they could in fact be real numbers. There lies the problem. It doesn't matter, if they match the name or not. Someone committing fraud whether they be an illegal alien, just trying to get a fake social security number to get a job, or someone that is more malicious trying to get credit without using their own number could easily misuse the number. This site, should be shut down or at least severely modified so that it does not include the fake numbers. Let me clarify my point, I have no problems with the fake name, address, phone, email, website or mothers maiden number. I do have a problem with the so called fake credit card and social security numbers and believe you should to.
I called Allred and asked him about my concerns and he claimed that his biggest clients were government agencies, like Australia. These organizations run computer software that needs national identity numbers to test basic computer software without risking disclosure of real information.
Um, OK, if you say so. He says the same thing about the credit card numbers. He did say that he understood my concern, but he really didn't see how it could be a problem.
His website does provide this response on the FAQ page:
We do not condone, support, or encourage illegal activity of any kind. We will cooperate with law enforcement organizations to assist in the prosecution of anyone that misuses the information we provide or that asks us to provide illegal materials, such as forged documents or genuine credit card numbers.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
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Overtime at Work
Yesterday was a long (13-hour) busy day. Due to a mix up on the schedule, I went in early to cover the hours that we were short on. As a result, in addition to the 3-hours of overtime that I was scheduled for, I picked up an extra 5 hours.
Since OT is not generally authorized in my company, I am getting all that they will let me. Next week, I expect to use that extra income to pay down my AmeriFirst debt. An extra $100 on my paycheck will be freaking awesome.
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Since OT is not generally authorized in my company, I am getting all that they will let me. Next week, I expect to use that extra income to pay down my AmeriFirst debt. An extra $100 on my paycheck will be freaking awesome.
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Thursday, February 21, 2008
WOW! That FICO Jumped!
I logged into my Providian (Washington Mutual) credit card to see if my payment of $3.44 had cleared (it had), and while there checked my credit profile. Last month, I only had a FICO of 602. This month (as of February 1, 2008 my FICO had the biggest jump that I have ever seen. It now stands at 669. I guess paying off that credit card really helped improve my FICO. Now let's see what can happen as I pay off my other 3 debts. It will be difficult though, since I am sure, WaMu will shut off my access to their site at the end of the month. Unless they do something really absurd, like charge me interest on the $3.44.
Still though there is a difference between credit bureaus. Last week, my credit was checked by Prosper.com, which uses Experian and they have my credit ranked as an E (599-560). They also have 3 lines of credit with 2 open. So it is possible they either don't have the credit card info or don't have the updated info. If they had the same information, and scored it the same, I would have a Prosper grade of C (679-640)
It is time to run a new check on my credit with the Free Annual Credit Report tool. So I went and pulled the report for Experian and sure enough WaMu was there and it was up to date. With a balance due of $3, of course it may not have been there when Prosper.com pulled it.
In addition, I found a couple of minor items to dispute. Like addresses I have never been at. One in Florida, I even reported to law enforcement several years ago, when I got a notice from a debt collector about that address, but law enforcement seemed less then interested. Since then I reported to the credit bureaus that I never lived there. Heck I never ever lived anywhere in Florida. To top it off, while I went on Spring Break in Daytona and Orlando back in 1990 in never ever visited the city that is listed on my report. Hopefully in the next month or so, Experian will get that off the report.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
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Still though there is a difference between credit bureaus. Last week, my credit was checked by Prosper.com, which uses Experian and they have my credit ranked as an E (599-560). They also have 3 lines of credit with 2 open. So it is possible they either don't have the credit card info or don't have the updated info. If they had the same information, and scored it the same, I would have a Prosper grade of C (679-640)
It is time to run a new check on my credit with the Free Annual Credit Report tool. So I went and pulled the report for Experian and sure enough WaMu was there and it was up to date. With a balance due of $3, of course it may not have been there when Prosper.com pulled it.
In addition, I found a couple of minor items to dispute. Like addresses I have never been at. One in Florida, I even reported to law enforcement several years ago, when I got a notice from a debt collector about that address, but law enforcement seemed less then interested. Since then I reported to the credit bureaus that I never lived there. Heck I never ever lived anywhere in Florida. To top it off, while I went on Spring Break in Daytona and Orlando back in 1990 in never ever visited the city that is listed on my report. Hopefully in the next month or so, Experian will get that off the report.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Tax Time
It is once again that time of year to file our taxes. Unfortunately, I can't file mine for probably another month. Because of that real small holding I have (thanks to an inheritance) in a small local telephone company in my hometown. Since it is an LLC, I, as a shareholder am treated as a partner so I have to wait for them to file their taxes, before they can send me the information for mine. Something I hate, since I am one that always prefer to get my taxes filed early.
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Tuesday, February 19, 2008
FingerHut is Being Abusive and Violating the Law
I just received a call from someone claiming to be FingerHut. State law says they can't block their number, yet that is what they did. They claim they didn't receive my monthly payment on the 18th as the were expecting. They admit they received a payment on the 11th, but they were expecting payment on the 18th and so they were calling to find out where my monthly payment was.
Oh geez, you get it a week early, so it doesn't count? What a load of crock. All another reason to avoid these rip off artists!
I called Fingerhut directly and they apologized for the abusiveness of the person that called. We then reset up the payment arrangement, and they tried to get me to give them access to my bank account. Of course, I refused to give them any access like that at all.
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Oh geez, you get it a week early, so it doesn't count? What a load of crock. All another reason to avoid these rip off artists!
I called Fingerhut directly and they apologized for the abusiveness of the person that called. We then reset up the payment arrangement, and they tried to get me to give them access to my bank account. Of course, I refused to give them any access like that at all.
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Monday, February 18, 2008
Another Look At The Rebate Checks
Now that both houses of Congress has approved the stimulus package and the President has signed it, the checks are in the mail. Well not quite. The Treasury Department says that it will be early May of this year before they actually get in the mail. If you get one at all.
