No matter who you support or what you believe, you can probably get a free bumper sticker yo promote that candidate or idea on your cars bumper.
Ron Paul
Mitt Romney
Barrack Obama (expired - his campaign decided after a brief offer that only people who pay should have one)
End The Fed
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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Monday, April 30, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
Apartment Managements Incompetent Maintenance
Hi all, it has been a while since I posted a personal post. When we moved into this apartment we didn't feel the refrigerator was quite right. We even put that on the check-in list of problems. It was one of several things they didn't even checkout. Since then they have been here twice to "work" on it. Earlier this week the maitnance man came and did nothing more then turn the the thermostat up to a higher setting.
This morning at 4 am everything in the freezer was thawed. The ice in the ice bin was melted. Everything in the freezer is a loss. I first noticed it as I got my morning ice tea. From the first sip, I could tell the tea wasn't as cold as it should be. It is aggravating. I wonder if the apartment complex will replace our food, since it was their incompetence that allowed us to lose the food?
Sorry I had to vent someplace. What better place then my own blog.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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This morning at 4 am everything in the freezer was thawed. The ice in the ice bin was melted. Everything in the freezer is a loss. I first noticed it as I got my morning ice tea. From the first sip, I could tell the tea wasn't as cold as it should be. It is aggravating. I wonder if the apartment complex will replace our food, since it was their incompetence that allowed us to lose the food?
Sorry I had to vent someplace. What better place then my own blog.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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Free Dishwasher Detergent
Finish Dishwasher Detergent is giving away free samples of their Quantum dish detergent for those interested. This is a great household product that you are sure to use. I am always interested in trying new dish detergent to see if it will get my cups spotless. Let me tell you, I made the switch before I got married, and my wife and I just replenished our supply when we had some coupons so we are again set for a couple of months. I encourage you to try one of these free samples to see if it works better than the brand you Currently use.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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Thursday, April 26, 2012
Mayflower Compact - America's 1st Constitution
IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a Voyage to plant the first Colony in the northern Parts of Virginia; Do by these Presents, solemnly and mutually, in the Presence of God and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick, for our better Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid: And by Virtue hereof do enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions, and Officers, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general Good of the Colony; unto which we promise all due Submission and Obedience. IN WITNESS whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cape-Cod the eleventh of November, in the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King James, of England, France, and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth, Anno Domini; 1620.
My name is Kevin, and that's what I think. What do you think? Agree? Disagree?
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Cow Statue at UT's University Co-op
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photo by Kevin Surbaugh |
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photo by Kevin Surbaugh |
Handicapped Accessibility:
People of all mobility can view this statue in the parking lot where it sets, however there are steps that some climb to be photographed by, which leaves those with mobility issues out of the picture.
All over Austin you can see painted cows. This one is part of the University of Texas' University Co-op and can be seen at 23rd and San Antonio. Just a block off of Guadalupe. Duped the Largest Longhorn in the world, the burnt orange longhorn cow measures 12 ft. high and 17 ft. long with 9 ft. horn spread and is made of fiberglass.
View Larger Map
Frog Mural
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photo by Kevin Surbaugh |
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photo by Kevin Surbaugh |
Artist: Daniel Johnston
When my wife and I arrived to see this mural were disappointed someone had defaced this famous mural. You can see my wife unintentionally in the 2nd shot of this famous Austin mural.
Brief History:
In 1993 Johnston was commissioned to paint a mural of the Hi, How Are You? frog (also known as "Jeremiah the Innocent") from his 1983 album cover on the side of the Sound Exchange record store located on the corner of 21st and Guadalupe in Austin, Texas (the "Drag"). At the time, the frog image had recently become nationally recognized from media images of Kurt Cobain wearing a "Hi, How Are You?" t-shirt during Nirvana's promotion of their 1991 album Nevermind. The building remained unoccupied until 2004 when a Mexican grill franchise called Baja Fresh took ownership and decided to paint over the mural. Diego Gonzalez Joven, an international student from The University of Texas at Austin convinced the managers and contractors to keep the mural intact, later that year it became a sushi and Thai restaurant called Crave. In Spring 2008, a Jeremiah the Innocent collectible figurine was released in limited runs of four different colors.
As of June 2010, a biopic about Johnston's life featuring Gabriel Sunday of My Suicide is in production.
March 1, 2012, Brooklyn based photographer Jung Kim announced her photo book and traveling exhibition project with Johnston, a collaboration 4 years in the making. It is cited on the project's Kickstarter campaign page that the photo book and first exhibition will launch at SXSW 2013 in Austin, Texas, hosted by Louis Black who was an early supporter of Johnston.
