I had another job interview today. I had submitted the resume for this job, via monster about a month ago. So, I was looking forward to this interview.
The interview was set to be at 11 am. As is my habit, I arrived 10 minutes early. Problem, the manager had left for lunch, so I hung around in my car, going back inside at 11:05 and finally 11:30.
The manager and I chatted for a few minutes about the job and then she said that she would be interviewing a number of people and then call everybody back for second interviews. Unlike my interview last week, my stomach was in knots as I drove out to this meeting. Perhaps, it was knowing this job would involve working with one thing (intentionally being coy) that I don't like. I was certain, that fact might ruin the job chance, but when she asked me the question, she admitted she didn't like those things either. So, who knows we will see. The job is hourly, although I would be second in charge. The only salaried position is the stores general manager. So, it appears that I certainly wouldn't be getting more then 40 hours. Which is good for my time, but how will that affect my wages?
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.
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I would be wary of a company that did not respect my time. They set the interview for 11:00, but then went to lunch. How rude!