Will you get a check if you owe the IRS? How Much will you get? Will you get a check at all? These are all questions, I will answer in today's post.

OK, but there are people who owe the IRS, what about them? I might point out, that I am not talking about tax dodgers here. I am talking about people who for one reason or another came into a windfall of money. Spent it all. And now can't afford to pay the taxes. These people are guilty of poor planning, not of tax invasion.
So you are going to get a rebate check. What should you do with it?
Dave Ramsey actually made some suggestions recently that I thought would be perfect to share with you my readers.
Will you get a check if you owe the IRS? How Much will you get? Will you get a check at all? These are all questions, I will answer in today's post.

Tax rebate checks will be mailed to about 130 million people, according to the Internal Revenue Service. Because of amendments made to the bill in the Senate, some 20 million retirees living on Social Security and 250,000 veterans receiving disability benefits also will get checks.
Single tax filers with adjusted gross incomes of less than $75,000 and couples filing jointly with adjusted gross incomes of less than $150,000 will qualify for full rebates.How much is the rebate?
Most taxpayers will receive a check of up to $600 for individuals and $1,200 for couples, with an additional $300 for each child. Children are defined as younger than 17.
- Topeka Capital-Journal
OK, but there are people who owe the IRS, what about them? I might point out, that I am not talking about tax dodgers here. I am talking about people who for one reason or another came into a windfall of money. Spent it all. And now can't afford to pay the taxes. These people are guilty of poor planning, not of tax invasion.
If you owe taxes, the IRS will withhold your rebate and apply it to what you owe, according to a Treasury Department spokesman.
So you are going to get a rebate check. What should you do with it?
Dave Ramsey actually made some suggestions recently that I thought would be perfect to share with you my readers.
- Pay off debt. Dave Ramsey says, that this may be a no-brainer, but he expects few people will actually do it. As he points out, if you actually do this, then you will be one step closer to being able to buy that I-Pod, TV or whatever it is you have your eye on (for cash).
- Invest it. This is the idea I like best and if I wasn't payig down debt with mine would be exactly what I would do with my $600. Think about it, the way Ramsey put it. If you invest in a good "mutual fund averaging 12%. In 2018, that one-time investment will grow to approximately $2,000! If left in for 20 years, it will be worth about $6,500! For the married folks, this free money can grow up to $13,000 over 20 years." Now that's what I call a good investment.
- Have some fun Ramsey says that there is nothing wrong with having some fun with your rebate check. A nice dinner out, a couple pair of jeans, a movie are all fun things you could spend some of this money on. However, Ramsey reminds us, no warns us, to know our boundaries. "The quicker you get out of debt," Ramsey says, "the more fun things you can do and the more money you can give away to bless others."
- and finally -
So there you have it. What more can I say? Well there is one more thing. Something that even I believed was fact, for which it isn't. Take a look at this quote, also from the Capital-Journal article.
I have heard this is just an advance on next year's refund. Is that true?
No. This is actually a tax credit for 2008 that normally would reduce the tax you pay when you file next year. Instead, to stimulate the economy, Congress ordered a prepayment of the tax savings.
- Topeka Capital-Journal
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Articles To Watch For
I have been working the last few days, researching all the details for a couple of articles that I will be posting in the next few days. Both articles are expected to be articles for my column on CJ-Online as well as here at DebtFree4ever.net.
One article discusses the Rebate checks and the stimulus package recently passed by congress. I really spent a lot of time on this one, getting quotes from different sources and the whole works.
The other article, is one that deals with identity theft and trying to figure out why authorities aren't doing anything about a potential danger to our identities.
I will be doing this with increased time at work, as I have been scheduled 43 hours this next week. Man, will that be great on my paycheck. Looking to getting a few more debts paid down with that money.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
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I will be doing this with increased time at work, as I have been scheduled 43 hours this next week. Man, will that be great on my paycheck. Looking to getting a few more debts paid down with that money.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
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Rambling Thoughts on My Debt
Well I sent off the $3.44, to the credit card company. You don't think they will try to charge me interest on the interest do you? I really don't need yet another bill, for a few cents, to be hassled with. I have other debts that I must focus on. Like that nagging AmerFirst home improvement debt. Like the nagging FingerHut ($937) Ripoff debt ($1,000).
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
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go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
Get Paid to Sign Up, Refer Others, Read E-Mail, Complete Offers, and More!
Free Baseball
Hey all, I am a baseball fan and I just found this online version. It's 100% free to play.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
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![]() Baseball It is bottom of the ninth; rally your team to win the game with only 3 outs left |
Play this free game now!! |
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
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Friday, February 15, 2008
A little old lady answered a knock on the door one day, only to be confronted by a well-dressed young man carrying a vacuum cleaner.
'Good morning,' said the young man. 'If I could take a couple of minutes of your time, I would like to demonstrate the very latest in high-powered vacuum cleaners.'
'Go away,' said the old lady. 'I haven't got any money, I'm broke!' As she proceeded to close the door, the young man wedged his foot in the door and pushed wide open.
'Don't be too hasty,' he said. 'Not until you have at least seen my demonstration.'
And with that, he emptied a bucket of horse manure on to her hallway carpet.
'If this vacuum cleaner does not remove all traces of this horse manure from your carpet, Madam, I will personally eat the remainder. The old lady stepped back and said, 'Well I hope you've got a good appetite, because they cut off my electricity this morning.
What part of broke do you not understand?
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
Get Paid to Sign Up, Refer Others, Read E-Mail, Complete Offers, and More!
'Good morning,' said the young man. 'If I could take a couple of minutes of your time, I would like to demonstrate the very latest in high-powered vacuum cleaners.'
'Go away,' said the old lady. 'I haven't got any money, I'm broke!' As she proceeded to close the door, the young man wedged his foot in the door and pushed wide open.
'Don't be too hasty,' he said. 'Not until you have at least seen my demonstration.'
And with that, he emptied a bucket of horse manure on to her hallway carpet.
