Thursday, June 22, 2006

Bruce Berman Scam

Bruce Berman advertises on the radio his program to develop wealth. He claims he is not going to try to sell you his book, he will give you the information free. Gives you a website to go to. At the page, you are encouraged to enter your name and address in the field to receive his book, an audio CD and his entire package (a claimed value of over $100) for free, then on the next page they want you to pay $3.95 shipping. I refuse to do this. So I open another window and begin searching. He also has and (same page as I have in the other window) when I tried to move away and back to my yahoo search, a chat window opens and an "agent" named "Rachel" tries to encourage me to pay the 3.95 as I talk with her...I decide she is a bot. I say so and that I REFUSE to pay shipping for something advertised as FREE. What's her response? "I am a real person." My reply "oh really??? what did I say?" She responds by hyping the product and all I pay is 3.95 for shipping. So I close out the windw and go back to the other window and when I try to close that window, again the chat window opens, this time I started messing with the STUPID bot. Everything she said I replied with this It was funny to watch all the her previous replies again come on the chat window in response to my web url. Proof she is a bot. I had fun messing with the stupid thing. I hope someone at their website, actually reads the transcript and sees that their bot did more to piss off a potential seeker, then to intice them to "buy."

Please, take my advice and ignore this guy's ads, you won't want to mess with his so called free website. HIs other website, is where he has the packages that he actually sells and even offers you a loan...anotherwards encourages you to go into debt.


  1. You can tell by the names of his websites that it's all a scam. It's the same thing with those get rich quick scheme commercials that have the stock video actors promoting an unnamed website with only the URL at the bottom of the screen.

    Website names like "" or "" are classic examples of junk sites.

  2. There are so many scams out there. Recently, a group of retail stores put in fake credit card readers. They showed the right lcd prompts but in the end were just harvesting the credit card numbers. Yes, they were busted....

    Here's the link, sorry it's so long:

  3. If you're going to call something a scam, don't be a moron. It isn't a scam, its smart marketing. You are sent a case, in it has a free cd and a book, along with another 8 CD's that you are billed $80-$100 for if you don't call and return the CD's within 30 days. Sure this is a bit sneaky, but its not a scam, you can easily get out of it. I decided to buy the CD's and I learned more about business from them than I have reading books for a really long time. Sure he brags a lot on his CD's but he is smart and knows his shit. I am now starting to do his one on one coaching to get into real estate and it's the best thing I've ever done. So STFU if you don't know what you're talking about, it works.

  4. If you want to be taken seriously, sign a name. Anonymous replies aren't taken as seriously.

    The point is his commercial says the CD and book is free! However, when you respond, you find out he charges for shipping, which is not what the commercial said.

    His commercials raises ethical questions, and may be illegal, if the law is applied in its strictist terms.

  5. To the "anonymous" poster below:

    It IS a scam. It's a scam becasue you have to return the CD's UNOPENED for them to be considered in "re-saleable" condition.

    So how am I supposed to review the material for 30 days (from purchase, by the way, not receipt of the product) without actually opening it? I don't know about you, but my ESP doesn't include reading CD's!

    (BTW, how much are you paying for this "one-on-one" coaching this?)

  6. Someone should get this stuff and put it all on file sharing networks so NO ONE has to pay for it ever again!
