Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A Frugal Christmas

Dave Ramsey writes on his website:

If you are paying off debt, don't let Christmas be an excuse to go back into debt. Making a budget for the big holiday is crucial to not spending too much. You should start saving a few months in advance, but since we're past that time, if you haven't started a budget, then you have to get creative. Don't buy something so expensive that you are still paying for it in March ... in fact, don't buy ANYTHING that you can't afford! It's time to break the cycle of spending more than you make.

He suggests looking for deals. There are plenty of Web sites out there that advertise great deals on used items, he says. Take into account, he points out, that "used" doesn't mean "cheap quality". There are plenty of times when someone buys clothes and either doesn't like them or they don't fit. Then they want to sell them. People can also get bored with toys, musical instruments and all sorts of things and want to get rid of them. Take advantage of these deals!
He reminds us,
it's the thought that counts. And many times, the right thought can translate into a gift that will really make the day of the person to whom you give it. Making someone's favorite dinner can be a great and inexpensive gift. It also is something that you put effort into, which holds more meaning than just stopping at a store and buying something. Try it! Get creative with gift-giving and it can be more fun than receiving gifts.

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