'If this vacuum cleaner does not remove all traces of this horse manure from your carpet, Madam, I will personally eat the remainder. The old lady stepped back and said, 'Well I hope you've got a good appetite, because they cut off my electricity this morning.
What part of broke do you not understand?
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
Get Paid to Sign Up, Refer Others, Read E-Mail, Complete Offers, and More!
Who Will be McCain's VP?
If you missed it in the news, Mitt Romney, who suspended his campaign for President last week, formally dropped out and endorsed McCain. This means his delegates are now free agents, who most likely will vote for John McCain.
Even though, I endorsed and voted for Mike Huckabee, I can see the witting on the wall. There are not enough remaining delegates, even if he won them all, to propel Huckabee to the nomination. There has been talk of Huckabee possibly being the VP pick for McCain. While, I think he would be the first and most obvious person for McCain to look at, he will not be given the nod.
As I have heard on FOX News, this is an historical year. The Democrats will either nominate the first woman or first African-American from a major political party. It would not be prudent to have two white men on the same ticket, on the GOP side. Meaning, one of the two parties will make history, by electing a minority to one of the two highest offices in the land.
Let's take a look at some of the names, I have heard mentioned as possibilities:
Haley Barbour - Barbour is very conservative, a former Republican National Committee chairman, and the Governor of Mississippi. However, Mississippi isn't a swing state and besides there is the age thing, as much hate mentioning it. McCain would do better finding someone a little younger. Besides, I really think, as I said earlier, that McCain would need a woman or African-American as his running mate.
Elizabeth Dole - Dole is the wife of former Kansas Senator Bob Dole. She also is the former President of the National Red Cross. In addition she has worked for the Presidencies of Johnson, Nixon and Ford. Latter she was President Reagan's Secretary of Transportation. Eventually, after her husbands failed bid for the Presidency, she was elected to the U. S. Senate from her childhood home of South Carolina. She is well liked, and could bring McCain the woman vote.
Some of the other names I have heard mentioned are Condi Lisa Rice and Colin Powell, neither of which even want the job.
Which brings me to a name that I have not heard mentioned. One that is a candidate, who has been on the ballot for President at least 3 times, but due to lack of funds has hardly garnered any votes. Someone, who could appeal to both the Conservatives as well as the African-American voters. That person's name is Ambassador Alan Keyes. As President Reagan's Ambassador to the United Nations, he is an experienced, articulate, and smart, African-American politician.
Who McCain chooses is anyones guess, but in my book he needs to find someone who will appeal to the social Conservatives, while at the same time attract the woman and or African-American voters. So if I was him, I would strongly consider Keyes.
And that's my view, what's yours?
Even though, I endorsed and voted for Mike Huckabee, I can see the witting on the wall. There are not enough remaining delegates, even if he won them all, to propel Huckabee to the nomination. There has been talk of Huckabee possibly being the VP pick for McCain. While, I think he would be the first and most obvious person for McCain to look at, he will not be given the nod.
As I have heard on FOX News, this is an historical year. The Democrats will either nominate the first woman or first African-American from a major political party. It would not be prudent to have two white men on the same ticket, on the GOP side. Meaning, one of the two parties will make history, by electing a minority to one of the two highest offices in the land.
Let's take a look at some of the names, I have heard mentioned as possibilities:
Haley Barbour - Barbour is very conservative, a former Republican National Committee chairman, and the Governor of Mississippi. However, Mississippi isn't a swing state and besides there is the age thing, as much hate mentioning it. McCain would do better finding someone a little younger. Besides, I really think, as I said earlier, that McCain would need a woman or African-American as his running mate.
Elizabeth Dole - Dole is the wife of former Kansas Senator Bob Dole. She also is the former President of the National Red Cross. In addition she has worked for the Presidencies of Johnson, Nixon and Ford. Latter she was President Reagan's Secretary of Transportation. Eventually, after her husbands failed bid for the Presidency, she was elected to the U. S. Senate from her childhood home of South Carolina. She is well liked, and could bring McCain the woman vote.
Some of the other names I have heard mentioned are Condi Lisa Rice and Colin Powell, neither of which even want the job.
Which brings me to a name that I have not heard mentioned. One that is a candidate, who has been on the ballot for President at least 3 times, but due to lack of funds has hardly garnered any votes. Someone, who could appeal to both the Conservatives as well as the African-American voters. That person's name is Ambassador Alan Keyes. As President Reagan's Ambassador to the United Nations, he is an experienced, articulate, and smart, African-American politician.
Who McCain chooses is anyones guess, but in my book he needs to find someone who will appeal to the social Conservatives, while at the same time attract the woman and or African-American voters. So if I was him, I would strongly consider Keyes.
And that's my view, what's yours?
Thursday, February 14, 2008
33 Ideas for Dating Frugally
Since today is Valentines Day, I thought I would post an entry about dating frugally. Love doesn't mean that you have to go into debt, trying to impress that special someone. Instead, if comes from the heart, it may not cost anything at all. These work great for singles as well as the married couples, going on those romantic dates to.
Lets set the mood by quoting Dating on a tight budget By Leah Gliniewicz of Bankrate.com, as well as some other ideas gathered from readers like you.
I am sure there are other ideas and would love to hear them. If you have any other ideas, comment to this post and let me know. I want to hear all of the ideas you have. I am sure there is 101 ideas out there, I just need to find them. Even if they won't work for me, they will for somebody. For example, I don't eat Italian, Mexican or Chinese food, so #9 wouldn't work as well for me. At least without some tinkering.
So what do you all think? Can you think of anything I missed?
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
Lets set the mood by quoting Dating on a tight budget By Leah Gliniewicz of Bankrate.com, as well as some other ideas gathered from readers like you.
- Test drive a sports car together.
- Browse a ritzy museum gift shop or art gallery.
- Find a dark, romantic bistro with great coffees and desserts, or an independent bookstore that encourages browsing.
- Spend the whole evening dressed and acting as characters from a play, movie or book that you both enjoyed.
