Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Flashback Tuesday: The 10 Steps To Live on Less
Time once again for Flashback Tuesday. Each Tuesday we pull a post from the archive to republish. The following post was originally published Thursday, December 06, 2007.
Frugal for Life recently wrote an article that she called "11 Simple Steps to Living on Less." The article was a very good, but brief explanation of some of the very simple things you can do to get your spending under control.
As she so elegantly stated, "Debt is outcome from living beyond our means and wanting it all now. But if you are serious about getting into the black and living a life that makes you happy, there are some simple ways to get back on track."
It is a message that I have said repeatedly on both of the personal finance blogs that I write.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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Frugal for Life recently wrote an article that she called "11 Simple Steps to Living on Less." The article was a very good, but brief explanation of some of the very simple things you can do to get your spending under control.
As she so elegantly stated, "Debt is outcome from living beyond our means and wanting it all now. But if you are serious about getting into the black and living a life that makes you happy, there are some simple ways to get back on track."
It is a message that I have said repeatedly on both of the personal finance blogs that I write.
- Make A spending Plan.. This is the number one thing. You must spend every dollar, every cent on paper at the very beginning of every month. There can be no exceptions, you must do it. If you don't plan your "Fun" money around your monthly obligations, then you will be in a financial pinch when the late fees start adding up.
- Pay Yourself... One the things that most every financial expert agrees on is "pay yourself first." Savings should be a line on your budget as if it were another bill. Once your debts are paid off, move those funds to your savings line. This will allow you to save up for those big purchases. Save for your next car, so that you can pay cash for it. Don't forget to save for your retirement to. You don't want to spend your golden years working at the golden arches for failing to plan.
- Examine every single purchase... One thing we must do every time we make a purchase, no matter how big or small is ask ourselves, "do I really need it." If it is a big purchase, we must not only compare prices, but if we are married, we must talk it over with our spouses.
- Follow every Cent... It is important to know where every little cent goes that we spend. It is the little things that can really blow a budget. 60 cents for a candy bar or can of pop may not seem like a tot but they can really add up. Just buying 1 candy bar and 1 can of pop each day at work from the companies vending machine at 60 cents will cost $20. It isn't enough just to balance your checkbook, but to keep a spending diary of those little things you spend "pocket money" on.
- Pay your bills when they come in... What more can I say. Pay your bills on time and you will avoid the late fees. The best way to do this, and it is something that I need to improve myself, is to pay the bills when you get them. Don't let the bills set idle on your desk. Of course, this may mean getting the debts paid off, before you can actually be in a financial position to do this.
- Cut your expenses... Be honest with yourself. If you can't afford something, evaluate your need for it. Do you really need your cable or satellite TV? It doesn't matter how much you want it, if you can't afford it, you need to cut it out. The money you are spending on that service can be applied to your debts, so that you can become debt free sooner. The sooner you are debt free and can build your emergency fund, the sooner you can "enjoy your money" again. As long it is done within your budget.
- Find free alternatives... There are a number of things you can do or get for free. Instead of buying (or renting) books, videos/DVD's and music borrow them from the library. Instead of running out and buying a new piece of furniture, look on FreeCycle for whatever you may be looking for. I have given away a few things on the site, and I have received some bar stools by putting out a request on there.
- Cut up your credit cards... This is very important. Both John Cummuta and Dave Ramsey suggest this. If you think you are going to build wealth by using your credit card(s), then think again. Look at where you live, then look at the homes of the credit card companies. Multi-story buildings of glass and steel, pretty impressive, huh? Think you are going to have something that nice? Not if you keep giving them your hard earned money. Now look inside. See all that nice furniture. It's yours! They bought it with the money they stole from you.
- Remain Focused... To help you remain focused on getting debt free, make a goal. Write it down and post it on your mirror or refrigerator. Someplace you will see it every day, to remind yourself of why you are getting debt free.
- Set priorities... Finally, you must prioritize! If you really want to be debt free, you must live on less then you make. It doesn't matter if you make $19,000, $30,000, or $60,000 you must live on less then you make. You must decide what you really need and what you don't. Eliminate all nonessential bills.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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Monday, May 30, 2011
Frugal Monday: Memorial Day Edition
Each Monday I post some frugal ideas that we could all use to save ourselves some money. However, since today is Memorial Day I thought I would post some ideas specific to this day. However, they can be used anytime as well. So with out much further ado here we go.
- Our first idea comes from Living on Love and Cents and is an activity for the kids. To do this activity you will need
Oatmeal container
Then you -Cover the oatmeal container with the blue construction paper. Cut stars out of the white construction paper and glue all over the blue. Cut strips of red and white construction paper or use streamers and attach to the end of the container. Punch 4 holes (with a hole punch) at opposite end of the container and tie string going through the holes. Finally, wave your wind sock proudly! She even has ideas make the activity educational.
red and white streamers or strips of construction paper
blue and white construction paper
string - Another idea instead of going to ballpark to watch the Texas Rangers, Kansas City Royals, Chicago Cubs or what ever team is in your area and spending almost $200 (for a family of four) for the privilege. Why not take in a little league team a cheer on some youngsters from the bleachers. Or if you wish to step up the spending just a little bit, you can watch professional baseball by going to a minor league game where adult ticket prices are only about $8 each and many local businesses offer discounted tickets (if you look around).
- If you are going to grill out this weekend, don't buy pre-made items. Make your own hamburger patties from ground beef. Make your own potato salad and coleslaw. Also for hotdogs buy several packages of these while they are on sale and keep them in the freezer until you actually need them. In fact even the hamburgers, you can buy the ground beef on sale and make the hamburger patties and put them in a storage container in the freezer and just use them as you need them.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Brent & Yuliza in Guatemala - May Newsletter
Here's our May newsletter. We hope that you enjoy reading what's been going on with us in Guatemala.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support!
Brent Potter
Thank you so much for your prayers and support!
Brent Potter
Freebies Saturday - Memorial Day Weekend Edition - 5/28/11
It is time once again for this weeks Freebie Saturday. I make every effort to make sure that the freebies I list are real free offers. If you have to answer a survey and then go through 50 pages of ads to get the so called free item, I consider that spam. That is why I make every effort to make sure that those websites are never included in my list.

Hope you all have a great and safe Memorial day weekend.
Now on to this weeks Freebies list....
--- go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think. follow me on Twitter and facebook

Hope you all have a great and safe Memorial day weekend.
Now on to this weeks Freebies list....
- Kids can attend a Free Biplane Build and Grow Clinic at Lowe’s on Saturday
- Get a free sample of Huggies Pull-Ups Flushable Moist Wipes. They help your big kid learn to stay clean - and then flush away. Get your free sample courtesy of Walmart.
- Free Ice Cream Walmart Ice Cream Social on Today ONLY 5/28 at participating locations only. Other stores are having a Johnsonville and Borden Cheese Event. So check the links for events in your area.
- Download your Free Martha Stewart Grilling eCookbook here.
It is full of tasty grilling ideas for you to try this summer and comes in four chapters:
Appetizers & Extras
Salads & Sides
Main Dishes
Click on the "download the cookbook" link to get the whole book, or you can select each chapter individually if you prefer. - Print this coupon and bring it to your local Walmart Vision Center to get a free cloth to clean your glasses and free cleaner specially designed to clean glasses. This is a simple print and redeem coupon. The products are only free while they are available so hurry in before your local Walmart runs out.
--- go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think. follow me on Twitter and facebook
Financial Shutdown Report - May 27, 2011
Time once again for the weekly Financial Shutdown report. However, this is a holiday weekend. Therefore no banks were seized by the government. Have a great and safe Memorial Day weekend.
Update: Just received notification (Press Release) from the Feds that they did make a rare bank seizure on a holiday weekend. Here are the details:
First Heritage Bank, Snohomish, Washington, was closed today by the Washington State Department of Financial Institutions, which appointed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) as receiver. To protect the depositors, the FDIC entered into a purchase and assumption agreement with Columbia State Bank, Tacoma, Washington, to assume all of the deposits of First Heritage Bank.
Due to the Memorial Day holiday, the five branches of First Heritage Bank will reopen on Tuesday as branches of Columbia State Bank. Depositors of First Heritage Bank will automatically become depositors of Columbia State Bank. Deposits will continue to be insured by the FDIC, so there is no need for customers to change their banking relationship in order to retain their deposit insurance coverage up to applicable limits. Customers of First Heritage Bank should continue to use their existing branch until they receive notice from Columbia State Bank that it has completed systems changes to allow other Columbia State Bank branches to process their accounts as well.
Customers with questions about today's transaction should call the FDIC toll-free at 1-800-815-0286. The phone number will be operational this evening until 9:00 p.m., Pacific Daylight Time (PDT); on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., PDT; on Sunday from noon to 6:00 p.m., PDT; and thereafter from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., PDT. Interested parties also can visit the FDIC's Web site.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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Update: Just received notification (Press Release) from the Feds that they did make a rare bank seizure on a holiday weekend. Here are the details:
First Heritage Bank, Snohomish, Washington, was closed today by the Washington State Department of Financial Institutions, which appointed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) as receiver. To protect the depositors, the FDIC entered into a purchase and assumption agreement with Columbia State Bank, Tacoma, Washington, to assume all of the deposits of First Heritage Bank.
Due to the Memorial Day holiday, the five branches of First Heritage Bank will reopen on Tuesday as branches of Columbia State Bank. Depositors of First Heritage Bank will automatically become depositors of Columbia State Bank. Deposits will continue to be insured by the FDIC, so there is no need for customers to change their banking relationship in order to retain their deposit insurance coverage up to applicable limits. Customers of First Heritage Bank should continue to use their existing branch until they receive notice from Columbia State Bank that it has completed systems changes to allow other Columbia State Bank branches to process their accounts as well.
Customers with questions about today's transaction should call the FDIC toll-free at 1-800-815-0286. The phone number will be operational this evening until 9:00 p.m., Pacific Daylight Time (PDT); on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., PDT; on Sunday from noon to 6:00 p.m., PDT; and thereafter from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., PDT. Interested parties also can visit the FDIC's Web site.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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Friday, May 27, 2011
Many Thanks
I want to give a great big thank you to my latest sponsor discount codes who joined me though my fiverr gig. So without any further ado welcome aboard discount codes.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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Thursday, May 26, 2011
Credit Scores Are Better Than Expected
My wife and I recently checked our credits as we continue to save and work toward owning our own home. We were surprised to find that our numbers were better then we expected. I had had 654 with Experian 560 with Equifax and 627 with TransUnion. For my wife she had a big 0 on all three. You can bet I will be looking into correcting some errors that we found in the report. Thank you Jesus. Please continue to pray that He will bless us with the ability to make a purchase soon. Of course His timing is what we must think about to. Patience after all is a virtue.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Budgeting According To The Bible
If you are going to get debt free the next step is to write a budget. A written plan. As much as people groan at the thought of writing a budget, it is important to do so. A budget is your road map to get through your financial life.