- Wikipedia
From Wikipedia
The actual image un-defaced can be seen in the Wikipedia quote. Hopefully this mural gets repaired soon.
Murals at Renaissance Market
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photo by Kevin "Prince of Thrift" Surbaugh |
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photo by Kevin "Prince of Thrift" Surbaugh |
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photo by Kevin "Prince of Thrift" Surbaugh |
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photo by Kevin "Prince of Thrift" Surbaugh |
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photo by Kevin "Prince of Thrift" Surbaugh |
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photo by Kevin "Prince of Thrift" Surbaugh |
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photo by Kevin "Prince of Thrift" Surbaugh |
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photo by Kevin "Prince of Thrift" Surbaugh |
Three (3) murals are located at the Renaissance Market which is a street market that closed down one (1) city block of 23rd street. Enjoy the murals and while you are there check out the merchants and their handmade crafts.
Location: 23rd and Guadalupe
Artist(s): Austintatious Artists
Varsity Theater Mural
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photo by Kevin "Prince of Thrift" Surbaugh |
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photo by Kevin "Prince of Thrift" Surbaugh |
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photo by Kevin "Prince of Thrift" Surbaugh |
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photo by Kevin "Prince of Thrift" Surbaugh |
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photo by Kevin "Prince of Thrift" Surbaugh |
Varsity Theater Mural
Location: 24th & Guadalupe (at the former Tower Records currently Coffee Bean and some other shops)Artist: Carlos Lowry, 1980
Le Bonheur de Vivre Mural
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
The Coming Revolution by Dr. Richard Lee
When I read the introduction of "The Coming Revolution," by Richard G. Lee it was clear that the author believed we were beginning to see an unparalleled backlash against the increased Government controls eating away at the liberties promised us in the U. S. Constitution.
As a patriot this is something that I have been concerned about and thus made me more interested in what Dr. Lee had to say on this matter. His introduction makes it clear that he believes we are in the early stages of another great awaking, bigger then that of even during the American Revolution. That doesn't mean with guns, no he believes this revolution will be a battle of idea.
In chapter one (1) he discusses America's greatest achievements and begins discussing some of threats within America including the breakdown of the traditional family which according to the 2010 Census Bureau report, there is more unmarried people between the ages of 25 and 34 then ever before.
He weaves this back into the growing discontent among the general public and points out the concerns which led to the American revolution were taxation without representation and the imposition of unjust laws by the British Parliament. All of which in part was because they were not allowed to have a representative represent them in either the House of Commons or the House of Lords.
The remain chapters are:
2. The promise of America
Dr. Lee points out that before we can restore America to her greatness, we must first remember the real history. Not the watered down revisionist version that ignores why the Pilgrims, Puritans, Quakers and other groups came to this new world for in the first place. He even to my surprise and delight quoted one of my ancestors; John Winthrop, the founder of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
3. What the Founders Believed
As the title of this chapter suggests, Dr. Lee delves into what the founders believed. Actually it started to some extent in chapter two (2), and is continued into chapter three (3). He continues looking at how this nation was built by immigrants fleeing religious persecution as he looks at their belief system.
4. The Birth of the American Spirit
In this chapter Dr. Lee looks at the fast growing colonies seeking how to unite despite such an economically, ethnically and linguistically divided population.
5. Faith in the Twenty-First Century
Here in chapter five (5), Dr. Lee asks when did America become a secular nation? Looks at a once Christian nation that allowed socialism to take over and how that country fell from it's greatness into several splintered countries. It is clear he is warning that the same could happen here, if we don't take a stand. We must realize that much like the former U. S. S. R a nation without God will not survive.
6. The Coming Revolution
In chapter six (6) he starts bringing it all together as he compares the socialist takeover of the former Soviet Union and Obama's 2008 campaign compared with the increased socialism in this country along with the dumbing down of our citizens through the educational system.
7. What You Can Do
Finally he looks at what you and I can do. Much of which includes educating ourselves and preparing ourselves spiritually. You can bet I will be more proactive and vigilant in this fight.
I encourage everyone reading my words to read this book. John F. Kennedy once said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what can you do for your country." It is sad that many Americans today have their hands out looking for the country can do for them. This book encourages us to stand up before it is to late to save this once great country. I encourage everyone reading my words to read this book. Don't delay. The future of our nation may depend upon it.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” The free book was my only "payment" in the writing of this review.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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As a patriot this is something that I have been concerned about and thus made me more interested in what Dr. Lee had to say on this matter. His introduction makes it clear that he believes we are in the early stages of another great awaking, bigger then that of even during the American Revolution. That doesn't mean with guns, no he believes this revolution will be a battle of idea.
