Sunday, September 23, 2007

Do They Make Up Their Stats?

I have been tracking stats with yet another service I just learned of (Quantcast). As such, I have been checking both addresses my blog uses. Funny thing is they have widely different stats for the same page.
Check it our here: (rank 782,776)
-and- (rank 362,901)
So my question is, do they make these stats up? I mean my domain name, gets twice as many visitors as the blogspot address? For the same exact page?

I do believe, where the blogspot address dies off a week ago, is where I switched the CNAME settings, so that my address shows up in the browser window instead of the blogspot address. However, since it is the exact same page it should have similar numbers. Apparently though, the blogspot numbers are made up. Even the rank they say is a puesdo-rank.


  1. I manage about 20 websites that have traffic ranging from 1,000 to 1,700,000 unique visitors a month. The Quantcast numbers are pretty accurate. Of course the more traffic your site gets, then the more accurate the Quantcast estimates are.

  2. Anonymous -
    I think you missed the point of the question....DebtFree4ever.NET and are the same exact address. Yet Quantcast has 2 different stats for the same exact page. The blogspot address forwards into the that stats should be exactly the same.

  3. Sorry about the confusion. In our system, those two domain names count as two different websites. We do it that way because we allow publishers with many sites to use a single code. The domain name is what we use to determine the site; two domains means two sites in our system.

    We also provide a rollup of the aggregate traffic of the two domains listed as "Debtfree4ever network":

    This way you have three indications. Two profiles for the traffic level at each domain name, and one for the total traffic across both.

    The rollup also calculated unique reach. That is, any person who visits both domains will be counted as one in the rollup even though they are counted in each of the two domain profiles.

    Let me know if you have any other questions, and thanks for using our service.

    Paul Sutter

  4. We should do a better job of explaining pseudorank.

    We currently only rank top-level-domains in our rankings, but give a "pseudorank" to subdomains.

    Pseudorank is the rank that a subdomain would have if it were a top-level domain. It lets people get an idea of where they stand, without disrupting the domain ranks.

    Let us know if you have any other questions, and thanks for using our service

    Paul Sutter
