Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Busy Day Financially

Good morning, one and all. Today marks a busy day financially for me. First and foremost, yesterday was payday at work. This allowed me to bring to pay my quarterly insurance premiums ($335). After some thought, and looking over my savings, I decided it would be better to continue saving and growing my savings, and perhaps in November I will be able to pay it (the premium) semi-annually, or better yet annually.

In the meantime, I also paid my newest payment on my car loan, which brought my current debt to $9,020.85. As you can see, by the chart above, that means I have paid off 53.95% of the original debt.

A couple of days ago, I received my rollover check (you may have noticed a balance in the rollover column in the right sidebar). So today, I will be going back to the retirement adviser and signing the papers to get into the TransAmerica Funds(see previous post) and handing over the check to fund that retirement account. I am eager to watch this $4,761.93 grow, and hopefully into 1 million dollars (within 20 years).

go ahead share your thoughts with me now.

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"Strange things happen when you're in debt. Two weeks ago my car broke down and my phone got disconnected. I was one electric bill away from being Amish."
- Comedian Tom Ryan

1 comment:

  1. Way to be optimistic about reaching the $1 million mark! It can seem daunting when first starting out, but you have to start somewhere.