In chapter one (1) he discusses America's greatest achievements and begins discussing some of threats within America including the breakdown of the traditional family which according to the 2010 Census Bureau report, there is more unmarried people between the ages of 25 and 34 then ever before.
Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan was among the first to warn the nation what was in store for this country if the breakdown of the traditional family persisted. In a stern warning penned in 1965, he said,The next issue he weaved in was the dumbing down of our nations education sector. A problem that was seen in the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) that showed 21% of high school seniors were performing at or above the "proficient" level. Meaning the vast majority of students didn't even attain the most basic level.
"From the wild Irish slums of the nineteenth-century Eastern seaboard to the riot-torn suburbs of Los Angles, there is one unmistakable lesson in American history: A community that allows a large number of young men to grow up in broken families, dominated by women, never acquiring a stable relationship to male authority; never acquiring any rational expectations about the future-that community asks for and gets chaos...[In such a society] crime, violence, unrest, unrestrained lashing out at the whole social structure-these are not only to be expected, but are virtually inevitable.
Source: The Negro Family: The Case for National Action 1, U. S. department of Labor, Office of Policy planning and research, 1965, 44.
He weaves this back into the growing discontent among the general public and points out the concerns which led to the American revolution were taxation without representation and the imposition of unjust laws by the British Parliament. All of which in part was because they were not allowed to have a representative represent them in either the House of Commons or the House of Lords.
We are not seeing signs of an insurrection on that scale in this country so far, but a lot of people are on edge because of the incompetent handling of the economy, the bailouts of corrupt financial institutions, the government takeover of automobile and insurance companies, the passage of universal health care, and the threats of increased taxation. There have been no violent demonstrations or marches on the White house-most people believe the 2010 midterm elections sent a message to Congress and are still optimistic that our voices are being heard.In other words we are seeing unjust taxation and laws, much like those early Americans did in the 18th century. Unquestionably, he believes that there is still hope. In the subsequent chapters he looks back at the history of America as people from the old world comes to this brave new world in the 16th and 17th centuries and begins the colonization process. He looks at some of the successes and failures of those early colonies. He even compares the failures to the success and suggests that the purposes of those colonies may have lead to their success or failures. He then brings this all back around to our present day situation.
The remain chapters are:
2. The promise of America
Dr. Lee points out that before we can restore America to her greatness, we must first remember the real history. Not the watered down revisionist version that ignores why the Pilgrims, Puritans, Quakers and other groups came to this new world for in the first place. He even to my surprise and delight quoted one of my ancestors; John Winthrop, the founder of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
We must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us.And indeed the world's eyes are upon us. Everyone can see how great God has blessed us. They also will see us fall if we continue to turn our back on Him. Much like the Israelite in ancient Israel.
3. What the Founders Believed
As the title of this chapter suggests, Dr. Lee delves into what the founders believed. Actually it started to some extent in chapter two (2), and is continued into chapter three (3). He continues looking at how this nation was built by immigrants fleeing religious persecution as he looks at their belief system.
4. The Birth of the American Spirit
In this chapter Dr. Lee looks at the fast growing colonies seeking how to unite despite such an economically, ethnically and linguistically divided population.
5. Faith in the Twenty-First Century
Here in chapter five (5), Dr. Lee asks when did America become a secular nation? Looks at a once Christian nation that allowed socialism to take over and how that country fell from it's greatness into several splintered countries. It is clear he is warning that the same could happen here, if we don't take a stand. We must realize that much like the former U. S. S. R a nation without God will not survive.
6. The Coming Revolution
In chapter six (6) he starts bringing it all together as he compares the socialist takeover of the former Soviet Union and Obama's 2008 campaign compared with the increased socialism in this country along with the dumbing down of our citizens through the educational system.
7. What You Can Do
Finally he looks at what you and I can do. Much of which includes educating ourselves and preparing ourselves spiritually. You can bet I will be more proactive and vigilant in this fight.
I encourage everyone reading my words to read this book. John F. Kennedy once said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what can you do for your country." It is sad that many Americans today have their hands out looking for the country can do for them. This book encourages us to stand up before it is to late to save this once great country. I encourage everyone reading my words to read this book. Don't delay. The future of our nation may depend upon it.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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Tuesday, April 24, 2012
En Lucha
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photo by Kevin "Prince of Thrift" Surbaugh |
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photo by Kevin "Prince of Thrift" Surbaugh |
Location: 1801 South 1st (Corner of 1st and Annie - Front of Ancient Ink Tattoos and Resistencia Bookstore)
Unveiled: August 13, 2011
1801 S 1st St, Austin, TX 78704, USA
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Austin Postcard Mural
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photo by Kevin "Prince of Thrift" Surbaugh |
This mural has been seen on "Betty White's Off Their Rockers" TV show.