- Do some star gazing at a local college observatory. It's open to the public during the school year and free.
- Have a picnic and explore a state or national park. You'd be surprised what you learn when you're closer to nature. Admission to these parks is usually under $10 or free.
- See a music laser show at a planetarium for around $6. Watch the colors fly through the air to some popular music.
- Check out a poetry reading or other events at a bookstore. Sometimes snacks or beverages are provided. Some bookstores have a calendar listing for all of their events.
- Create a food theme night (like Mexican, Mediterranean or Italian), and cook each other a dinner and appetizer at home.
- Rent a canoe or kayak and go out on a river or lake for an afternoon -- under $40.
- See a radio station music festival. It often features a day of bands, and tickets usually cost under $20. Or, check out a concert at a college; tickets may also be cheap.
- Look into local arts festivals, craft fairs, flea markets or antiques fairs. Admission is under $15, the browsing is free, but you may want to watch the cost of the food.
- See an IMAX movie for under $10. These films use a large film frame, a six-story movie screen and digital surround sound. These are cool because you feel like you're in the movie.
- Attend a wine or beer tasting. At less than $10 each, you get more bang for the buzz.
- Volunteer together. You'll be able to spend quality time together for a quality cause for free.
- Swing is back. Take a dance lesson and tear up the dance floor with the hottest moves. Sometimes the first lesson is free.
- Attend a student art show. Often the shows are free and refreshments are served.
- Rent your favorite movies that your date hasn't seen and watch them together. Keep your date in suspense, and don't leak out the good parts or the ending.
- Rent a Movie - You can duplicate the cinema experience by renting a favorite movie, making popcorn, and dimming the lights. Your date might even appreciate the extra leg room and ability to pause the flick for a restroom break.
- Sip Mocha Lattes - Starbucks can be your best friend when it comes to lounging with your date, shooting the breeze, and sipping your favorite coffee beverage. You might even take your relationship to a deeper level thanks to the coffee talk.
- Share a Sundae on Sunday - Take a trip to your local ice cream store and build a sundae together. You'll flirt over the toppings and sit close together as you spoon your way to sugar heaven.
- Walk in the Park - Combine exercise and fitness with romance.
- Natural Surroundings - The beauty of nature is all around us and it doesn't cost a dime. Whether it's a trip to the beach, a walk in the forest or a search into a cave, it can be done together for practically nothing. Take the time to find the natural scenic spots in your area and utilize them for your dates.
- Public Exhibits/Museums - Think about the museums and galleries around you, all filled with collections of interesting items for you to chat about. Most are reasonable in price and usually offer discount days, so keep you eye out for those.
- Special Events - On any given weekend, you can be guaranteed that some special event is going on nearby. Fairs, craft shows, festivals and exhibitions are usually free or for a nominal cost. It gets you and your date out and in an environment where you can both explore your surroundings while getting to know each other.
- Sporting Ideas - If you and your date are both athletic, sport activities together can be a great way to spend your time. Play a set of tennis, jog in the park, toss a Frisbee about, play catch with a baseball or football or shoot some baskets. Whichever you choose, you can spend quality time at minimal cost and get some exercise in, too.
- Video Games - Gaming has come a long way since Donkey Kong & Pac Man. It’s glorified board games for adults, basically. You can find a whole slew of trivia and game-show type games available at your local rental store. Five bucks for an hour or two of one-on-one friendly competition never hurt anyone and most realize that games aren’t just for kids.
- Second run movie theaters - we used to call these dollar movies, because the theater only charged a dollar for them. Now however, with movie price going up, these theater charge about $3-$4. Still a bargain when you would pay $8-$11 to see the new releases at the regular theater.
- Picnic - Picnics are great for dates because they can be taken along wherever you plan to go for the day and they cost a fraction of going out for a meal. They also can be made as casual or as romantic as you want. Take a casual picnic meal, add some cheese & wine along with a red rose and the picnic instantly takes on a romantic feel.
- Memory Album - Take your camera or purchase an inexpensive disposable camera and make a day of taking photos together. Make a theme for the day if you want or just take any crazy photo that comes to mind. Once finished, get the photos 1 hour processed and create a memory album together for the day that will live on forever.
- Historic Places & Buildings - It seems the only time people go looking at the historic landmarks near where they live is when visitors come from out of town. Many of these historic or culturally significant spots have no or small entrance fees and make a great place to go on a date. You also get to learn more about the area you live.
Meal/Evening At Home - Cook up a meal at home and spend the evening watching movies or some other activity such as a board game. The meal most likely will be better than at a restaurant and the evening will cost a fraction of what going out to dinner and a movie would cost. Cook the meal together to spend even more time together, or do it yourself as a special surprise.- Exercise together - Skating (Ice or Roller),
Scenic Bike Ride, a walk in the park are all great ways to exercise and yet have fun as well.
I am sure there are other ideas and would love to hear them. If you have any other ideas, comment to this post and let me know. I want to hear all of the ideas you have. I am sure there is 101 ideas out there, I just need to find them. Even if they won't work for me, they will for somebody. For example, I don't eat Italian, Mexican or Chinese food, so #9 wouldn't work as well for me. At least without some tinkering.
So what do you all think? Can you think of anything I missed?
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
Are My Thoughts Wise?
With all the turmoil at work, I have been toying more then ever, with a thought. A thought of borrowing from Prosper.com. There are about three reasons, let me know what you think.
- Lower my interest payment. Interest on my car is 10.15%, my home 16% and while the IRS debts, interest fluctuates.
- Get all existing debts, including IRS paid off
- finally, while I have no intention of defaulting, I wouldn't lose the car. in fact, if push came to shove, it would actually be easier to sell the car to pay off/down the loan and get a cheaper car.