- A budget is even Biblical. In Luke 14:28-30 Jesus tells us,“Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first set down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it? For if he lays the foundation and is not able finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule him, saying, 'This fellow began to build and was not able to finish.'”A. When starting to budget it is important to remember God. That is why the first lesson was God vs Debt. Proverbs 21:5 tells us, “The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely haste leads to poverty.”B. The first step in your budgeting is to figure out how much income you have. At this point it doesn't matter what you spend. Because you need to get to the point where what you spend is based on what your income is. You cannot do that until you figure out how much you have coming into your budget.C. It is important to list all of your gross income, including all commissions, bonuses, tips and interest that you will earn over the next 12 months. If you have a fluctuating income like those on commission you should use a low yearly average, dividing it by twelve (12).D. Once you determine how much income you have, you need to plan on giving the first 10% to God. Deuteronomy 14:22 says, “Be sure to set aside a tenth of your fields produce each year.”E. Some will say, “Okay, but that doesn't say it has to be the first 10%.” However you have to look at the Bible in whole. Other verses like Exodus 23:19 says, “Bring the best of the first fruits of your soil to the house of the Lord your God. There is no question God wants us to give to Him off the top. 2 Corinthians 9:7 says, “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” He is to be first in our lives and that includes our finances.
- Now that we have our tithe figured out; we can focus on the rest of our plan. As someone named Anonymous once said, “people don't plan to fail, they fail to plan.”Time to look at taxes. I know you hate them as much as I do, but they are part of our life.A. Then Jesus said to them, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God's.” - Matthew 22:21B. Whether it be withholding taxes, social security or state and local taxes they must be deducted from your gross income. If you are employed by someone else, this will already be done fore you. If you are self-employed you must remember to set aside money for your quarterly payments.C. You have to be careful though. You cannot treat unpaid tax money as a windfall profit.D. Before we move to the next category in budgets we need to address other deductions that you may have in your paycheck. Deductions for such things as insurance, automatic savings deductions, retirement, union dues and other items that may come out of your check before you receive it may be treated in one of two ways.I. You include them with your taxes when you figure your tax deductions from your gross income.II. Or you can include them in your spendable income and deduct them from their proper category (which is the preferred option by most personal finance gurus).
- After tithes and taxes your your family needs to come next. 1 Timothy 5:8 says, “But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith, and is worse then an unbeliever.”Such expenses asA. Rent or MortgageB. Home (or Renters) insuranceC. UtilitiesD. Maintenance (and)E. SavingsF. Groceries (including paper and non-food items normally bought at grocery stores)are all necessary expenses that make up taking care of your family on a daily basis. However, eating out is NOT a necessary expense. As such would not be included here.
- Next is automobile expenses. Here you need to be sure to include anyA. Car paymentsB. InsuranceC. GasD. OilE. Maintenance (and)F. SavingsHere (like in the housing section) there are two purposes for the savings in this category.A. First, eventually the vehicle will breakdown. It will need a new fuel pump, transmission or some other repair. Those “unexpected expenses” are not unexpected. They are unplanned. You know eventually they will need replaced or repaired, so make them part of your plan. By setting aside a little every month you can be prepared when those pesky “unexpected” expenses arise.B. Second, the amount set aside needs to be a sufficient enough to replace the car every five to ten years, so you can pay cash for it.C. Finally, annual or semi-annual insurance payments need to be set aside on a monthly basis.
- That brings us to the insurance category next. This category includes all insurance except home and auto, which are included in their own respective categories. Like we discussed before all annual or semi-annual insurance payments should be set aside on a monthly basis.
- After insurance comes categories to pay your debts, entertainment/recreation, clothing, emergency fund, medical expenses, holiday/birthday gifts, school/child care, retirement and investments.
This process will show you that you cannot budget every line. It simply isn't possible on most budgets. However, you will have something in most every category. Subtracting expenses from you net spendable income. If expenses are greater then income, you need to figure out what expenses can be cut out. For example is it necessary to have cable?
It may be difficult to give up some of the luxuries that we love but we have to if we are going to follow God's plan for our budget (and lives).
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Flashback Tuesday: Why Should Everyone Pay Off The Mortgage Early
The below post was originally posted on May 5, 2006
Ever since I started listening to John Cummuta and Dave Ramsey, I keep hearing people say but, "I don't want to pay off my house. I would lose my tax deduction on mortgage interest. Besides I can invest the extra money and earn more money."
I say Horse Hockey!" As Ramsey says, only his "broke financial advisers" teach that. Let me try to explain to you the truth as both Ramsey and Cummuta tell it. First let me ask what tax bracket are you in? Let's say you, as Cummuta was, are in the 28% tax bracket. That means for every one dollar ($1) of interest you pay to your bank, you get to save 28 cents in taxes."
Now, let me say you will still get your tax deduction the entire time you are paying off your mortgage. It only ends when the mortgage is paid off. OK back to my explanation.
Does it still sound like a good deal? If so you can send me $100,000 and I will send you $28,000, as soon as your check clears in my bank account.
In the typical scenario, a full dollar is leaving your life on its way to the bank and Uncle Sam is giving you a 28-cent tax break to ease the pain. However, in this scenario, the only thing leaving your life is the 28 cents. You ARE 72 cents ahead on every dollar.
Paying off the mortgage early is better, because 72 cents will always be more than 28 cents.
I want to give a great big thank you to my latest sponsor discount codes who joined me though my fiverr gig. So without any further ado welcome aboard discount codes.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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Ever since I started listening to John Cummuta and Dave Ramsey, I keep hearing people say but, "I don't want to pay off my house. I would lose my tax deduction on mortgage interest. Besides I can invest the extra money and earn more money."
I say Horse Hockey!" As Ramsey says, only his "broke financial advisers" teach that. Let me try to explain to you the truth as both Ramsey and Cummuta tell it. First let me ask what tax bracket are you in? Let's say you, as Cummuta was, are in the 28% tax bracket. That means for every one dollar ($1) of interest you pay to your bank, you get to save 28 cents in taxes."
Now, let me say you will still get your tax deduction the entire time you are paying off your mortgage. It only ends when the mortgage is paid off. OK back to my explanation.
Each dollar of interest you pay to the bank (or mortgage company) is deductible from your taxable income, which saves you the 28 cents you would otherwise have paid to the government on that dollar as income tax. But think about that. You're giving up a full dollar to save 28 cents. Whereas, if you pay off your mortgage, you will indeed have to pay 28 cents federal income tax on each dollar not going to mortgage interest...but your getting to keep the other 72 cents (72%)! Ask yourself, would you rather pay a dollar (mortgage interest) to save 28 cents, or pay 28 cents (tax) to keep the dollar?
Does it still sound like a good deal? If so you can send me $100,000 and I will send you $28,000, as soon as your check clears in my bank account.
In the typical scenario, a full dollar is leaving your life on its way to the bank and Uncle Sam is giving you a 28-cent tax break to ease the pain. However, in this scenario, the only thing leaving your life is the 28 cents. You ARE 72 cents ahead on every dollar.
Paying off the mortgage early is better, because 72 cents will always be more than 28 cents.
I want to give a great big thank you to my latest sponsor discount codes who joined me though my fiverr gig. So without any further ado welcome aboard discount codes.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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Monday, May 23, 2011
Frugal Tip #43 Beware of Special Offers
Earlier this year, I started posting a more in depth look at each of the frugal tips. Over the next few weeks I will publish the frugal tips that I have collected. Please note that not every tip will work for everyone. Chose as many of the tips that will work with you and your family and start implementing them. Today we will proceed with Tip #43 Beware of freebies and coupon offers, they might end up costing you more.
Many people love to get a freebie. So much so they may make a special trip to a store, just to pick up a freebie. Such as during our own Freebie Saturday this past Saturday. One of the offers was for a free bottle of shampoo by going to Nordstrom's. One person even commented how that was a waste of gas just to drive to Nordstom's and get your free bottle of shampoo. She of course, no matter how cynical the comment may have sounded was correct. It is my hope that any getting the freebie from Nordstom's was already going to be there or near there and only worked it into their schedule. If they were making a special trip they in fact was wasting energy by paying more in fuel for the previously unplanned trip then a bottle of shampoo could otherwise be bought for.
Likewise the same goes for coupons. That coupon may look like a great deal and I do encourage you to use coupons. However, you must do so smartly. Here is what I mean. When you use a coupon the final price must be less (cheaper) then what you normally would pay for that product. For example lets say you normally buy a store brand of canned vegetables for 99 cents, but you have a coupon for brand x that is 25 cents off. If the final price of brand x (after the coupon) is still more then 99 cents then that is not a good deal. In that case the coupon should be passed up at least for another week.
In fact the best time to use a coupon (to maximize savings) is buy a sell item with a coupon. However, still compare prices. The couponed item still needs to be cheaper then what you normally would pay a similar product. The coupon is to save you money. If you spend more to get a different brand, just because you have a coupon then you aren't saving anything. You want coupons to help you out. You want to be the thriftiest you can be.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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Many people love to get a freebie. So much so they may make a special trip to a store, just to pick up a freebie. Such as during our own Freebie Saturday this past Saturday. One of the offers was for a free bottle of shampoo by going to Nordstrom's. One person even commented how that was a waste of gas just to drive to Nordstom's and get your free bottle of shampoo. She of course, no matter how cynical the comment may have sounded was correct. It is my hope that any getting the freebie from Nordstom's was already going to be there or near there and only worked it into their schedule. If they were making a special trip they in fact was wasting energy by paying more in fuel for the previously unplanned trip then a bottle of shampoo could otherwise be bought for.
Likewise the same goes for coupons. That coupon may look like a great deal and I do encourage you to use coupons. However, you must do so smartly. Here is what I mean. When you use a coupon the final price must be less (cheaper) then what you normally would pay for that product. For example lets say you normally buy a store brand of canned vegetables for 99 cents, but you have a coupon for brand x that is 25 cents off. If the final price of brand x (after the coupon) is still more then 99 cents then that is not a good deal. In that case the coupon should be passed up at least for another week.
