Sunday, April 12, 2009

Musical Inspires Me To Dream Again

By the time this is posted, I will be well on my way to New York. However, last night, I had tickets to see Conway Twitty, The Man, The Music, The Legend, The Musical. When it first started, I was rolling my eyes and thought, good God, what did I get myself into? It wasn't long before I had gotten into it. It was awesome, and shortly after the 15-minute intermission, I was taken back to when I was a teenager and my early 20's.

You see, my dream was to be professional writer and one of Conway Twitty's songs had become my theme song. It clearly was my favorite song. Even though, I wasn't a country fan, my favorite song was country. That song, which was performed by the talented man, in the title role, was "That's My Job." A terrific song, that I used to encourage me in my dream. However, I let my dream die, by believing the words of the naysayers including my verbally abusive family.

All my teenage years and throughout most of my 20's all, I wanted was to be a professional writer and a public servant. Sadly, both of those dreams had never been realized, and I have often kicked myself for giving up the pursuit.

Perhaps, I should dream again, but will I let the dream die again? Or will I say screw it, and go for it. As the speaker at the Rich Dad seminar said the other day, the only way something is going to be obtained, is to go for it. That would include this dream. Perhaps, I would be happier, if I was writing full time. Even, serving the public in the public service that I so highly sought and no one gave me a chance at. Maybe, I just didn't try hard enough. Well anyway, I better get moving.
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