Thursday, May 5, 2011

Changes on Site are for the Better

Good morning. If you are one who physically visits this blog regularly, you have probably already noticed some changes taking place. If you read through one of the various feed outlets you probably don't. I recently decided after much soul searching and time in prayer to make these changes. Changes that I believe with all my heart and soul are for the better. These changes come in the form of sponsors.
After some time of laughing that companies who I posted that I wanted to go out of business were sponsoring me in part, I have decided that it really isn't a good idea. Especially as a minister of God everything I do is based upon honesty. Looking at scripture, I think 1 Corinthians 15:33 is the best reason for this decision.
Do not be fooled: "Bad friends will ruin good habits."
- 1 Corinthians 15:33 (NCV)

It is for this reason I can no longer accept money from any payday loan places. I do not trust any of them and believe they are harmful to anyone's budget. As such I have moved all these sponsors I am still in contract with to a thank you page. Above their links is warning message that they are not to be trusted. The only exception is one that I am contractually obligated to leave on the front page. My honesty and integrity prohibits me from removing these links completely until the contracts expire.

These changes mean I will have to trust God even more to bring the right sponsors to me. However, being more selective will present a better message and glorify my God even more so I am not worried. God will bring the sponsors and people will continue to hear the message. Especially as I begin teaching small classes, God will provide for the new expenses incurred in this newest part of this ministry. After all God feeds the birds how much more important are we his followers?

go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.

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