In fact the best time to use a coupon (to maximize savings) is buy a sell item with a coupon. However, still compare prices. The couponed item still needs to be cheaper then what you normally would pay a similar product. The coupon is to save you money. If you spend more to get a different brand, just because you have a coupon then you aren't saving anything. You want coupons to help you out. You want to be the thriftiest you can be.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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Saturday, May 21, 2011
Freebies Saturday - End of The World Edition (May 21, 2011)
It is time once again for this weeks Freebie Saturday. I make every effort to make sure that the freebies I list are real free offers. If you have to answer a survey and then go through 50 pages of ads to get the so called free item, I consider that spam. That is why I make every effort to make sure that those websites are never included in my list. Since some are saying tonight is the end of the world, I thought I would include that into this weeks edition of Freebies Saturday.
- Get a free sample of Nature’s Bounty fish oil. You will also receive money-saving offers, coupons and product updates throughout the year.
- Join the Friendly's Best Friends Club today and you will receive a Free 3-Scoop Sundae just for signing up.
But that's not all, you will also get special birthday offers for you and your family, plus the latest info on special events, news and announcements from your nearest Friendly's Ice Cream store.
Wish there was a Friendly's in Texas, but the closest ones are in Florida. So for those of you in the east you will have to enjoy mine for me. - Hey ladies! This weeks Sample Saturday at Nordstrom will feature Fekkai Glossing Shampoo & Conditioner.
Just stop by any Nordstrom store this Saturday May 21, to pick up your Free Fekkai Glossing Shampoo & Conditioner samples.
Be there early as these are only while supplies last, no coupon required. - Benjamin Moore is giving out coupons redeemable for a free pint of paint in your choice of color. This would be great to try out a new paint before you commit or to use on a small craft project.
You can get your free pint of Benjamin Moore paint by liking them on Facebook and printing out the free coupon.You can take the coupon to a Benjamin Moore store to redeem it.
The coupon expires June 30, 2011. - Walmart has Rayovac Batteries for under $2, plus there is a HOT NEW $2 off ANY Rayovac Batteries Printable Coupon, making these FREE after coupon! Many Target Stores also have Rayovac Batteries for $2 and under, located in the dollar section, making these FREE after coupon! Hurry this coupon will probably reach the print limits fast!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Three Banks Seized by the FDIC on May 20
On Friday, May 20, 2011, Atlantic Southern Bank, Macon, GA and First Georgia Banking Company, Franklin, GA was closed by the Georgia Department of Banking and Finance, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was named Receiver.
All deposit accounts (of the combined 26 branches), excluding certain brokered deposits of both institutions, have been transferred to CertusBank, National Association (N.A.), Easley, SC and will reopen as branches of CertusBank, N.A. during regular business hours.
On the west coast the Feds seized Summit Bank, Burlington, WA was closed by the Washington State Department of Financial Institutions, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was named Receiver. All deposit accounts, excluding certain brokered deposits, have been transferred to Columbia State Bank, Tacoma, WA and will reopen as branches of Columbia State Bank during regular business hours.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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All deposit accounts (of the combined 26 branches), excluding certain brokered deposits of both institutions, have been transferred to CertusBank, National Association (N.A.), Easley, SC and will reopen as branches of CertusBank, N.A. during regular business hours.
On the west coast the Feds seized Summit Bank, Burlington, WA was closed by the Washington State Department of Financial Institutions, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was named Receiver. All deposit accounts, excluding certain brokered deposits, have been transferred to Columbia State Bank, Tacoma, WA and will reopen as branches of Columbia State Bank during regular business hours.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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Austin, TX, USA
Thank you James
I would like to thank James Blackwell - Broker Review for becoming a new sponsor on the blog. Welcome James and thanks for using my fiverr gig.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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Small Homes Under 100 Square Feet (or even 500 SF)
Back in July 2007 I posted an article about a lady that had an 84 square foot home. I had seen the story on CNN. It was truely a thrifty idea.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Seven Interview Questions That Kill Careers
When I opened my email this morning the Wall Street Journal had an interesting article that discussed What Not to Say in a Job Interview.
Not only will answering your cell phone, showing up late or dressing inappropriately kill your chances, but so will what you say. Even if you think a comment is completely innocent it may be a career killer.
Not only will answering your cell phone, showing up late or dressing inappropriately kill your chances, but so will what you say. Even if you think a comment is completely innocent it may be a career killer.
- So, tell me a little about yourself.
The article says that it is hard to know what the interviewer is looking for this question, which is often the first question, but it is safe to assume they want a bit of background on your professional history. If you begin with your place of birth, childhood or God forbid your bad relationship with your parents the interview will be pretty much over. The article also says that is okay to"Ask them where they'd like you to begin," says Carolyn Thompson, an executive recruiter and author of 10 Steps to Finding the Perfect Job. Are they looking for your entire professional background, or just your most recent work experience? "It gives you a point to work forward or backward from," Thompson explains.
- Wall Street Journal's Fins Finance - Why do you want to leave your current job?
The article says that if you are going on interviews you should want to leave a current employer. It continues by saying that you should never bad mouth your current employer and say that you are just looking for a change. It's okay, according to the article, to discuss a problem with the current employer, but you must show how you attempted to solve it so you don't sound like a whiner.Rita Boyle, a senior executive search consultant with New Jersey-based Cornerstone Search Group, suggests explaining how the change is the next logical step for your career path.
"Explain why you're running to their company instead of why you're running away from your current one," Boyle says.
Other no-nos? Noting that you want to leave your company (or join a new one) because of anything relating to location, pay, or benefits.
- Wall Street Journal's Fins Finance - What are your biggest strengths and weaknesses?
This question requires some degree of modesty. Answering it without the slightest bit of modesty will help kill the interview. The worst thing is to say you don't have any weaknesses. Just as bad is identifying a weakness but not explaining how you got through it. They want to know how you are able to work through those challenges.
When it comes to strengths don't overbuild yourself but don't give a one size fits all answer either.Mark Herschberg, a career skills professor at the Levin Institute in New York City, says almost every candidate trots out a platitude about being smart or hard-working.
"In those cases, I respond, '95% of the candidates gave me that same answer, can you tell me anything that distinguishes you from them?'" he says.
- Wall Street Journal's Fins Finance - How would your current or former colleagues describe you?
This is not the same question as above; don't give the same answer. There is a difference between how you see yourself and how those you work with see you.
Don't claim to be a great person to hang out with after work. The prospective employer wants to know about during work hours. Likewise don't claim to be the only person to do anything right. Instead think about what each level of the workforce (subordinates, bosses, equals) think about you. How would each of them define you. - What is your goal for the short term?
You need to know how they are defining short-term. They may be thinking 18 months while you are thinking six months, so make sure you get a time-frame upfront. Knowing this can change your answer to a more appropriate one. One thing you don't ever want to say you are leaving in short order to start your own business, go back to school, or that you see yourself in the interviewer's job. - Are there certain tasks or types of people you don't like?
This is a particularly loaded question, according to Steven Raz, co-founder of Cornerstone Search Group, so make sure to tread carefully. Steer clear of any answer that is abrasive to authority figures, he counsels.
At the same time, Bruce Hurwitz of Hurwitz Strategic Staffing, a New York City executive recruiting firm, advises not to feign a universally agreeable demeanor. Be honest here, and note the things you tend to avoid -- whether it's people who are overly chatty, or jobs that require endless data input -- as long as the tasks or personalities aren't going to be an inherent part of the role.
- Wall Street Journal's Fins Finance - Do you have any questions?
According to the article not having a question or "coming up blank" shows that you aren't thoughtful or interested in the job. I was surprised to read this, because I don't know how many times I have said there wasn't anything I could think of and I still landed the job. I mean if I feel the interviewer had covered everything why would I have a question? So I was particularly curious what the article had to say about this.And not just any questions in return are appropriate. No-nos include asking about compensation for the job, what the company does, if you can work from home, how much vacation time you'll get, or if the drug and background testing are really mandatory. Ask queries that will help "match up your skills, experiences and accomplishments with what they're looking for," says Raz.
Some good questions to ask might be:
Instead of fumbling in the final minutes of the interview, be prepared with a few great questions that show you're interested in both the company and the job.
- Wall Street Journal's Fins Finance - In this position, how will you measure success?
- How has your career unfolded here?
- What are your priorities for next year, in light of what's happening in the market?
- How was your firm able to close (a recent deal)?
Again this is not a place to discuss compensation or benefits. Instead focusing on your career with them and showing that you are interested in the company even knowing what is in the news regarding them, as you can see by the suggested questions above.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Money Quotes
I thought it would be interesting to take a look at some of the various quotes out there about money. Hope you enjoy them.
The holy passion of Friendship is of so sweet and steady and loyal and enduring a nature that it will last through a whole lifetime, if not asked to lend money.
- Mark Twain, Pudd'n'head Wilson, 1894
The borrower is slave to the lender and the debtor to the creditor.
- Thoughts by Benjamin Franklin from Poor Richard's Almanac, or from his letters, on life and prosperity.
The safe way to double your money is to fold it over once and put it in your pocket.
- Frank Hubbard
There is a very easy way to return from a casino with a small fortune: go there with a large one.
- Jack Yelton
We can tell our values by looking at our checkbook stubs.
- Gloria Steinem
My problem lies in reconciling my gross habits with my net income.
- Errol Flynn
The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave of the lender.
- Proverbs 22:7
Car sickness is the feeling you get when the monthly payment is due.
- Author Unknown
Inflation hasn't ruined everything. A dime can still be used as a screwdriver.
- Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
I am opposed to millionaires, but it would be dangerous to offer me the position.
- Mark Twain
There's no money in poetry, but then there's no poetry in money, either.
- Robert Graves
I cannot afford to waste my time making money.
- Louis Agassiz
They who are of the opinion that Money will do everything, may very well be suspected to do everything for Money.
- George Savile, Complete Works, 1912
When I have money, I get rid of it quickly, lest it find a way into my heart.
- John Wesley
It is an unfortunate human failing that a full pocketbook often groans more loudly than an empty stomach.
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt
The real measure of your wealth is how much you'd be worth if you lost all your money.
- Author Unknown
Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.
- Cree Indian Proverb
The only reason a great many American families don't own an elephant is that they have never been offered an elephant for a dollar down and easy weekly payments.
- Mad Magazine
I'd like to live as a poor man with lots of money.
- Pablo Picasso
No matter how hard you hug your money, it never hugs back.
- Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
There are people who have money and people who are rich.
- Coco Chanel
"Your money, or your life." We know what to do when a burglar makes this demand of us, but not when God does.
- Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966
It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven't lost the things that money can't buy.
- George Horace Lorimer
A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it.
