Thursday, November 1, 2007

Theft of Services?

Recently a prostitute, went public about here crimes. No, she wasn't coming clean about them, rather accusing someone one of rapping her.
The accuser testified that she initially agreed to have sex with Gindraw and a friend of his in exchange for money, but that Gindraw refused to pay her, held a gun to her head and forced her to have sex with several men, according to a transcript of an Oct. 4 court hearing.
- ABC News

Yep, you read that right. She was engaged in illegal activity and is accusing a group of men of illegal activity, because it didn't go the way that she planed. Well, the story doesn't stop there.

Municipal Judge Teresa Carr Deni earlier this month dismissed rape and sexual assault charges against Dominique Gindraw, who is accused of forcing a prostitute at gunpoint to have sex with him and several other men. Deni left intact charges of armed robbery for theft of services against Gindraw.
- ABC News

Come on, she consents to illegal sex, then complains when her clients refuse to pay and adds additional people to the "party." Where are the charges against her for her crime?

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