Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Texas Peace Officers Memorial

While I was in Austin recently, besides getting a place to live, I visited some of the tourist locations. This video is of the Texas Peace Officers memorial on the grounds of the Texas State Capital.

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Endorsements in the Kansas Primary

I have been reluctant to issue any endorsements this year in the Kansas primary. However with the August 3 primary upon us, I have decided that I should. In addition, with my upcoming move to Texas, I have decided to restart For those unfumiliar with Kevin's View, it was a political blog, which I ran for several years, before I started The readership, of the financial blog surpassed that of the political blog, so I merged them together. Now, perhaps it is time again to have a political blog as well as the financial blog. Below is my endorsements for the last election, that I will vote in here in Kansas.

  • Governor: Sam Brownback
    The Economy is the main reason, I have supported Sam from the very get-go.

    Sam Brownback is running for Governor to grow Kansas. Economic growth supports everything we do as a state---it feeds families, provides opportunities for young people, makes seniors more secure in their retirement, generates revenue for government services and charities at all levels and provides the goods and services that support our quality of life. Economic growth is the engine that makes our state go. Restoring growth will be Sam Brownback's top priority as Governor.
    In addition when it comes to Taxes, Brownback opposes tax increases, particularly in times of economic distress. To prove his commitment to this, he signed the Americans For Prosperity's “No Climate Tax” Pledge.

  • U.S. Senate: Todd Tihart
    Tihart's opponent is a very good man. One I would be proud to see in the Senate. Can't go wrong with either one. However, I believe Todd would be the best for Kansas and he current Economy. He has proven himself the financially responsible, while he has been in the Congress. His opponents mailer sealed my endorsement of Tihart. As a former Democrat, I don't take kindly to his opponet trying to put him down, because he was a registered Democrat before he ran for Congress. What was the point? Ronald Reagan, one of this Nation's best Presidents (and most Conservative) also was a former Democrat. I would rather look at Tihart's Congressional voting record. That tells me a lot more then, how he was registered to vote 26 or 30 years ago.

  • Congress (2nd District): Lynn Jenkins
    Lynn is the former State Treasurer, and a confirmed reader of, as such you know she must have a good handle on finances. Her own words prove that to be true.

    I am convinced now more than ever that our federal government’s greatest problem is its addiction to spending. Too many politicians who have been in Washington for too long have forgotten that taxpayers are what keeps our government going. Instead of being responsible and eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse or reigning in spending, many politicians think they have been given a blank check to do as they please. I couldn’t disagree more.

    That’s why I have stayed committed to conservative fiscal policies that put America’s security and future generations first and foremost. We cannot continue to give hostile foreign nations greater influence or simply pass the burden on to our kids and grand-kids. If we want to put our nation back on the path to prosperity, we need people in Washington who believe in and will practice fiscal restraint. I pledge to continue doing just that by opposing wasteful earmarks and pushing for reforms in the earmarking process.

  • Attorney General: Derek Schmidt

  • Sec. of State: Elizabeth "Libby" Ensley
    Libby is the only Republican candidate, who has first hand knowledge of the job. She has served as Shawnee County Election Commissioner, since she was appointed by then Secretary of State Bill Graves in 1992. Before that, she had worked in every department in the Secretaries office since 1981.

  • Insurance Commissioner: Sandy Praeger
    She is the only experienced candidate for this office.
    Commissioner Sandy Praeger was elected as Kansas' 24th Commissioner of Insurance on November 2, 2002. She was reelected on November 7, 2006. Commissioner Praeger is responsible for regulating all insurance sold in Kansas and overseeing the nearly 1,700 insurance companies and more than 92,000 agents licensed to do business in the state.

  • Treasurer: Ron Estes
    As Sedgwick County Treasurer, Ron has the qualifications to be our next State Treasurer and first elected Treasurer since Lynn Jenkins resigned to go to Congress.

    go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.

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  • Kansas Republican Primary Endorsements

    I have been reluctant to issue any endorsements this year in the Kansas primary. However with the August 3 primary upon us, I have decided that I should. In addition, with my upcoming move to Texas, I have decided to restart For those unfumiliar with Kevin's View, it was a political blog, which I ran for several years, before I started The readership, of the financial blog surpassed that of the political blog, so I merged them together. Now, perhaps it is time again to have a political blog as well as the financial blog. Below is my endorsements for the last election, that I will vote in here in Kansas.