- Bob Hope
Always borrow money from a pessimist, he doesn't expect to be paid back.
- Author Unknown
If you lend someone $20, and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.
- Author Unknown
Every day I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I'm not there, I go to work.
- Robert Orben
If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of car payments.
- Earl Wilson
Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons.
- Woody Allen
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy you the kind of misery you prefer.
- Author Unknown
Money often costs too much.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
The waste of money cures itself, for soon there is no more to waste.
- M.W. Harrison
I'm so poor I can't even pay attention.
- Ron Kittle, 1987
If you make money your god, it will plague you like the devil.
- Henry Fielding
When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old I know that it is.
- Oscar Wilde
The economy depends about as much on economists as the weather does on weather forecasters.
- Jean-Paul Kauffmann
Money is power, freedom, a cushion, the root of all evil, the sum of blessings.
- Carl Sandburg
If women didn't exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning.
- Aristotle Onassis
Money is much more exciting than anything it buys.
- Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966
Money is human happiness in the abstract; and so the man who is no longer capable of enjoying such happiness in the concrete, sets his whole heart on money.
- Arthur Schopenhauer, Parerga and Paralipomena, 1851
Money is the last enemy that shall never be subdued. While there is flesh there is money - or the want of money; but money is always on the brain so long as there is a brain in reasonable order.
- Samuel Butler, Notebooks, 1912
Money will buy you a pretty good dog, but it won't buy the wag of his tail.
- Henry Wheeler Shaw
We ought to change the legend on our money from "In God We Trust" to "In Money We Trust." Because, as a nation, we've got far more faith in money these days than we do in God.
- Arthur Hoppe, 1963
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The holy passion of Friendship is of so sweet and steady and loyal and enduring a nature that it will last through a whole lifetime, if not asked to lend money.
- Mark Twain, Pudd'n'head Wilson, 1894
The borrower is slave to the lender and the debtor to the creditor.
- Thoughts by Benjamin Franklin from Poor Richard's Almanac, or from his letters, on life and prosperity.
The safe way to double your money is to fold it over once and put it in your pocket.
- Frank Hubbard
There is a very easy way to return from a casino with a small fortune: go there with a large one.
- Jack Yelton
We can tell our values by looking at our checkbook stubs.
- Gloria Steinem
My problem lies in reconciling my gross habits with my net income.
- Errol Flynn
The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave of the lender.
- Proverbs 22:7
Car sickness is the feeling you get when the monthly payment is due.
- Author Unknown
Inflation hasn't ruined everything. A dime can still be used as a screwdriver.
- Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
I am opposed to millionaires, but it would be dangerous to offer me the position.
- Mark Twain
There's no money in poetry, but then there's no poetry in money, either.
- Robert Graves
I cannot afford to waste my time making money.
- Louis Agassiz
They who are of the opinion that Money will do everything, may very well be suspected to do everything for Money.
- George Savile, Complete Works, 1912
When I have money, I get rid of it quickly, lest it find a way into my heart.
- John Wesley
It is an unfortunate human failing that a full pocketbook often groans more loudly than an empty stomach.
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt
The real measure of your wealth is how much you'd be worth if you lost all your money.
- Author Unknown
Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.
- Cree Indian Proverb
The only reason a great many American families don't own an elephant is that they have never been offered an elephant for a dollar down and easy weekly payments.
- Mad Magazine
I'd like to live as a poor man with lots of money.
- Pablo Picasso
No matter how hard you hug your money, it never hugs back.
- Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
There are people who have money and people who are rich.
- Coco Chanel
"Your money, or your life." We know what to do when a burglar makes this demand of us, but not when God does.
- Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966
It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven't lost the things that money can't buy.
- George Horace Lorimer
A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it.
- Bob Hope
Always borrow money from a pessimist, he doesn't expect to be paid back.
- Author Unknown
If you lend someone $20, and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.
- Author Unknown
Every day I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I'm not there, I go to work.
- Robert Orben
If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of car payments.
- Earl Wilson
Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons.
- Woody Allen
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy you the kind of misery you prefer.
- Author Unknown
Money often costs too much.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
The waste of money cures itself, for soon there is no more to waste.
- M.W. Harrison
I'm so poor I can't even pay attention.
- Ron Kittle, 1987
If you make money your god, it will plague you like the devil.
- Henry Fielding
When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old I know that it is.
- Oscar Wilde
The economy depends about as much on economists as the weather does on weather forecasters.
- Jean-Paul Kauffmann
Money is power, freedom, a cushion, the root of all evil, the sum of blessings.
- Carl Sandburg
If women didn't exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning.
- Aristotle Onassis
Money is much more exciting than anything it buys.
- Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966
Money is human happiness in the abstract; and so the man who is no longer capable of enjoying such happiness in the concrete, sets his whole heart on money.
- Arthur Schopenhauer, Parerga and Paralipomena, 1851
Money is the last enemy that shall never be subdued. While there is flesh there is money - or the want of money; but money is always on the brain so long as there is a brain in reasonable order.
- Samuel Butler, Notebooks, 1912
Money will buy you a pretty good dog, but it won't buy the wag of his tail.
- Henry Wheeler Shaw
We ought to change the legend on our money from "In God We Trust" to "In Money We Trust." Because, as a nation, we've got far more faith in money these days than we do in God.
- Arthur Hoppe, 1963
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Technical Issues is Still Troubling
Wow! What a w eek this past week has been. Especially the weekend. Our host blogger was having technical issues. As a result they removed some of the post(s) during the effected time period, which included some comments.
While the posts are back (in fact I now have my post that was affected on the blog 4 times. However, as of yet they have not restored the comment that was still in the awaiting moderation from "LisaClark". As you can see I attempted to answer her on the post, but still six days after the post was originally posted; the comment is still not back. I am unable to approve it because it supposedly doesn't exist. I have contacted blogger about the issue (even following their specific requests for how to contact them) and thus far have received no response.
It is frustrating as I want her comment published, but blogger is slow to respond. Of course I know they have a lot of accounts, but they claim that it is all done. So if it is done, where is the comment? They have a link to submit problems if a blog is still having issues, but as I said no response.
Rest assured, I am interested in everyone of your comments and the fact blogger has not restored even one comment that I am aware of is of concern to me. I am hoping that blogger gets it restored today.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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While the posts are back (in fact I now have my post that was affected on the blog 4 times. However, as of yet they have not restored the comment that was still in the awaiting moderation from "LisaClark". As you can see I attempted to answer her on the post, but still six days after the post was originally posted; the comment is still not back. I am unable to approve it because it supposedly doesn't exist. I have contacted blogger about the issue (even following their specific requests for how to contact them) and thus far have received no response.
It is frustrating as I want her comment published, but blogger is slow to respond. Of course I know they have a lot of accounts, but they claim that it is all done. So if it is done, where is the comment? They have a link to submit problems if a blog is still having issues, but as I said no response.
Rest assured, I am interested in everyone of your comments and the fact blogger has not restored even one comment that I am aware of is of concern to me. I am hoping that blogger gets it restored today.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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Monday, May 16, 2011
Frugal Tip #42 Proper Tire Inflation
Earlier this year, I started posting a more in depth look at each of the frugal tips. Over the next few weeks I will publish the frugal tips that I have collected. Please note that not every tip will work for everyone. Chose as many of the tips that will work with you and your family and start implementing them. Today we will proceed with Tip #42 keep your tire well inflated.
Did you realize that according to fueleconomy.gov that up to 3% of fuel economy is lost for every 1 psi the tires are under-inflated? That's right, for every 1 pound your tires are under inflated you lose 3% of your cars fuel economy.
How do you know what the correct tire pressure for your particular vehicle is? Since 2003 the law requires a placard on new vehicles must be located on the driver's side doorjamb (B-pillar). If a vehicle does not have a B-pillar, then the placard is to be placed on the rear edge of the driver's door. And if the vehicle does not have a B-pillar and the driver's door edge is too narrow, the placard is to be affixed on an inward facing surface next to the driver's seating position.
Prior to 2003 they can be located on the driver-side door or doorjamb, Fuel filler door, glove box or center console door, the engine compartment or on Ford Sedans they were placed on the rear passenger doorjamb.
It is highly recommended that you check your tire pressure at least once a month and save yourself the expense of lost fuel economy. Please if you don't already start being proactive and check your tire pressure regularly.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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Did you realize that according to fueleconomy.gov that up to 3% of fuel economy is lost for every 1 psi the tires are under-inflated? That's right, for every 1 pound your tires are under inflated you lose 3% of your cars fuel economy.
You can improve your gas mileage by up to 3.3 percent by keeping your tires inflated to the proper pressure. Under-inflated tires can lower gas mileage by 0.3 percent for every 1 psi drop in pressure of all four tires. Properly inflated tires are safer and last longer.That translates into an equivalent gasoline savings of up to $0.12 per gallon. Lets say you have a 20 gallon tank on your vehicle. That would be $2.40 per tank of gas or nearly half a gallon of gas that you are losing because improper tire pressure.
- fueleconomy.gov
How do you know what the correct tire pressure for your particular vehicle is? Since 2003 the law requires a placard on new vehicles must be located on the driver's side doorjamb (B-pillar). If a vehicle does not have a B-pillar, then the placard is to be placed on the rear edge of the driver's door. And if the vehicle does not have a B-pillar and the driver's door edge is too narrow, the placard is to be affixed on an inward facing surface next to the driver's seating position.
Prior to 2003 they can be located on the driver-side door or doorjamb, Fuel filler door, glove box or center console door, the engine compartment or on Ford Sedans they were placed on the rear passenger doorjamb.
It is highly recommended that you check your tire pressure at least once a month and save yourself the expense of lost fuel economy. Please if you don't already start being proactive and check your tire pressure regularly.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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Sunday, May 15, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Freebies Saturday - May 14
It is time once again for this weeks Freebie Saturday. This makes the 22nd edition of this feature. I make every effort to make sure that the freebies I list are real free offers. If you have to answer a survey and then go through 50 pages of ads to get the so called free item, I consider that spam. That is why I make every effort to make sure that those websites are never included in my list.
Get a FREE Gillette Fusion ProGlide Razor – Click take the Challenge in the middle of the page. Then another page will come up, you will need to click the “Challenge” tab again and it will the direct you to the form. You need to be sure you’re a Fan of Gillette of Facebook.
If you got this last year you can’t get it again.