It would be my hope to get a loan for no more then 9 or 10% interest, but hopefully I would be able to funded by my peers for less. In addition, I still believe I would be able to get the debts paid off in 24 months, instead of the entire 36 month life of the loan. The only difference, is I could pull back a month or two on the aggressive payments and just pay the lower payments. The nice thing is that I would pay off or pay down the IRS debt, that I is currently being differed.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Interest on paid off credit card
I logged into my Providian account today, and as suspected, they have charged me interest. That means that I owe another $3.44 to them. I expect to get that paid ASAP, so that I can finally have the debt forever behind me.
Although, yesterday, I did get a pre-approved credit card offer from them. Claiming I could get an introductory purchase APR of 0%, when I transfer a balance now. With a balance transfer APR of 9.99%-23.99%.
I guess now they want my business back. What fools. I would rather get a consolidation loan at prosper.com then with those creeps.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
Although, yesterday, I did get a pre-approved credit card offer from them. Claiming I could get an introductory purchase APR of 0%, when I transfer a balance now. With a balance transfer APR of 9.99%-23.99%.
I guess now they want my business back. What fools. I would rather get a consolidation loan at prosper.com then with those creeps.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
14-year old dies from heart failure
Did you hear about the 14-year old that was trying trigger a roadside speed sign. You know one of those digital signs that tells how fast you are driving, and if you are driving faster then the speed limit the sign will flash "slow down."
Well 14-year Andrew Underwood, of Baildon, West Yorks, United Kingdom, was attempting to get the sign to flash "slow down" by running past the signs radar.
He died later at the hospital.
His mom, a nurse, said he was very fit, or at least seemed to be, as loved sports and was involved in many different sports activities. Among them rugby, football (soccer for my USA readers), running, cycling and fishing.
And that's my view, what's yours?
Well 14-year Andrew Underwood, of Baildon, West Yorks, United Kingdom, was attempting to get the sign to flash "slow down" by running past the signs radar.
Sports-mad Andrew Underwood hoped that if he ran fast enough he would activate the flashing radar-controlled sign.
But as he rounded the bend near his home he collapsed in front of horrified pals. They carried him to a nearby house and he came round.
- The (London) Sun
He died later at the hospital.
His mom, a nurse, said he was very fit, or at least seemed to be, as loved sports and was involved in many different sports activities. Among them rugby, football (soccer for my USA readers), running, cycling and fishing.
His mum Jill, a nurse, said: “He seemed so fit and healthy. You name the sport, he’d done it.
“He was having a laugh with friends, and running to see if he could trigger the sign.”
- The (London) Sun
And that's my view, what's yours?
Monday, February 11, 2008
Should We Consider Lifelock?
If my debts weren't so bad, I would sign up in a heartbeat for the service. That is because it is a service for everyone. No matter, if you have been a victim of identity theft or just want to protect yourself.
People from all walks of life and ages have already signed up. One age group that is probably the most important age group is children and students. That is because those credit reports aren't closely monitored so they are much more easily stolen and used, without detection.
Other groups who already use it include both individuals and families who want to be proactive to protect their identity before it is stolen.
As a personal finance blogger, I highly recommend that you consider lifelock. As I said, if I didn't have all the debts that plaque me, I would certainly spend the few dollars to have my identity protected by lifelock.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Huckabee Wins Kansas, Uncommitted Wins Louisiana
After making stops in all four congressional districts Friday, Mike Huckabee soared to victory in Saturday morning's caucuses.
Senator McCain did stop in Kansas, but he only went to Wichita, ignoring the rest of the state. Ron Paul, who was speaking to Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Friday, sent his son to represent him, but he to only went to the states largest city. Governor Huckabee was the only candidate to make stops in each of the four congressional districts. As a result he won the 3 delegates from each of those congressional delegates.
In Louisiana Huckabee is winning that states primary with 90% of the precincts reporting. The problem is that even if he keeps his majority and wins the state, party rules in that state requires a candidate to get at least 50% of the votes, in order to get the winner take all delegates. So the result will be that the states
20 delegates will travel to the convention as uncommitted.
I Washington states caucuses the election is to close to call. Fox News is saying as I type this that there will be no winner declared in that race.
Stay tuned this election season is going to get really interesting.
And that's my view, what's yours?
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee won the Kansas Republican presidential caucus Saturday, trouncing presumptive GOP nominee John McCain.
Huckabee, who barnstormed across the state Friday, led in counties across the state in what will be seen as an upset win.
- KC Star
Senator McCain did stop in Kansas, but he only went to Wichita, ignoring the rest of the state. Ron Paul, who was speaking to Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Friday, sent his son to represent him, but he to only went to the states largest city. Governor Huckabee was the only candidate to make stops in each of the four congressional districts. As a result he won the 3 delegates from each of those congressional delegates.
In Louisiana Huckabee is winning that states primary with 90% of the precincts reporting. The problem is that even if he keeps his majority and wins the state, party rules in that state requires a candidate to get at least 50% of the votes, in order to get the winner take all delegates. So the result will be that the states
20 delegates will travel to the convention as uncommitted.
I Washington states caucuses the election is to close to call. Fox News is saying as I type this that there will be no winner declared in that race.
Stay tuned this election season is going to get really interesting.
Kansas Republican Presidential Caucus
Final Results
3:45 PM
Total Ballots: 19,516 + 493 Provisional Ballots (Total 20,009)
First Congressional District (Garden City)
Huckabee 60.46%
McCain 22.52%
Paul 9.51%
Second Congressional District (Topeka)
Huckabee 54.00%
McCain 24.23%
Paul 11.94%
Third Congressional District (Kansas City)
Huckabee 51.44%
McCain 26.31%
Paul 12.19%
Fourth Congressional District (Wichita)
Huckabee 66.83%
McCain 18.23%
Paul 10.15%
Statewide Total
Huckabee 59.6%
McCain 23.5%
Paul 11.1%
Delegates Awarded
Mike Huckabee 36
John McCain 2
Uncommitted 1
And that's my view, what's yours?
Foreclosure Scam
Officials in Kansas issued a warning this week, that would be good for everyone everywhere to listen to.
