Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Create A Full and Prosperous Life

Recently, I finished reading The Flow of Time and Money, by Lloyd Watts, PHD.
The book begins with the basics.
For most peope in the middle class, their financial lives are like a leaky bucket. They have job income, which is poured into their bucket by their employer, and the money leaks out in the form of expenses, purchases and taxes. All they have to show for their financial lives is the possessions they've bought over the years - cars, furniture, TV's, etc. Usually, these possessions are worth a lot less then they originally cost.
- Quote from page 4 of The Flow of Time and Money

The idea was illustrated by the leaky bucket diagram. Income comes in and fills up the top of your bucket. However, the income leaks out through the holes in the bottom, which represent your expenses, taxes and general spending.
What we must do is catch some of that income into savings before it leaks out. The number one vehicle to do this is your retirement plan set up at your workplace. You have to control your money and this book try's to teach you how to do that.

The flow of time is much the same concept. Everyone of us has 168 hours a week. However, how each one of us spend that 168 hours can be quite different. Here the leaky bucket is leaking out in the form of commuting, watching TV, eating, working and sleeping. Our time is valuable and the more time we spending watching TV, the less valuable we are individually. That means investing our free time, in what the book calls, life assets. Those things that enable you to accomplish more in less time. So what are life assets? Education, relationships, health, organization and legacy all fall into this category.

The book was an interesting read. Although at times, I felt bogged down by the lingo used. The author a PHD, claimed to be writing for a regular Joe, but several times I felt it was over my head. That said, the illustrations, helped a lot to bring everything into perspective. Over all, it is a book that will help me change things in my own life and I think it will also help you in yours. It is a book you should check out (buy) of your local library (bookstore) and read.

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