Dust-Off Smart Phone Wipes Kit - Facebook - Get a pack of cell phone cleaning wipes. Like their facebook page. Upload a picture of your dirty cell phone on their wall and right a brief description of how it got dirty. Then fill out the form to receive your kit.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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If you got this last year you can’t get it again.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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Friday, May 13, 2011
Financial Shutdown Friday
Good news this week. There were no banks seized by the Federal Government this week.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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Thank You Hotel Discount Coupons
I would like to give a great big thank you to hotel discount coupons for becoming a sponsor of this blog.
My name is Kevin, and that's what I think. What do you think? Agree? Disagree?
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My name is Kevin, and that's what I think. What do you think? Agree? Disagree?
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Thank You Disneyland Discount Coupons
I would like to give a great big shout out to disneyland discount coupons who is the newest sponsor of the blog. I am proud to have you on my team.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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Welcome Cantera Real Estate
After nearly two days of hosting problems we are back almost full-force. Although some comments that were in moderation have not reappeared after blogger pulled them. While we wait for blogger to finish its work we would like to thank a brand new sponsor to this blog. Cantera Real Estate is a luxury real estate brokerage located in Austin, Texas. It is a pleasure to have you on my team.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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Austin Historical Markers
- Las Ventanas 602 Harthan Street, Austin TX 78701
- Lilia and Josephine Casis 2710 Exposition Boulevard, Austin TX 78703
Littlefield Home George W. Littlefield (1842-1920) came to Texas with his family in 1850. He served in the Civil War with Terry’s Texas Rangers, attaining the rank of Major. Following the war he became a cattleman and acquired ranches in New Mexico and the Texas panhandle. He came to Austin in 1883 and engaged in banking. A regent of the University of Texas, 1911-1920, he contributed funds for new buildings, study grants and library collections. Littlefield built this Victorian residence in 1894. Designed by James W. Wahrenberger, the house was bequeathed to the university in 1935.
at the intersection of Whitis Ave and W 24th St, on the right when traveling south on Whitis Ave.
Erected 1962- M.M. Long’s Livery Stable and Opera House 901 Congress Ave, Austin TX 78701
- Major John B. Jones — In Camp Mabry near 35th St entrance. Marker is at or near this postal address: 2210 West 35th Street, Austin TX 78703
- Major William Martin “Buck” Walton —
Mississippi native William M. “Buck” Walton attended the University of Virginia and studied law in Carrollton, Mississippi. In 1853 he moved to Austin, where his first law partner was A.J. Hamilton, later Governor of Texas. In 1862 he enlisted in the Confederate Army, serving in Co. B, 21st Texas Cavalry. He was elected Texas Attorney General in 1866. In the practice of law he had few peers in land litigation, and was considered one of the best criminal defense attorneys in Texas. Esteemed for his generosity, Major Walton was a well known public speaker, author and civic leader. He retired in 1907 but remained active until his death at age 83. He is buried here with his wife of 60 years, Lettie Watkins Walton, their four children and other family members.
1601 Navasota Street, Austin TX 78702
Erected 1999 - Mary Street Stone House - 1001 W Mary St, Austin TX 78704
- Maud Anna Berry Smith Fuller . . . Marker is on 2808 E Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, on the right when traveling west.
- Mauthe-Myrick Mansion Rafael Mauthe (1820-79) - 408 W 14th St, Austin TX 78701
- Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church . . . 1101 E 10th St, Austin TX 78702
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 14112 — Michael Paggi House Built here prior to the Civil War on land owned by Col. S.W. Goodrich (d. 1868), this house was located near a low-water crossing of the Colorado River. A planter, Goodrich owned a sawmill, grist mill, and cotton gin. Michael Paggi (d. 1911), a native of Italy, bought the Greek Revival home in 1884. His Austin businesses included an ice company and a carriage shop. Ownership of the residence was transferred to his daughter Helen (Paggi) Powell in 1906.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 12979 — Millbrook (Roy-Hardin House) William Carroll "Cal" Roy (1851-1916) and Annie (Stanley) Roy (1851-1925) bought this Bouldin mill site in 1894 from Powhatan Bouldin, heir of James E. Bouldin (1796-1876), the original owner. It was converted into a home, and here the Roy’s reared children Robert E. "Rob," Addie M., Jessie, Adele and Inca. The family sold the home in 1939 to Ernest Randolph Hardin (1902-1987) and his wife, Maurine (Underwood) (1900-1946). The Hardins, both drama professors, eclectically restored the . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 14007 — Moore’s Crossing Bridge This structure was originally part of a six-span bridge across the Colorado River at Congress Avenue in Austin. Constructed there in 1884, it was designed by the King Iron Bridge and Manufacturing Co. of Cleveland, Ohio. In 1910 it was dismantled and placed in storage. Five years later three spans were rebuilt here but destroyed the same year in a flood. The current bridge, comprised of the remaining spans, was completed in 1922.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 12243 — Moore-Flack House Local contractor Charles Funk built this house for John M. and Estelle Moore in 1887 at a cost of $2,000. At that time John M. Moore (1853-1902), a former Texas legislator and District Attorney, was Secretary of State for Governor Lawrence Sullivan (Sul) Ross. Laura A.E. (Metz) Flack (1836-1933) purchased the house in 1901, and in the 1920s modified the original Victorian design with the addition of a two-story Neo-Classical Revival porch. A prominent Austin businesswoman who owned a number of . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 15032 — Moore-Hancock Farmstead Irish native Martin Moore and his wife, Elizabeth Ann (White), left their Austin residences and prosperous Pecan (6th) Street mercantile business and moved to a farm north of town about 1850. Their 521-acre farm, which included this property, was inherited by Elizabeth in 1846. The Moore's built the original framework of these sensitively restored log structures and out buildings at this site as early as 1849. Although modified over the years, they represent a rare surviving example of local . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — Moses Austin — (October 4, 1761 - June 10, 1821) The initiator of Anglo-American settlement in Texas. Moses Austin was a native of Durham, Connecticut. After his marriage to Mary Brown in 1785, Austin became a leading figure in the development of the American lead industry. His business took him to Virginia and then west to the Mississippi Valley. A colonizer and pioneer as well, Austin helped establish several frontier communities. Moses Austin’ decision to venture into a colonization enterprise in the Spanish territory of Texas led him . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — Mount Bonnell Rising 775 feet above sea level, this limestone height was named for George W. Bonnell, who came to Texas with others to fight for Texas independence, 1836. Was commissioner of Indian Affairs in Republic of Texas under president Sam Houston. Moved in 1839 to Austin; there published the "Texas Sentinel", 1840. Member Texan-Santa Fe expedition, 1841. Was captured but released in time to join Mier expedition, 1842. Was killed in camp on Rio Grande, Dec, 26, 1842. Frontiersman W.A.A. "Bigfoot" . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 15031 — Mount Olive Baptist Church The Mount Olive Baptist Church congregation was organized March 3, 1889, in the vicinity of Masontown, one of Austin's earliest African settlements. The early years of the congregation coincided with a period of intense optimism and community activism in the historic neighborhood (bounded by E. 3rd, E. 6th, Chicon, and Waller Streets). A number of significant African American religious and educational institutions were established in and around Masontown during this period, including Tillotson . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 13620 — Norwood Tower This building was once the tallest structure in Austin’s downtown area other than the State Capitol. Dwarfed by other structures by the late 20th century, the Norwood Tower remains unique in its design and elaborate detailing. In 1925, Ollie O. Norwood (1887-1961) bought this site and hired the firm of Giesecke and Harris to design an office building. Bertram E. Giesecke (1892-1950) was the son of F.E. Giesecke, an architect, engineer, and educator known for his experiments with reinforcing . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 15479 — O. Henry Hall — The University of Texas System Built during the period 1877-1881 as a federal courthouse and post office, this was the sixth United States Post Office location in Austin, dating from the establishment of the first post office in Austin in 1840. The building was constructed by Abner Cook, famed early Texas builder, at a cost of $200,000. James G. Hill of the U.S. Treasury Department was the supervising architect. Following construction of the new post office at 210 West Sixth Street in 1912-1914, the building continued to be . . . —
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 12695 — Oak Hill First settlers arrived in area in 1840s. The community founded here in 1856 was called Live Oak Springs; in 1865 it was renamed Shiloh. Later schools known as Live Oak and Oatmanville gave names temporarily to the settlement. It has been known as Oak Hill since 1900. Limestone quarries were opened, 1882, to supply stone for capitol building in Austin. By 1886, ten carloads of stone were shipped daily over railroad which joined quarries with capitol grounds. It is estimated that one-third of . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 14309 — Oakwood Cemetery In 1839, when Austin was being opened as a site favored for the Capital of the Republic of Texas, a regular burial place was established in what is now the southwest part of Oakwood Cemetery. A decedent was buried on this hill at a spot to the right of Oakwood’s present main entrance and northwest of the Hebrew ground within the enclosure. It was not until Sept. 1, 1856, however, that the land legally became city property. On that day the legislature of Texas transferred the burial tract from . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 14748 — Okewell This house was built in 1925 for Judge Robert Lynn Batts (1854-1935). A distinguished jurist, Batts served as Assistant Attorney General of Texas and the United States, Judge of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, and Chairman of the University of Texas Board of Regents. Designed by architecture professor Raymond Everett, the house exhibits elements of the Mediterranean and American Bungalow styles in its stuccoed walls, bracketed eaves, arcade, and tile roof.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 6439 — Old B.J. Smith Property Purchased from State of Texas at auction in 1853, by Smith, a school proprietor. Structure, one of the better early homes in Austin, was probably built in the 1850’s. Handmade hardware, doors, and other structural parts reveal fine workmanship.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 14949 — Old Bakery Built 1876 by Chas. Lundberg. Bread then was not sliced or wrapped; children and maids waited with baskets to take home loaves hot from the oven. House specialties were sponge cake ladyfingers, glazed kisses, almond-meal macaroons. A front balcony (since razed) permitted a later baker, Henry Maerki, to photograph parades, including one in 1901 for U.S. President William McKinley. Now Austin Heritage Society’s tourist information center.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 14170 — Old I.V. Davis Homestead On land granted by Mexico in 1835, just before Texas Revolution, this house was built in 1875. Owner Isaac Van Zandt Davis (1843-1897) worked in the General Land Office. Greek revival style home has 22” thick walls of stone quarried at Oak Hill.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 12244 — Old Rock Store Influenced by the style of early German rock buildings in central Texas, James Andrew Patton (1853-1944) supervised the construction of this building in 1898. A German mason laid the stone. Patton fought Comanches as a Texas Ranger and was a civic leader and local postmaster. He was known affectionately as "the mayor of Oak Hill." He and his family, followed by others, operated a general store here for many years. The building also housed a local Woodmen of the World lodge hall on the second floor.