Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Sponsored Post: ETF Guide

Today, I was asked to review a website called ETFguide.com. The site seeks to educate the reader about ETF's and even why they believe ETF's are better then Mutual funds.

Before going on, I probably should explain what an ETF is? To put it simply,
Exchange traded funds are an emerging class of low cost index funds that trade like stocks. They can be bought and sold throughout the market day and they offer portfolio exposure to the world's leading indexes.

ETFguide.com claims to be the information leader on exchange-traded funds because of its vendor neutral approach and its progressive reporting style. Its unique features include bookstore (ETF related)and a monthly e-mail newsletter. In addition you can get subscription based ETF portfolios.

ETFguide.com began publishing in 2003 and is independently owned. The site reaches mostly an affluent audience of individual investors, financial advisers, and financial institutions that invest and work with ETFs. I for one, being working class, cannot at this time afford to invest in ETF's, except maybe any that are in my employers 401(k) plan.

Overall, ETFguide.com is very interesting website, that I enjoyed perusing.

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