Saturday, March 20, 2010

Health-Care Reform?

For months the debate in Congress has been over so called Health-care reform. Yet after all this time, we still really don't know much about it. Some critics say it will raise taxes and national debt. Supporters claim that it wont and in fact will pay for itself in a matter of a few shot years. I am inclined to believe the critics on that point. One only has to look at the run away costs of medicare and medicaid.

However, what about the merits of the reform itself. That's where everything is so confusing. With the high costs of medical costs and insurance, we in this country are in need of some kind of reform, to reign in those costs. But, is this legislation the answer. I don't know, because I really don't know what's in the bill. Critics, make such wide criticisms, while supporters in Congress say those criticisms are unfounded. Who do you believe?

Every critic, I have heard has insurance, and seemingly has no trouble paying for it. Where are the critics, that don't have insurance (or struggles to pay) and is informed enough to criticize the bill. Until, so one the bill is suppose to help, steps forward and intelligently criticizes the bill, I have to remain undecided.

Finally, how will this government run insurance be paid for? Will it replace our current health insurances? How much will it cost each individual? If they can't afford insurance now, how will they be able to all of a sudden afford this insurance? If it doesn't replace everyone's current insurance, how is it different then medicare (for the elderly) and medicaid (for the poor)? What about dental, will dental coverage be included under this plan?

There is just to many questions left unanswered to make an informed decision, on whether this is a good bill or not.

go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.

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