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 14905 — Onion Creek Lodge 220, A.F. & A.M. Onion Creek Lodge 220, A.F. & A.M. chartered, 1858. Met on this site in cabin later destroyed by Indians. This building completed, 1860. First floor used by the Pleasant Hill school (oldest in continuous use in state) until 1935. Also used by the Cumberland Presbyterians. Old school Presbyterians, Baptists, Methodists, alternating Sundays. Used by Creedmoor OES 607 since 1929, rainbow assembly 266 since 1956.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 14111 — Openheimer-Montgomery Building This structure was built in 1894 for Texas military, business, and civic leader Louis Openheimer (1858-1906). Designed and constructed by John McDonald, a prominent citizen who served as Austin’s Mayor from 1889 to 1895, the building was sold in 1899 to the trustee for 12-year-old Fannie Montgomery and became part of her estate. The Queen Anne commercial structure features projecting second-story bay windows supported by Victorian jigsawn brackets.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 14191 — Original Site of First Baptist Church of Austin The Rev. R.H. Taliaferro of Kentucky organized the First Baptist Church in July 1847. Worship services were first held in the Capitol and later moved to a frame building at 12th and Lavaca. The congregation met in the 700 block of Congress Avenue until it built its first sanctuary at this site in 1857. The structure was remodeled in the 1880s. A larger brick church was constructed here in 1916. It was razed when the congregation moved to 9th and Trinity in 1970. Many Governors, state officials, . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 11783 — Original Site of First Methodist Church of Austin Established in 1840 by the Rev. John Haynie (1786-1860), the First Methodist Church was Austin’s second Protestant congregation. Services were held in temporary quarters until members erected their first meeting house in 1847 at this site, then the corner of Cedar Street and Congress Avenue. The Rev. Homer S. Thrall (1819-1894) was Pastor when the small frame church was built. Thirty-five doctors from around the state met here January 17-19, 1853, to organize the Texas Medical Association. In . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 12363 — Original Site of First Presbyterian Church The Rev. William M. Baker and five charter members organized the First Presbyterian Church of Austin on May 26, 1850. Abner H. Cook, future designer of the Governor's Mansion, was among the charter members and was elected a ruling elder. In 1851, members erected a wood frame building on two lots at this site, which Cook donated to the church. The members enlarged the structure in 1855, and in 1874 agreed to construct a stone building. They built the first floor and met there until funding was . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 6413 — Pease School This is one of the oldest school buildings in Texas erected from public funds; on university block set aside for school purposes by Republic of Texas in 1839. This school was opened in 1876; it was named for Gov. Elisha M. Pease (1812-1883), a leader in legislation that laid groundwork for support of public education in Texas. Rooms at center of building were erected in 1876; restored after a fire in 1892. Additions were made in 1916 and 1926, and remodeling was done in 1949. Thousands of . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 14600 — Peter Henry Oberwetter A native of Germany, Peter Henry Oberwetter migrated to Texas about 1849 and settled first in New Braunfels, then Comfort. He later moved to Austin, where he gained distinction as a botanist. He pioneered in crossbreeding the Amaryllis, imported rare bulbs, and wrote articles regarding his botanical research. He was also a landscape artist for the State of Texas. Married to Catherine Marie (Mary) Schade (d. 1914), he had six children. —
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 15196 — Philquist-Wood Hous ---- Avenue G
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — Pilot Knob Pilot Knob the only example of an exposed submarine volcano in Texas, appears today as a prominent hill one mile northwest. It was formed some 80 million years ago on the bottom of a warm shallow sea which covered much of the continent during the cretaceous period. The molten rock which it spewed forth rose to the surface from deep within the earth's crust. Following a channel opened by a belt of fractures known as the Balcones Fault zone. Reef organisms were attracted to the irregularity on . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 14334 — Platt-Simpson Building Radcliff Platt constructed the original portion of this building about 1871. He operated a livery stable here until 1890 and lived in one side of the structure for a number of years. In 1901 J.S. Simpson (1854-1934) purchased and enlarged the earlier building to accommodate his hardware store, which occupied this location until the 1930s. the structure features large arched windows with stone trim and a decorative brick cornice. —
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 13094 — Price Daniel Texas statesman Price Daniel (1910-1988) was born in Dayton, Texas, the son of M.P. and Nannie Partlow Daniel. His career in state and national politics spanned six decades and included service in all three branches of state government. After graduating from Baylor Law School, Price Daniel established his law practice in Liberty before taking his first public office in the Texas House of Representatives in 1939. His strong record led to his election as Speaker of the Texas House in 1943. . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 13859 — Randerson-Lundell Building Cornelius Randerson erected a one-story structure here in 1896 to house a grocery, feed, and wagon yard. John and Claus Lundell purchased the building in 1898 and in 1910 a second floor was added to board customers overnight. It remained in the Lundell family until 1926. A good example of a native limestone and brick commercial building, it features simple Classical detailing. A number of businesses have occupied the building.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 15556 — Rebecca Kilgore Stuart Red — 1827 - 1886 Rebecca Jane Kilgore Stuart became principal of Live Oak Female Seminary in Washington County, Texas, in 1853. In 1854 she married Dr. George Clark Red and continued teaching. The Reds moved to Austin in 1876, and opened Stuart Female Seminary at 1212 East 9th Street. Rebecca continued teaching until nine days before her death in 1886. She was buried in Oakwood Cemetery. Her heirs donated her property to the Presbyterian Synod of Texas in 1899. The Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary was operated at that site from 1902 until 1907.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 14457 — Reuter House Built in 1934 for Louis Reuter (1886-1945) and his wife, this house offered a spectacular view of the city. Reuter worked as a grocer in his native San Antonio until 1918, when he came to Austin to open a self-service grocery store, an innovation for its time. The rambling one- and two-story stone veneer home reflects influences of the Spanish Colonial Revival style, and features cast-stone details and a red barrel-tile roof.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 14281 — Richard Ellis Born in Virginia February 14, 1781. Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia, 1820. Signer of the Texas Declaration of Independence and President of the Constitutional Convention, 1836. Senator in the Congress of the Republic of Texas, 1836 to 1840. Died in Bowie County, Texas December 30, 1846. Mary Danridge Ellis. Wife of Richard Ellis. Born in Virginia 1787. Died in Bowie County, Texas October 21, 1837. Ellis County, Texas was named for Richard Ellis.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — Roberts-Teague Cemetery In the 1860s, the Roberts and Teague families came to the Bee Cave area where, for generations, their skills as farmers, ranchers, cedar choppers, coal kiln burners, and homemakers helped to shape its development and culture. It is said that this cemetery was established in 1898 when Joseph Roberts (1842-1925) offered the site to the grieving Simons family for an infant’s burial. A number of veterans are laid to rest here, including Alfred R. (Buck) Simpson (1895-1961), the second most . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 4309 — Robinson-Macken House Built in 1876 for the family of Elizabeth and John Robinson, Sr., this two-and-one-half-story frame house is a fine example of the Second Empire style of architecture coupled with Italianate detailing. Located within the original 1839 Austin town plan drawn by Edwin Waller, it is in close proximity to the houses built by the locally prominent Bremond family (three blocks east). It shares stylistic similarities with the Bremond houses, now preserved as the Bremond Block Historic District. Three . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 14979 — Rocky Cliff Built about 1871 by Daniel P. Kinney, who came to Austin in early 1850’s; original homesite, at the time an extensive farm, contained areas later in Zilker Park and Barton Heights. Structure of hard limestone, with 20-inch walls, had rooms added as the family grew. Purchased in 1937, restored and modernized by Dr. E. J. Lund. The Lunds used unique ceramic tiles and created wrought iron ornamentation, as new features.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — Sailor from the Belle Shipwreck Buried here are the remains of a 17th-century sailor who was a member of an ill-fated 1684-87 French expedition to the new world led by Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle. Texas Historical Commission archaeologists discovered the skeleton on October 31, 1996, during excavations of La Salle’s ship, the Belle, which sank during a 1686 storm in Matagorda Bay. Near the skeleton, archaeologists found a pewter cup inscribed C. Barange, as well as a small cask. According to historical accounts, the . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 14196 — Saint David’s Episcopal Church Located in pioneer Austin at the edge of town on a site never used for a secular building. At first called “Church of the Epiphany.” Cornerstone laid on April 7, 1853, with impressive ceremonies for the capital city’s first tone church. Built of native limestone, its architecture blended Spanish Mission with traditional Gothic elements. Founders included officials from government of the late Republic of Texas. Rector was the Reverend Edward Fontaine, great-grandson of Patrick . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 14821 — Saint Edward’s University Main Building Erected in 1888. Rebuilt after fire in 1903. Nicholas J. Clayton, master architect, designed both building in Gothic revival style. Serves institution founded in 1873 by congregation of Holy Cross, as male catholic school. First pupils were local farm boys. In 1921 college-level courses were added. Was rechartered in 1925 as a university. During World War II, served as an academy and flying school. Admitted women in 1966.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 14676 — Saint Mary’s Cathedral In 1851, the Catholics of Austin wrote to the Most Rev. John M. Odin (1801-1871), first Bishop of Texas. “This city is improving rapidly and our intentions are to build a church…if we can get a clergyman to stay among us.” Father Michael Sheehan was sent. Soon a small church was built on the corner of Ash (Ninth) and Brazos streets. The new Parish was called Saint Patrick’s, but the name was changed to Saint Mary’s of the Immaculate Conception in 1866. In 1874, at the invitation . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — Santiago Del Valle Grant McKinney Falls State Park lies in the center of an early Texas land grand that originally fell within the empresario contract of Texian hero Ben Milam. Ten leagues of land were transferred in 1832 to Santiago Del Valle, who at the at time was secretary of the Mexican government of Coahuila Y Texas and had previously served as a member of the Mexican Congress. In 1835 Del Valle sold nine leagues of his land to Michel Menard, who in 1838 helped found the town of Galveston. Thomas . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 12733 — Scarbrough Building Alabama native Emerson Monroe Scarbrough (1846-1925) came to Texas following service in the Civil War and settled in Milam County, where he was a successful merchant. He opened a branch of his business, Scarbrough and Hicks, on Congress Avenue in 1893, moving one block north in 1894. In 1910, on this adjacent, prominent corner, he completed Austin’s first skyscraper. His new building was designed in the Chicago style by Fort Worth architects Sanguinet and Staats. It was enlarged and redesigned . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 12245 — Scholz Garten German immigrant August Scholz (1825-1891) opened Scholz’s Hall at this site in 1866. About the turn of the century, this building replaced the original hall. A German social club, the Austin Saengerrunde, purchased the property in 1908 and added the adjacent hall. The Texas legislature honored Scholz Garten in 1966 as “A gathering place for Texans of discernment, taste, culture and erudition, epitomizing the finest traditions of magnificent German heritage in our state.”