If you have heard of a company or individual known as "The Money Guy," then you may already be familiar with the scheme.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
The Kansas Office of the State Bank Commissioner is warning homeowners to beware of foreclosure-avoidance schemes because of expensive fees and the risk of sharing title to a third party.
"These schemes could actually hasten foreclosure," said Kevin Glendening, deputy commissioner of the Office of the State Bank Commissioner.
- Topeka Capital-Journal
If you have heard of a company or individual known as "The Money Guy," then you may already be familiar with the scheme.
Tony Schwartz, president of TMG Ventures, Tualatin, Ore., doing business as The Money Guy, must stop engaging in the business of making or collecting payments from supervised loans. The orders bar him from future application for license as a supervised lender in Kansas.
Schwartz was ordered to pay a $55,000 fine and a $60,000 fine.
Glendening said TMG Ventures did a deal with a Kansas couple whose outstanding loan was $145,000. In exchange for $14,400 from TMG (designed to bring their mortgage account current), the family relinquished to Schwartz a 95 percent interest in their property valued at $197,000.
"Refinancing is nearly impossible when you only control 5 percent of the interest in your property," Glendening said.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
Applications - I hate seeking a job
I spent the day yesterday putting in applications at various financial institutions. Still haven't heard back from the one credit union that I left a message on their voice mail, after they left one on my voice mail.
I do know that they will be conducting interviews this next week, so I expect to be able to connect with them, hopefully Monday.
It has been 11-years (1996) since I have seriously looked for a job. I must say, I hate this. I have been loyal to a company for 9-years. A company I had worked for previously for 5-years. When I returned to them, I didn't even fill out an application. It was a simple process of me calling someone I knew in the company and saying I was planning to move back to Topeka, and asking if there was a chance I could get rehired. The long and short of it, I was rehired and never searched for a job. 2-years previously when I returned to Kansas, I spent the longest time ever seeking a job. I was then offered 2 jobs within a week of each other.
I ended the afternoon going to hear the one and only Presidential candidate (and my choice) to visit Topeka. This morning is the caucuses, so I will heading over there in a few minutes, to attempt to get in the front of the line.
After that, I will have to prepare to go to work.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
I do know that they will be conducting interviews this next week, so I expect to be able to connect with them, hopefully Monday.
It has been 11-years (1996) since I have seriously looked for a job. I must say, I hate this. I have been loyal to a company for 9-years. A company I had worked for previously for 5-years. When I returned to them, I didn't even fill out an application. It was a simple process of me calling someone I knew in the company and saying I was planning to move back to Topeka, and asking if there was a chance I could get rehired. The long and short of it, I was rehired and never searched for a job. 2-years previously when I returned to Kansas, I spent the longest time ever seeking a job. I was then offered 2 jobs within a week of each other.
I ended the afternoon going to hear the one and only Presidential candidate (and my choice) to visit Topeka. This morning is the caucuses, so I will heading over there in a few minutes, to attempt to get in the front of the line.
After that, I will have to prepare to go to work.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Forgot This Was Insurance Month
I got that dang quarterly bill in the mail yesterday. I actually thought I had another month. I was wrong though. So now, I have to come up with the $327.10 by the 23rd of this month, to pay my insurance. Which means there is absolutely no way that I will get AmeriFirst paid off this month, except for a miracle. Of course, it was going to take a miracle anyway.
My quarterly premium pays my full coverage on my Chevy and my property insurance.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
My quarterly premium pays my full coverage on my Chevy and my property insurance.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
Huckabee in Kansas TODAY!
Folks, if you live in Kansas, today is your day. All 3 of the remaining presidential candidates will be in Kansas today. This is the year that Kansas isn't being overlooked. Mike Huckabee, the candidate that I endorsed a couple of weeks ago on this very blog will be criss crossing the state today, while the other two will be making just 1 token stop apiece in Wichita. Below is the schedule for all of the days events.
And that's my view, what's yours?
Mike Huckabee in Kansas
8:00 AM Rally
Olathe, Kansas
Mid-America Nazarene University, Bell Cultural Events Center
2030 E. College Way
Olathe, KS 66062-1899
11:00 AM Rally
Wichita, Kansas
Colonel James Jabara Airport
3512 N. Webb Road
Wichita, KS 67226
**NEW LOCATION-- Topeka, Kansas**
3:30 PM Rally
Downtown Ramada Inn
420 E 6th Street
Topeka, KS 66607
6:00 PM Rally
Garden City, Kansas
Clarion Inn Hotel
1911 E Kansas Ave
Garden City, KS 67846
John McCain in Kansas
1:00 PM, Press Conference
Wichita, Kansas
Hawker Beach Craft Services FBO
Wichita Mid-Continent Airport
2299 Airport Road
Wichita, KS 67209
Ron Paul in Kansas
6:00 PM Event
Best Western Airport Inn
6815 W Kellogg Dr
Wichita, KS 67209
And that's my view, what's yours?
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Rant about the weather
We had another 8-inches of snow that dumped on us again a couple of days ago. Man, I am tired of all this crap that we are getting this year.
Anyway, this time we got a decent amount of rain which froze underneath the snow. So today being payday, and riding on empty, I went to get ice. Guess what. My dang, gas tank was iced shut. I cut my knuckles trying to chip the ice away (without damaging my paint).
To top it off my city, doesn't blade the roads. Because they don't want to damage the roadway. So they just throw salt and sand down and call it good. Then the cities police issue their annual press release reminding citizens are to have their sidewalks and driveways shoveled within 12 hours (or 6 hours from sunrise) to avoid getting a $100 ticket (plus $71 court costs). The gall of the city to expect private citizens to do what they refuse to do on the streets. It is even worse then that. I live on a side street, and I may never even see them come down the street with salt and sand.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
Anyway, this time we got a decent amount of rain which froze underneath the snow. So today being payday, and riding on empty, I went to get ice. Guess what. My dang, gas tank was iced shut. I cut my knuckles trying to chip the ice away (without damaging my paint).