Location: 600 block of West Annie on the Annie Street Side of Roadhouse Relics. (Another Mural is across the street on the 1st Street "Front side" of a tattoo business. -- Both are worth seeing.)
Artists: Billy Brakhage & Rory Skagen, 1997
Saturday, April 21, 2012
A Peaceful Texas Scene
Willie Nelson Statue
Willie Nelson Statue
Unveiled April 2, 2012
sculptor Clete Shields of Philadelphia
Texas State Cemetery
Murals at Seton - Rafael Navarro
Location: Seton Medical Tower (Lobby both walls) 1301 w 38th Austin, TX
Artist: Rafael Navarro
Painted in 1967
Restored in 1984
2nd Restoration: 2006/2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Confederate Field
Confederate Field
Location: Texas State Cemetery 909 Navasota Austin, TX
The oldest section of the cemetery is Confederate Field. With some 2,200 confederates along with some of their spouses buried in the Confederate area. Only a few battles were fought on Texas soil, but Texans served in both Confederate and Federal armies.
Joanna Troutman
Joanna Troutman
Location: Texas State Cemetery 909 Navasota Austin, TX
Born: Feb. 19, 1818 (Crawford County, GA)
Died: July 23, 1879
Troutman is sometimes referred to as the "Betsy Ross of Texas." She is credited with designing the first Texas flag at the young age of 17.
In 1835, Georgia raised a battalion to fight in Texas, which had issued an appeal for help in gaining independence from Mexico. The 17-year-old Troutman designed and sewed a flag of white silk, featuring a blue star with five points and two inscriptions: “Texas and Liberty” on one side, and in Latin, “Where Liberty dwells there is my country,” on the other. The battalion took the flag to Texas, where it was unfurled over the Americana Hotel in Velasco on Jan. 8, 1836. The flag was accidentally torn, but the Georgia Battalion took along the remnants as they joined Col. James W. Fanin at Goliad, in south Texas. On March 8, 1836, Fanin learned that Texas had declared its independence on March 2. He then raised the tattered flag as the national flag, making it the first flag to fly over free Texas. Later, during the battle of Goliad, and during the subsequent massacre of American prisoners by the Mexican army, the flag was destroyed.
In 1839, Troutman married S. L. Pope and moved to Elmwood, a plantation near Knoxville, Ga. They had four sons. After Pope died in 1872, she married W. G. Vinson, a state legislator. Troutman was buried in Elmwood. Ironically, she never visited Texas in her lifetime. In 1913, Texas governor Oscar B. Colquitt, a Georgia native, received permission for Troutman's remains to be interred at the State Cemetery in Austin. In 1919 a bronze sculpture designed by Pompeo L. Coppini depicting a girl sewing was erected in her memory. Her portrait hangs in the Texas state capitol building.
Read more: Joanna Troutman —
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Stephen Austin Statue - Texas State Cemetery
Stephen Austin was born in Virginia in 1793, he brought the first 300 Anglo American colonists to Texas in 1821. Austin became known as the "Father of Texas."
Shortly after he was appointed Secretary of State of the Republic of Texas, Austin died of pneumonia.
His body was buried in Peach Point, TX in 1836, and in 1910 his remains were brought to Texas State Cemetery by order of Governor O. B. Colquitt. This bronze statue was completed and erected the same year by Pompeo Compini.
Location: Texas State Cemetery 909 Navasota Austin, TX
Shortly after he was appointed Secretary of State of the Republic of Texas, Austin died of pneumonia.
His body was buried in Peach Point, TX in 1836, and in 1910 his remains were brought to Texas State Cemetery by order of Governor O. B. Colquitt. This bronze statue was completed and erected the same year by Pompeo Compini.
Location: Texas State Cemetery 909 Navasota Austin, TX
Monday, April 16, 2012
Albert Sidney Johnston Memorial
Albert Sidney Johnston Memorial
General of the Army of Mississippi, Confederate States of AmericaBorn: 1807 (in Kentucky) Died: April 6, 1862 (mortaly wounded during the Battle of Shiloh)
His remains are buried in New Orleans
Location: Texas State Cemetery 909 Navasota Austin, TX
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