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 15644 — Scottish Rite Temple Built 1871-72 as an opera house by Austin Turn Verein, a German social society. Used for gymnastics, feasting and dancing, it was a social center for years. Purchased in 1912 for Ben Hur Shrine temple and remodeled, blending southwest mission style architecture with Arabic accents. Transferred in 1914 to Scottish Rite Bodies of Austin who allow other Masonic groups to meet here. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 13974 — Seaholm Power Plant This complex is an industrial and architectural landmark in Austin. Electric power arrived in the Texas capital in 1895, after the Colorado River was first dammed to generate electricity. The city of Austin has owned its own generation and distribution system ever since, a rarity among large cities. A growing population and post-World War II demand for new appliances and air conditioning increased the need for electricity. In 1948, the city of Austin commissioned a new power generation . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 15302 — Seiders Oaks Site of 1839 home and 1842 massacre of Gideon White. A daughter, Louisa, we (1846) Edward Seiders, for whom oaks are named.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — Shoal Creek Native Americans, settlers and cattle drovers crossed the river here where Shoal Creek's sand made the water shallow. During Republic days Vice President Mirabeau Lamar camped here, near the village of Waterloo while hunting buffalo. His impression of the area's beauty and resources prompted the relocation of the state capital in 1839.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 14406 — Simpson United Methodist Church This congregation grew from an early Sunday school class directed by Annas Brown, Richard Dukes and Mrs. Vina Harris Forehand, Members of Wesley Chapel Methodist Episcopal Church, for residents of the far eastern section of Austin. In December 1880 the group organized as the Simpson Mission Methodist Episcopal Church. The congregation name was chosen to honor Bishop Matthew Simpson (d.1884), a pioneer Methodist leader who was also an active political negotiator, an abolitionist and a noted . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 6456 — Site of Edward Mandell House Home Edward Mandell House (1858-1938), heir of a wealthy Houston businessman, moved to Austin in 1885 to be at the center of state politics, his primary interest. He managed the successful campaigns of four Texas Governors and became an important figure in Democratic Party circles on the state and national levels. In 1912 he managed Woodrow Wilson’s successful bid for the Democratic Party Presidential nomination. As an advisor to Wilson, he participated in international negotiations during and after . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 14616 — Site of Home of Reuben Hornsby Site of the home built in 1832 by Reuben Hornsby (1793-1879) and his wife Sarah Morrison Hornsby (1796-1862). Second built in “Austin’s Little Colony”. First in the present county of Travis. Famed for Christian hospitality. Here Josiah Wilbarger recovered after being scalped in 1833. Mr. Hornsby and his son’s fought in many Indian battles and served as scouts in Capt. John J. Tumlinson’s company of Rangers, which was organized here in 1836.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 13153 — Site of John Bremond & Company New York native John Bremond (1813-1866) built a dry goods store at this site as early as 1847. Soon, his dry goods department faced Pecan (Sixth) Street, and the grocery department faced Brazos Street. Active civically, he served as a member of the group that encouraged the eventual construction of the Houston & Texas Central Railway, which was associated with Bremond's brother Paul. John Bremond, a former firefighter, was instrumental in establishing Austin's first hook and ladder company. . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 14678 — Site of Old Anderson High School; Kealing Jr. High School Robertson Hill School, the first high school for blacks in Austin, opened on the corner of Eleventh and San Marcos Streets in 1884. In 1907 the school moved to the corner of Olive and Curve Streets and was renamed E.H. Anderson High School. In 1913 the school was moved to 1607 Pennsylvania Avenue. It was renamed in honor of former principal L.C. Anderson in 1938. In 1953 the school relocated to 900 Thompson Street. Anderson High School opened in its fifth location, 8403 Mesa, in 1973. . . .
- Site of Pecan Springs School 5200 Manor Road
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 15063 — Site of Second Travis County Courthouse & Walton Building Built in 1875 in term of County Judge James W. Smith. Former state officials on committees for site and building included Governor E.M. Pease, Secretary of State C.S. West, Attorney General N.G. Shelley, Treasurer James H. Raymond and Legislator George Hancock. In era when Texas was gaining world renown, home of outstanding courts, able judges, brilliant bar. One tenant of its fortress-style jail was author William Sidney Porter (O. Henry), after his return to Austin in 1897 to be with his . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 15046 — Site of Swedish Evangelical Free Church Worship services started in 1889 by Swedish immigrants led to founding of Swedish Evangelical Free Church in Decker community (10 mi. E) in July 1892. A similar Swedish congregation originated in April 1904 at Elroy (20 mi. SE). In 1923 the two congregations merged, relocated in Austin, and in 1925 built a church on this site. Swedish was spoken in services until the 1930s. Renamed “First Evangelical Free Church” in 1952, the fellowship erected a new building on Red River street in . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — Site of Temporary Texas State Capitol of 1880’s Built, 1882-1883, to replace the previous Capitol, which had burned in 1881. Until the building was completed, the orphaned Texas government conducted business in the county courthouse and jail across Congress avenue. The three-story brick building – third Texas Capitol in Austin – was used five years. During this time it witnessed the passage of strong legislation to aid education and to halt fence-cutting, which, in 1883, had exploded into a range war. Governors John Ireland . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 15472 — Site of Tenth Street Methodist Church Austin Methodists organized in 1840 and began in 1847 worshiping at Congress and 4th Street. This site was purchased in 1853 and a building begun under the Rev. John W. Phillips (1821-1891). In 1883, the Rev. A.E. Goodwyn (1818-1902) led in the construction of a larger sanctuary. The congregation was known as “Central Church” and “Tenth Street Church”. In 1909 it officially changed to “First Methodist Church”. Legislators and other government officials . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 15593 — Site of the Headquarters of the United States Army for 5th Military District Established in 1868 in an area of five acres. Abandoned in 1870 when headquarters were removed to San Antonio.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 6419 — Smith-Clark-Smith House When the State Capitol burned in 1881, Scottish-born James Baird Smith (1843-1907) cleared the site and erected a temporary statehouse nearby. Salvaged brick and stone, which he used to build this rent house about 1886, probably came from the burned Capitol. The first tenant was noted banker John G. Palm (1846-1927). Later owner (1924) and occupant (1925-43) Lucille Clark, of a prominent Austin family, sold the property in 1959 to Mr. and Mrs. Homer D. Smith, who restored it.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 14090 — Southwestern Telegraph & Telephone Building Veteran Travis County official and historian Frank Brown (1833-1913) erected this structure in 1886. Southwestern Telegraph & Telephone Company bought and restyled the building in 1898. Architect A.O. Watson designed the ornate façade. Previously in rented quarters at various sites, S.T.&T. occupied this as the city’s first telephone building. The John L. Martin family owned the structure from 1922 to 1976.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 12239 — Stanley and Emily Finch House Constructed in 1927 and 1928 for $13,500, this house has associations with several prominent Austinites. Its original owners were University of Texas Civil Engineering Professor Stanley P. Finch and his wife Emily (Rice). Finch’s UT colleague, architect Raymond Everett, designed the house. Landscape architect C. Coatsworth Pinkney created the landscape in the 1940s. The intact Colonial Revival home’s historic additions include bay windows designed by Hugo Kuehne in 1945 and the enclosure of the . . . —
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 6422 — State Bar of Texas On July 15, 1882, a volunteer organization of Texas attorneys known as the Texas Bar Association was established in Galveston, with Judge Thomas J. Devine as the first president. The forerunner of the State Bar of Texas, the group met annually to address common concerns such as the uniformity of jurisprudence, legislation, the regulation of the conduct of lawyers, and other statewide legal matters. An act of the State Legislature signed by Governor W. Lee O’Daniel in 1939 created the State . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 15084 — State Cemetery of Texas Burial ground for the honored dead of Texas, this cemetery contains the remains of Stephen F. Austin, the “Father of Texas”; nine Governors of Texas (as of 1968); and representatives of every period of state history and every department of state government. Statuary at the graves includes a marble figure of Albert Sidney Johnston by Elisabet Ney and bronzes of Austin and Joanna Troutman by Pompeo Coppini. The cemetery was founded in 1851 when Gen. Edward Burleson, hero of the . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 15338 — Stuart Female Seminary After 23 years as principal of Live Oak Female Seminary, Washington County, Rebecca K. Stuart Red (1826-1886) founded her own school in 1875. Her husband, G.C. Red, M.D., had a two-story stone dormitory – academic building erected on this site, and the Stuart Female Seminary opened formally in January 1876. Ashbel Smith, M.D. (past board member, United States Military Academy), was first president of the board of trustees. His successor (1886) was D.F. Stuart, M.D., brother of Mrs. . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 15158 — Susanna W. Dickinson — 1814-1883 Almaron and Susanna Dickinson settled in Gonzales about 1835 as members of DeWitt’s colony. Present with her daughter, Angelina, when the Alamo fell in March 1836, Susanna witnessed the deaths of Almaron and the other Texans. She was released by Mexican General Santa Anna after the battle, and with an escort made her way to Sam Houston with news of the Alamo. She married Joseph Hannig in 1857 and lived in Austin until her death.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 15675 — Swante Palm — (January 31, 1815 - June 22, 1899) A native of Basthult, Barkeryd Parish, in the province of Smaland, Sweden, Swante Palm was a leader of early Swedish immigration to Texas. Influenced by his nephew, Swen Magnus Swenson, Palm came to Texas in 1844. He settled first in La Grange, where he served as postmaster and worked in Swenson’s general store. Both men moved to Austin in 1850 and continued their business relationship. In 1854 Palm married Agnes Christine Alm. Their son, Swante Sture, was born in 1855, but died in infancy. . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 15330 — Swedish Central Methodist Church Organized in 1873 by the Rev. Carl Charnquist, the Swedish Methodist Church built a sanctuary at Red River and 15th street. Led by the Rev. O.E. Olander, the congregation moved to this site in 1898 and occupied buildings of disbanded Central Methodist Church. The fellowship added “Central” to its name and later dropped “Swedish”. Church property, then across from the Capitol grounds at Colorado and 13th street, was sold in 1956 for expansion of state offices. Renamed . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 14680 — Swedish Consulate and Swante Palm Library Swante Palm (1815-1899), Vice Consul for Sweden and Norway from 1866 until his death, built a small house on Ash Street (now 9th Street) in the 1850s. It was a repository for Palm’s extensive book collection and served as the Swedish Consulate, where Palm gave assistance to many Swedish immigrants. To accommodate his ever-growing library, Palm enlarged the house in 1879. He donated his 10,000-volume collection to the University of Texas Library in 1897, increasing the school’s holdings by more than sixty percent. Palm’s house was razed in 1958.