To top it off my city, doesn't blade the roads. Because they don't want to damage the roadway. So they just throw salt and sand down and call it good. Then the cities police issue their annual press release reminding citizens are to have their sidewalks and driveways shoveled within 12 hours (or 6 hours from sunrise) to avoid getting a $100 ticket (plus $71 court costs). The gall of the city to expect private citizens to do what they refuse to do on the streets. It is even worse then that. I live on a side street, and I may never even see them come down the street with salt and sand.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
Romney Dropping Out?
Things may be looking better for Huckabee. It seems that Mitt Romney may be suspending his campaign.
I would expect many of his Kansas voters, as well as voters in the remaining states would vote for Huckabee.
Only 1200 delegates remain up for grab, between now and the final primary/caucus on June 3 (New Mexico). That would mean that Romney would need to grab at least two-thirds of those delegates to secure the nomination.
As I said, I expect Huckabee to win more states now that Romney is out.
And that's my view, what's yours?
WASHINGTON (AP) ― Mitt Romney will either suspend his presidential campaign or withdraw completely from the presidential race, CBS station WBZ-TV has learned.
I would expect many of his Kansas voters, as well as voters in the remaining states would vote for Huckabee.
Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney will suspend his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, according to sources within his inner circle.
A number of those sources said a decision could come as soon as his speech at the Conservative Political Action Committee conference this afternoon in Washington, D.C.
- Washington Post
Only 1200 delegates remain up for grab, between now and the final primary/caucus on June 3 (New Mexico). That would mean that Romney would need to grab at least two-thirds of those delegates to secure the nomination.
As I said, I expect Huckabee to win more states now that Romney is out.
And that's my view, what's yours?
Rising Net Worth and Job Applications

go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
States Won by Each Candidate
Huckabee (6)
West Virginia
Romney (10)
North Dakota
McCain (12)
New Hampshire
South Carolina
New Jersey
New York
Kansas (Republicans caucus Sat. Feb 9)
And that's my view, what's yours?
West Virginia
Romney (10)
North Dakota
McCain (12)
New Hampshire
South Carolina
New Jersey
New York
Kansas (Republicans caucus Sat. Feb 9)
And that's my view, what's yours?
Message Left on My Voice Mail
Last night, while at work, I received a call from one of my applications from CareerBuilder.com. The great thing is, that was the job I felt most comfortable about submitting. It's for a financial institution. Now, I just have to get the call returned sometime today.
Of course, there is no guarantee that it will actually lead to a job, but I am hopeful.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
Of course, there is no guarantee that it will actually lead to a job, but I am hopeful.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Huckabee Wins 5 more States
OK folks, I just got home from work and am excited about the results, thus far. I can't do much, in depth tonight, as I have to be back to work bright and early in the morning. I will say things are looking up for Huckabee again.
This Saturday, I am expecting Kansas to add another win to Huckabee. I for one will be at my nearest caucus location, to cast my vote. I will be wearing my Huckabee sweatshirt and waving a Huckabee rally sign.
But for the results.
Huckabee won:
West Virginia
And that's my view, what's yours?
This Saturday, I am expecting Kansas to add another win to Huckabee. I for one will be at my nearest caucus location, to cast my vote. I will be wearing my Huckabee sweatshirt and waving a Huckabee rally sign.
But for the results.
Huckabee won:
West Virginia
And that's my view, what's yours?
Thanks Toni
I would like to express my gratitude to Toni, who contributed $5 towards my debt relief funds, on January 27.
CareerBuilder VS Monster
Yesterday, I went to apply for a sales job (at a light store) that was advertised in Saturday's paper. However, they told me that the position had already been filled. So I came home. and signed up for CareerBuilder.com. I must say, that I think I like CareerBuilder.com better then Monster.com.
It seems there are more job offerings at CareerBuilder and well the application process tends to be easier then on Monster. Has anyone else noticed this? What, do those of you that have used these sites, think?
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
It seems there are more job offerings at CareerBuilder and well the application process tends to be easier then on Monster. Has anyone else noticed this? What, do those of you that have used these sites, think?
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Appliance Magic Cleaner
Monica is voting Republican
Monica is voting Republican, the Democrats left a bad taste in her mouth.
1 million miles

Did you hear the other day, about the frugal guy, that's so frugal that he is still a truck with 1 million miles?
Oresnik took the 1991 Chevrolet Silverado to the Oil Ex-Change Quick Lube in Medford on Thursday for what he expects will be its last oil change and tuneup before hitting the magic number.
- Autonet.CA
If you are wondering how a 1991 pickup can have that many miles, the last paragraph may explain it.
He bought the Silverado in June 1996 after the original owner put 41,000 miles on it. Oresnik uses the vehicle to deliver seafood in three states, putting on about 85,000 miles a year.
- Autonet.CA
Now that is a frugal guy. He wisely bought his truck used and took proper care of it, driving of sorts, into the ground.
He credits proper maintenance and a good measure of luck for allowing the truck to rack up so many miles. He said he's had more than 300 oil changes and tuneups at the Medford business, going in every 3,000 miles.
What's even better, is he has never overhauled the engine.
The truck has had four radiators, three gas tanks, five transmissions and six water pumps, but the engine has never been overhauled, Oresnik said.
- Chicago Sun-Times
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
Appliance Cleaner
2 tablespoons non-sudsy ammonia
1 teaspoon liquid dish soap
1 pint rubbing alcohol
1 gallon water
Store in a spray bottle.
1 teaspoon liquid dish soap
1 pint rubbing alcohol
1 gallon water
Store in a spray bottle.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Thoughts on the Work Situation
With the uncertainty of things at work, despite higher up assurances, I am more then ever committed to getting these debts paid off. I'm not sure how, but with the uncertainties I need to more then ever, get my debts paid off by March 31. That means $1,000/month. Which also means doubling my income.
This may mean somehow to increase the motonization of my blogs, with such things as Google Adsense and PayPerPost. Whatever, it is, however it happens, I realize more then ever, I do need to trust this to God.
