Friday, April 27, 2012

Apartment Managements Incompetent Maintenance

Hi all, it has been a while since I posted a personal post. When we moved into this apartment we didn't feel the refrigerator was quite right. We even put that on the check-in list of problems. It was one of several things they didn't even checkout.  Since then they have been here twice to "work" on it. Earlier this week the maitnance man  came and did nothing more then turn the the thermostat up to a higher setting. 
This morning at 4 am everything in the freezer was thawed. The ice in the ice bin was melted. Everything in the freezer is a loss.  I first noticed it as I got my morning ice tea. From the first sip, I could tell the tea wasn't as cold as it should be.  It is aggravating.  I wonder if the apartment complex will replace our food, since it was their incompetence that allowed us to lose the food?
Sorry I had to vent someplace. What better place then my own blog.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.

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