Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Disclaimer: Responsible Sponsorships

Ever since I started this blog, I have been consistently opposed to credit cards and debt. As Dave Ramsey say's if you have to consolidate debt, do not accept any new debt. So when I am asked to accept an advertiser link or to review a website that wants me to be positive towards taking on new debt. Then I have to do what is the morally responsible thing for me and reject the offer. No matter how much I need the money, I cannot take money based upon a lie and that can hurt my reputation of being anti-debt.
That was the case when a blogger, who I enjoy reading, approached me and asked me to review his post positively on a new offer that American Excess, ahem, I mean American Express is offering.
For those that read this blog regualarly and those new readers that come in everyday, I want you know that I am committed to my beliefs and getting out of debt. However, I will never sacrifice my beliefs so that I can get out of debt faster.
My goal is to make this blog enjoyable to the reader as will as informative. I know how much people hate advertising, but it is a fact of life. So if I cannot at least be honest in sponsor post, then I do not want to put it forth.

Thank you for taking this time to read this disclaimer.


  1. I appreciate you standing for what you believe. Money isn't worth losing your values for.

    I think the only kind of consolidation that D.R. recommends is student loan consolidation and that is because they are not on a fixed interest rate. Other than that, he says you can't borrow your way out of debt. If you use a debt consolidation company, your credit report will be trashed, and when applying for a mortgage you will be treated as if you had filed a chapter 13 bankruptcy.

    I do really enjoy your blogs, and I am certain that you will be rewarded for being consistent with your values. If not in this life, in the next.

  2. Stick to your guns!!!! It is good that you are an ethical person.