In the meantime, I need to find another job, so I can get away from all the rumors. If the higher ups are lying to us, I want to be gone before it becomes a reality.
Someone that has been loyal all these years, and to feel betrayed and lied to, has made it harder for me to continue going in everyday and repeat what we are being told from above.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
This may mean somehow to increase the motonization of my blogs, with such things as Google Adsense and PayPerPost. Whatever, it is, however it happens, I realize more then ever, I do need to trust this to God.
In the meantime, I need to find another job, so I can get away from all the rumors. If the higher ups are lying to us, I want to be gone before it becomes a reality.
Someone that has been loyal all these years, and to feel betrayed and lied to, has made it harder for me to continue going in everyday and repeat what we are being told from above.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
Romney Declared Winner in Maine
With most of Maine's municipal caucuses having been yesterday and with Romney with a significant lead, Mitt Romney has been declared the winner by FOX News. The remaining municipalities in Maine will vote today, Sunday 2/3/08.
With that, Romney is projected to pick up 10 delegates, McCain 4, Huckabee 3 and Paul 2
And that's my view, what's yours?
With that, Romney is projected to pick up 10 delegates, McCain 4, Huckabee 3 and Paul 2
And that's my view, what's yours?
Conservative Thoughts on The Republican Primaries/Caucuses

Mike Huckabee says he will not step aside, no matter how much pressure he faces to let John McCain and Mitt Romney duke it out in a two-man race.
So lead the report from FOX News.
Later, the man from Hope (Arkansas) said in Tuscaloosa,
If this were a boxing match, you’re gonna have to completely knock me out and carry me out of the ring because I’m not throwing in the towel. Absolutely not going to leave the ring and I’m going the distance … On any given day another candidate can say something that can take them completely out, so I’m never one that gives up hope.
Romney claims to be conservative, and wants to consolidate the conservative vote behind him.
Romney and his strategists have said Huckabee could split the conservative vote, a bloc Romney is courting heavily. He wants to consolidate support among that group as McCain comes under fire from the far right for being too moderate on illegal immigration and other hot-button issues.
Conservative? Really? Let's see we know McCain is the most liberal Republican candidate in the race. Or so the conventional thought is. With McCain being weak on the human life amendment, traditional marriage and immigration. All issues that Conservatives differ with him on.
However, let's look at Romney who is weak on the human life amendment, gun rights not to mention the homosexual agenda. He supports curriculum that promotes homosexuality and even supports laws forcing businesses to favor homosexuality. One would think with his Mormon background that he would be opposed to this key "moral" issues, but the facts say otherwise.
Coming in a close third behind Roney and McCain in National polling, he told FOX News that he was frustrated that anyone was calling this a 2-man race. “Why would you call me a Romney spoiler? Why don’t you call Romney a Huckabee spoiler?”
A FOX News poll released Friday showed McCain with 48 percent, Romney with 20 percent and Huckabee with 19 percent. Texas Rep. Ron Paul took in 5 percent in the poll.
Polls suggest Huckabee could come in second, or maybe even squeak out a win in southern, conservative states like Georgia, Alabama, Missouri, Oklahoma and his home state of Arkansas.
Personally, this blogger would like to see Ron Paul withdraw. I believe many of his 5% of the registered voters would then fall in behind Huckabee and his flat tax plan.
One more note, this is a Conservative thought, but I just heard on FOX News that one candidate, has paid $2 million to have an ad on during the Super Bowl. That one candidate is the one candidate that can afford it. The one candidate that is trying to buy the nomination. I won't get to see it, since I have to be at work. Oh well.
Please join me, in casting your vote for the only true Conservative Mike Huckabee.
And that's my view, what's yours?
Friday, February 1, 2008
Silent Joke
It's not much of a secret, I am a huge Coca-Cola fan. However, I must admit I found the new Pepsi Super Bowl commercial to be laugh out loud (LOL) funny.
It involves 2 deaf people, trying to locate their deaf friends house. They are arguing about who was suppose to have the address, when the driver gets an idea.
Being on the cutting edge of blogging, I have gotten the 30-second commercial for you to preview now, without waiting until Sunday. Go ahead and check it out, and then leave me your comments on this hilarious video. This Coca-cola fan loves it and I truly believe you will to.
And that's my view, what's yours?
The Joke No One Heard
Have you heard about the Super Bowl commercial that Pepsi is running prior to the big game? It involves 2 deaf people, trying to locate their deaf friends house. They are arguing about who was suppose to have the address, when the driver gets an idea.
Being on the cutting edge of blogging, I have gotten the 30-second commercial for you to preview now, without waiting until Sunday. Go ahead and check it out, and then leave me your comments on this hilarious video.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
It's Going, Going, It's Gone

The batter stepped up to the plate. The pitcher winds up and throws a Providian Credit Card payment. The batter takes his swing and makes connection with the ball. As the credit card payment with a 31.74% interest rate sails over the pitchers head and out of the ballpark.
After a December payment had reduced this debt to $395, January interest charges brought this debt back up to $405.83. Now with help of the $147 received from Google AdSense this month the debt was brought down to a big fat $32. Because, some of my other bills, and unplanned spending to get a yard sign and sweatshirt for my Presidential candidate, I only sent $130 (1/29/08) off to Providian.
Finally, I went yesterday and withdrew $32 from my small emergency savings account. Today I sent the final payment of $32. Now I will have to see, if they send me another bill with additional interest charges on it. Hopefully they wont, but we shall see.
With one less debt to worry about, I can now get my home improvement (Amerifirst), Fingerhut and the IRS eliminated. My plan is to try to somehow get AmeriFirst and Fingerhut paid off by the end of March. Not sure how I will pull it off, but that is my hope. I am so pumped though.
I am eager to get these debts paid by April, though I would really like to be completely debt-free by then to. We will see what happens. Of course, I need to get an emergency savings built and kept to.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
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