  • Governor: Sam Brownback
    The Economy is the main reason, I have supported Sam from the very get-go.

    Sam Brownback is running for Governor to grow Kansas. Economic growth supports everything we do as a state---it feeds families, provides opportunities for young people, makes seniors more secure in their retirement, generates revenue for government services and charities at all levels and provides the goods and services that support our quality of life. Economic growth is the engine that makes our state go. Restoring growth will be Sam Brownback's top priority as Governor.
    In addition when it comes to Taxes, Brownback opposes tax increases, particularly in times of economic distress. To prove his commitment to this, he signed the Americans For Prosperity's “No Climate Tax” Pledge.

  • U.S. Senate: Todd Tihart
    Tihart's opponent is a very good man. One I would be proud to see in the Senate. Can't go wrong with either one. However, I believe Todd would be the best for Kansas and he current Economy. He has proven himself the financially responsible, while he has been in the Congress. His opponents mailer sealed my endorsement of Tihart. As a former Democrat, I don't take kindly to his opponet trying to put him down, because he was a registered Democrat before he ran for Congress. What was the point? Ronald Reagan, one of this Nation's best Presidents (and most Conservative) also was a former Democrat. I would rather look at Tihart's Congressional voting record. That tells me a lot more then, how he was registered to vote 26 or 30 years ago.

  • Congress (2nd District): Lynn Jenkins
    Lynn is the former State Treasurer, and a confirmed reader of, as such you know she must have a good handle on finances. Her own words prove that to be true.

    I am convinced now more than ever that our federal government’s greatest problem is its addiction to spending. Too many politicians who have been in Washington for too long have forgotten that taxpayers are what keeps our government going. Instead of being responsible and eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse or reigning in spending, many politicians think they have been given a blank check to do as they please. I couldn’t disagree more.

    That’s why I have stayed committed to conservative fiscal policies that put America’s security and future generations first and foremost. We cannot continue to give hostile foreign nations greater influence or simply pass the burden on to our kids and grand-kids. If we want to put our nation back on the path to prosperity, we need people in Washington who believe in and will practice fiscal restraint. I pledge to continue doing just that by opposing wasteful earmarks and pushing for reforms in the earmarking process.

  • Attorney General: Derek Schmidt

  • Sec. of State: Elizabeth "Libby" Ensley
    Libby is the only Republican candidate, who has first hand knowledge of the job. She has served as Shawnee County Election Commissioner, since she was appointed by then Secretary of State Bill Graves in 1992. Before that, she had worked in every department in the Secretaries office since 1981.

  • Insurance Commissioner: Sandy Praeger
    She is the only experienced candidate for this office.
    Commissioner Sandy Praeger was elected as Kansas' 24th Commissioner of Insurance on November 2, 2002. She was reelected on November 7, 2006. Commissioner Praeger is responsible for regulating all insurance sold in Kansas and overseeing the nearly 1,700 insurance companies and more than 92,000 agents licensed to do business in the state.

  • Treasurer: Ron Estes
    As Sedgwick County Treasurer, Ron has the qualifications to be our next State Treasurer and first elected Treasurer since Lynn Jenkins resigned to go to Congress.

    go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.

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  • Wednesday, July 21, 2010

    Learn About the Changes to Your Credit Card Statement

    I received an email from Five Cent Nickel, that read
    As I’m sure you know, credit card statements are changing this month as a result of the Credit Card Act. Five Cent Nickel has used information from the Federal Reserve to create an easy-to-understand interactive info graphic explaining the new statement changes. By hovering over different parts of the info graphic readers will see all the ways the credit card statement has changed.
    I found the interactive display to be of great quality and wanted to share it with my readers. Again this is a reproduction Nickel of the information at the Federal Reserve website.

    Do you think consumers will pay off their credit cards faster once they know how much interest they're paying and how long it will take? Tell us what you think of the new statement.

    go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.

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    Tuesday, July 20, 2010

    Personal Capital: Foundational Concepts of Capitalism

    I was asked a few months back to review the book, "Personal Capital," by J. L. Eaton. A chance that I jumped at. Unfortunately that's when things become so hectic around my home. I began planning a move. I went into hyper-drive to try to get my debts paid off. Anyway the book was placed on the back burner; and I delayed reading it and writing my review.

