As the year draws to a close, I wanted to wish one and all a very Happy new Year. The past year has been a great year. As you can see here, I made a lot of posts and since beginning this blog, I have made a lot pf progress towards my debt. Still though, I have a long way to go. I have some plans to get better control of my finances, if things work out.
In addition, I must find a way to start and or finish these projects that I need to get done around my home.
Home Office (approx.$500) started a few years ago in my basement. Basically a room in my unfinished basement, that will be the most secure room in the house for my computer equipment. Even if the house is broken into, they would have to break into this room while the alarm was going off. (the work would be done by myself and volunteers. In addition to security, it would create more room in my living areas and with the new sub floor get things off the damp cement. Insulation ($200-$300) I have been here for 8 years and I still have no insulation in the attic. I am estimating that I will need 10 rolls, to get a good start. If that is correct I will need another 10 to put on roof side of the attic. Obviously, the 1ST priority is getting insulation in the ceiling as that is the closest barrier to the living area. Driveway ($2500-$5000) In my backyard I have one parking spot where a garage used to be. I would like to bring in a bulldozer and remove the retaining wall, leveling the ground some (probably a slight slope) and put in a driveway to get both the roommates car and mine off the street. Cost estimates from a neighbor in the business is $2500 graveled and $5,000 paved. Of course I think I will start with gravel. Since there would be the slope, I think when I pave it, it should be heated for the winter. IE: don't want to slide down hill into a narrow alley and hit the neighbors garage. I have no idea how much that would cost, but I can go a few years with a graveled driveway.
So the new year looks bright as I pay down my debt, but I wonder where I am going to get funds for the projects I need to work on also, especially the insulating the attic project.