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 12246 — Texas Dental Association This professional association traces its history to 1869, when a group of dentists met in Houston and drafted a constitution and by-laws. Dr. Menard Michau of Houston was elected first president of the association, which was officially chartered by the State of Texas on May 17, 1871. Initial membership consisted of 18 dentists and 22 honorary members. The association experienced difficulties during the 1870s, and by 1880 Texas dentists saw the need for a reorganization. A new society, the . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 12247 — Texas Highway Department — (Established April 4, 1917) Early 20th century Texas farmers demanded all-weather access to markets just as automobiles revolutionized transportation for all travelers. Good roads promoters envisioned a central state agency to organize safe, consistent routes. In 1916 the Federal Government offered matching funds to build a statewide highway system. In 1917, legislators created the Texas Highway Department, and Texans registered 195,000 automobiles. Agency employees worked in the Capitol, then the 1917 Land Office, and . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 12687 — Texas Newspapers, C.S.A. Among privations endured in Texas during the Civil War (1861-65) was the shortage of newspapers, which dwindled from 82 (combined circulation: 100,000) to fewer than 20 by early 1862. Many newspapermen had closed shop and enlisted at once, when the war began. Others were forced to quit for lack of ink and paper, available only through Mexico or the blockaded Gulf Coast. A good pre-war paper had four 5-column pages, but many wartime issues were limited to half a page, printed on bill forms, . . . —
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 13458 — Texas School for the Deaf In 1856, the Texas Legislature established the Texas Deaf and Dumb Asylum, which became the Texas School for the Deaf (TSD). Gov. Elisha M. Pease appointed a board of trustees, which rented land at this site. By January 1, 1857, the first day of school, no students had arrived, but by summer of that year, 11 students were enrolled, including Emily Lewis, whose account of the school's early history portrays a life of hard work and self-sufficiency under school matron Josephine Snyder. New . . . —
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 14219 — The “Austin Statesman” Begun as the “Democratic Statesman” in 1871 by the Democratic Party, in opposition to radical reconstruction government in Texas. Quickly passed into private ownership popular first editor was attorney John Cardwell. Published daily since 1873, paper merged with “Austin American” in 1924. —
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 14493 — The Academy This house was constructed in 1889 for Myron D. Mather, president of Austin Water, Light & Power Company, who lived here until 1893. A fine derivative of the shingle style, the structure is said to be partly constructed of granite left from the 1888 completion of the state Capitol. It was briefly owned by Texas Supreme Court Justice Leroy G. Denman in 1897. As the Austin Military School in the decade after 1920, the house was called “The Academy.” —
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 14502 — The Boardman-Webb House In the 1850s Dr. George T. Boardman (d.1884) came to Austin to practice dentistry. He developed a new process to fill teeth and helped incorporate the American Dental College. He bought this property in 1855 from early Austin merchant John Bremond. The land was part of the original city plat of Austin. Dr. Boardman erected this two-story residence with Victorian styling about 1880. After his widow Fannie sold the structure in 1906, it changed owners several times, finally becoming an . . . —
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 15048 — The Gault Homestead Included as part of a 320-acre land grant awarded to J.P. Whelin in payment for his service to the Republic of Texas Army, this property has had a long and varied history. Soon after he was granted the land, Whelin sold it to Nathaniel C. Raymond, who in turn sold it to John M. Gault two years later. Gault built a log cabin on the Whelin grant in the 1850s, and he and his family established a farm. In 1855 they purchased adjoining land from Captain Nelson Merrill and soon thereafter built a . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 6448 — The Johnson Home Erected 1858 by Chas. Johnson, near the WM. McGill Ford on the Colorado River. Built by fellow Swedes, of native stone from his own quarry and lime kiln. Walls are 18 inches thick. A stone-paved breezeway joined the two wings of the building. A long porch with six ionic columns was added, and the open breezeway closed following the purchase of the property in 1924 as permanent home of the Travis Post 76, American Legion.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — The LBJ Plaza The Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum was designed by Gordon Bunshaft of Skidmore Owings & Merrill (SOM) and opened in the spring of 1971. The design featured the monumental library building clad in Roman travertine and an expansive plaza paved in travertine and terrazzo. On the plaza are three square fountains. In 2009, due to significant deterioration caused by water infiltration, the plaza was rebuilt as seen today. Working closely with the Texas Historical Commission, The . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 15021 — The Old Zimmerman Home Edward E. Zimmerman came to Texas, 1844, from Germany; settled here, 1854, with wife Regina Reinhard. They had 5 children. Zimmerman built this early Texas farmhouse, 1861, of hand-hewn cream colored rock from nearby hills; lumber from Bull Creek mills. One of first residences on route of Shawnee Trail (used by traders, immigrants, Indians, and famous as a cattle trail in 1850’s and 1860’s). Regina once shot a bear at back door. (1600 Payton Gin Rd)
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 15473 — The Radkey House A typical post-Civil War Austin dwelling, built about 1870 two blocks from the State Capitol for merchant and metalsmith Bernard Radkey (1846-83) and his wife, Mary Cummings Radkey (1851-96). Structure is of cypress wood. Radkey served as a city alderman (councilman) until just prior to his early death. Heirs enlarged and occupied the home until 1973. It was moved here and restored in 1974 by the Franklin Savings and Loan Association.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 14568 — The Texas Capitol Austin became the Capital of Texas Jan. 19, 1840, and this hill was platted as Capitol Square. A modest statehouse built here in the 1850s soon developed structural flaws. The Constitutional Convention of 1876 set aside about 3,000,000 acres of public land to finance another building. This was authorized after the 1850s Capitol burned on Nov. 9, 1881. Architect E.E. Myers of Detroit won a national competition with his plans for this Capitol. The contractor was Mattheas Schnell of Rock . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 6415 — The William Green Hill House Tennessean William Hickman Hill settled in Austin in the 1850s. He and his family became cultural and civic leaders. A grandson, William Green Hill (1853-1903), and his wife Ella Ione (Sanders) had this house built in 1890, angling it to catch prevailing summer breezes. Mrs. Hill’s father, the Rev. Bleuford B. Sanders, added two rooms for his own use after he retired from evangelism, about 1900. Few other changes have occurred. Descendants occupy and preserve the house.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 15026 — The Woman Suffrage Movement in Texas Legal efforts to enfranchise women in Texas can be traced to 1868, when Rep. T.H. Mundine of Burleson introduced a Woman Suffrage Bill in the State Legislature. In the following five decades Texas women formed suffrage organizations to lobby for the right to vote. The suffragists included Rebecca Henry Hayes, who organized the Texas Equal Right Association (TERA) in 1893; and sisters Annette, Elizabeth, and Katherine Finnigan, who founded the Texas Woman Suffrage Association (TWSA) in 1903. The . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 6426 — Third Site For Travis County Government Courthouse built here in 1930, 91st year of Travis County, which in early Texas was in municipality of Mina (later Bastrop) or Travis District, named for Wm. B. Travis, commander at the Alamo. Site of present-day Austin was chosen in 1839 (4th year of the Republic of Texas) as location for the capital, and named for the father of Texas. Local county government began immediately, with setting up of militia beats. Mormon settlers in 1839 built the first jail and also the first gristmill. . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 14277 — Thomas Jones Hardeman Born in Tennessee January 31, 1788 Died in Bastrop County, Texas January 11, 1854. His wife Eliza De Witt Hardeman Born Sept. 17, 1809 Died Feb. 8, 1863. Back of Headstone Member Second Congress Republic of Texas; Chief Justice of Bastrop County Member of the State Legislature Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Masonic Lodge of Texas, 1850 Hardeman County, Texas was named in honor of the two brothers, Bailey and Thomas Jones . . .
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 15273 — Thomas Pliney Plaster Who manned one of the twin sisters cannon at the Battle of San Jacinto and was a veteran of the Mexican War, 1847. Born in Tennessee June 6, 1804. Died March 27, 1861. —
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 14898 — Thompson Home Painting contractor John W. Thompson married Jennie L. Metz in 1877. They built this home in the Robertson Hill development, a fashionable neighborhood of the day. The simple Victorian residence has an unusual porch railing and decorative trim. The Thompsons’ daughter Willie Mae (d. 1966) occupied the structure until her death. It was then acquired by Alpha Kappa Zeta Chapter, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority. The graduate chapter was founded in 1940. The sorority restored the house as a meeting place in . . . —
- Travis County
- Wahrenberger House
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 6458 — West Hill Tradition says architect Abner Cook built this house for Reuben and Mary Runner, about 1855. Some later owners were F.W. Chandler and H.E. Shelley, lawyers, 1863-1909; the May Thompson family, 1917-69. Originally the house faced east, pre-empting the entire 1700 block, Rio Grande to West Avenue, with a separate kitchen, carriage house, other structures on the grounds. Severe changes and decay preceded the beginning of restoration by the Travis Williamson family in 1970.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 14858 — West-Bremond Cottage Built as servants’ quarters about 1872, this “Shotgun” house stood at 604 San Antonio near the home of Charles S. West (1829-1885), lawyer and Texas Supreme Court Justice. In 1885 banker Eugene Bremond (1832-1910) acquired it. Emma Grant West (1865-1952), whose husband Robert died in 1904, bought the cottage in 1906 and moved it here for rent property. She sold it in 1925 to a teacher, Miss Katie Gannaway (1890-1967). It was purchased in 1973 and restored by attorney Byron Lockart.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 6463 — William Steele Born New York. Graduate West Point. In Seminole and Mexican Wars. Resigned U.S. Army to serve Confederacy. Colonel 7th Texas Cavalry. In New Mexico campaign 1862. Earned promotion to Brigadier General. Commander Indian Territory 1863 and Galveston defenses 1864. Led cavalry division Red River campaign. Gave distinguished service various Louisiana actions against invasion of Texas. As Texas Adjutant General after reconstruction rebuilt Texas Rangers to restore order and control Indians.
- Texas (Travis County), Austin — 15305 — William Tom Who served under General Jackson in the Creek War, 1813 Soldier in the Army of Texas, 1835 Born in Maury County, Tennessee January 12, 1792 Died in Guadalupe County, Texas February 15, 1871 His wife Kissiah Hines Tom Born October 15, 1805 Died July 13, 1862 —
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