    This past week, while I was traveling in Austin, to look at apartments, I used the time to get the book read. The time on the plan, even though short jaunts was time for me to relax and just enjoy a good book.

    Which I can say, that I really did enjoy from the very first paragraph. That first paragraph said in just a few words, what I have been saying on this blog since its first inception.
    Although the idea of selling high-end merchandise to middle and upper-middle income people has been around for some time, Madison Avenue and it's marketing gurus have managed to foist the idea that everyone deserves everything imaginable. All that they have to do is carry the right card. The card magically provides the want-to-be rich with spending power; and suggest that they are independent, virle, sexy and just plain cool. Spending power relies on nothing more then using credit to buy whatever you want. Hyping the idea of spending power simply encourages you to buy higher-end goods and services than you need.

    We all should know, and regular readers do know that I think Madison Avenue, not to mention the attitudes of most Americans, is ludicrous. In fact the second paragraph stated,
    The credit industry has created a false reality.

    The thing is, it's trying to keep up with the Jones'. A very dangerous practice particularly if you can't afford it. As Thomas Jefferson said,
    Never spend your money before you have earned it.

    Good advice from this countries third President, advice I wish even our leaders in today's Washington would heed. But, lets not get into politics here today. This book focuses on Economics, but personal economics, rather then national or international. Although in some ways, the lines between the three blur. As the author states, every dollar you earn is an allocatable resource that you must decide how to spend (or save).

    As such, he goes through the various aspects of your personal economics. He covers everything from Basic Economics (part 1) to Debt (part 2) to Taxes (part 3) to the Basics of Real Estate (part 4) and Investments (part 5).

    He seems to teach a lot of the same ideas as Dave Ramsey, except for on glaring exception. That being on the issue of credit cards, Eaton tells his readers, simply to refuse to carry a balance on credit cards. I'm sorry but that seems to go against the Thomas Jefferson quote (cited above) that he (Eaton) placed in the beginning of Chapter 1, of his book. If you are paying with credit, instead of saved money, then you are spending it before you earn it, even if you pay it off at the end of the month.

    However, the rest of his message seems to very close to Dave Ramsey and John Cummuta, who tell us to cut up our credit cards and get rid of debt.
    1. Start Tax Advantaged Retirement Accounts Now (40k, 403b, Thrift Savings plan, etc).
    2.  Buy a moderate Home.
    3.  Refuse to carry a balance on credit cards.
    4. Accelerate and pay off student Loan Debt Early.
    5. Purchase additional Investment Assets.

    The book (Personal Capital:Foundational Concepts of Capitalism by J. L. Eaton) was very interesting and one that I will certainly be reading again. I encourage each and everyone of you reading my words to read this book and apply it to your financial lives.

    go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.

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    Monday, July 19, 2010

    10-14 Guest Posts Wanted

    As I prepare to be for my upcoming wedding I must put out the request for guest posts. I will be away from my computer for a week. Maybe even two weeks as I get set back up from the move taking place at the same time. Not to mention, between now and this I will be spending more time packing and less time paying attention to the computer.
    So please, if you would like to submit an article to be considered a guest post, please send to the email in the left sidebar. Once I have reviewed it, I can get it into Que to post at an appropriate time. All posts will be given proper credit and will link back to the authors website (if they have one). Please don't hesitate, get your submissions in ASAP, and feel free to submit more then one article (as long as they are different and yours).

    thanks in Advance

    go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.

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    University of Texas Bell Tower

    I recently visited Austin, TX. While I was there I secured an apartment for my soon to be wife and I to live. It actually ended up being the first apartment that was looked at (and the biggest). Best of all, it will only be a mile or two from my fiances' son, who lives in an apartment nearby.

    While I was there, we went to Lake Travis, the UT Bell Tower (as in the video above) and the State Capital grounds.

    go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.

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    Thursday, July 15, 2010

    Teaching Children Financial Responsibility: Do It Before They're Born

    Today's world is one in which resources of all kinds are increasingly drying up. Overpopulation is an issue that we must seriously consider. Although many still follow through with unexpected pregnancies for various reasons, a smart couple would certainly wait until they are financially and emotionally secure to begin one of the most difficult tasks we'll ever have to endure--raising kids.

