Friday, June 30, 2006

Birthday On A budget

I have a birthday coming up (in 13 days -- ie July 13). How does a financially strapped single celebrate their birthday. Funds are so tight that a person has nothing extra for blow money. Infact, after my June budget was blown, I am extremely tight.

As such, I thought I would put it to all my readers, and ask for your suggestions. Everything I can think of, costs money, which is unavailable at this point. I could go bowling, before I head to work that night, however, that simply is not in the budget. Since I work that night, throwing a party is out of the question, as well as out of the budget. Since most of the readers are in the same boat and working their way out of debt to, what do you do? What are your suggestions? Keep those suggestions coming, I look forward to reading all your suggestions and comments.


  1. I'm kind of a weirdo, but I rarely celebrate anything...

    I find that if it wasn't for my wife and kids, I wouldn't do much formal celebration.

  2. take your favorite book to the coffee shop and just drink tea.

  3. rock the f-150 explorer on over to lotwcc as always..........

  4. Anonymous -

    what's going on at Light of the World? I haven't been in that church since I attended a friends wedding there.

  5. I posted something,but I don't see it here. I will do my best to remember what I said.
    I would rent a movie and go watch it at a friends house.Thye provide the food as their girt to you!
    My family and I acknowledged my birthday,which was yesterday,but we are going to celebrate later this month when we have more time and money.