    Once you have decided that you've reached the point where it would be beneficial and manageable to raise healthy, happy kids, you should also consider carefully what wisdom you want to instill in the future products of your bloodline. One of the most important lessons, in my opinion, is financial responsibility. This is one lesson my parents did not properly teach me, and so I had to learn the hard way--by trial and many, many errors.

    Teaching a lesson successfully, however, always begins by leading by example. People work very much like animals in this respect. As the saying goes, "Monkey see. Monkey do." If your children hear you saying constantly, "Don't spend. Save. Learn the value of a dollar", but they see you spending indiscriminately, then the lesson will not be learned. Actions speak louder than words.

    Another issue that parents-to-be should think about before their children are born is knowing how easy it is to want to spoil your progeny. Especially if you worked hard for your financial security, you'll want to give your kids everything. This impulse, of course, is only natural. Children are perhaps the greatest joys we'll ever experience, and it is a common human tendency to express your love through giving and generosity. To resist this temptation, first recognize the impulse, then know when to bring out the giving you appropriately. Gifts are one thing, but spoiling is completely different. Speak with your partner before the kids come into the picture about future allowances, savings, college expenditures, and other potential money issues. It's never too early to start talking.

    While teaching financial responsibility to the single greatest objects of your love will be inevitably difficult, it's not impossible. Doing it the right way will aid your children in becoming financially responsible, happy adults as well. All it takes is a little planning.

    This guest post is contributed by Jena Ellis, who writes on the topics of Online Certificate Programs. She welcomes your questions and comments at her email Id: jena.ellis20

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    Saturday, July 10, 2010

    Job Interviews and Hopes

    A few weeks ago, I had my first ever telephone interview. That interview was with Wells Fargo Bank. Unfortunately I didn't get that job. Most likely because they needed someone then (not the end of August).

    That didn't stop me though, I continued putting out feelers. Stepping up the number of applications/resumes being sent out this past week. I had an email from one potential employer through on Thursday (7/8/10), wanting to interview me yesterday (7/9). I sent an email back letting them know that I would be in the Austin area soon (to scout out apartments and hopefully jobs before the big move) and asked if it would be possible to meet at that time. Thus far no response. Again, because I am not currently in the Austin area.

    I have also applied with Dell Computers, hoping to get a job with their sales department, selling computers in their inbound-call center. In addition I have applied for jobs at hotels and retail stores. Hoping to land something to better support my family, upon our relocation to that area.

    In the meantime, I have been promised a part-time position with a political campaign. I only need to report to their headquarters when I arrive in August.

    go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.

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    Friday, July 9, 2010

    Who Defaults on Mortgages Most?

    An interesting article was in this mornings New York Times. The articles screams forth, "Biggest Defaulters on Mortgages Are the Rich." According to the article, the majority of homes in foreclosure isn't the poor slobs that lost their job last year and now are losing their hoes to. Instead it is those that are rich.

    Whether it is their residence, a second home or a house bought as an investment, the rich have stopped paying the mortgage at a rate that greatly exceeds the rest of the population.

    More than one in seven homeowners with loans in excess of a million dollars are seriously delinquent, according to data compiled for The New York Times by the real estate analytics firm CoreLogic.

    By contrast, homeowners with less lavish housing are much more likely to keep writing checks to their lender. About one in 12 mortgages below the million-dollar mark is delinquent.
    - New York Times

    The article suggests that the rich treat their mortgages like any other investment. That is dumping any financially draining properties.
    Though it is hard to prove, the CoreLogic data suggest that many of the well-to-do are purposely dumping their financially draining properties, just as they would any sour investment.

    “The rich are different: they are more ruthless,” said Sam Khater, CoreLogic’s senior economist.
    - New York Times

    go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.

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    Wednesday, July 7, 2010

    FDIC Bank Watchlist Grows

    The U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation said that the number of banks on its confidential “problem” list increased to 775 in the first quarter of this year, a nearly 10% increase over the previous quarter. But Chairman Sheila Bair noted that “the trends [in the industry generally] continue to move in the right direction.”

    If the list is getting bigger, how in the world can "the trends continue to move in the right direction?" The good news, is that no banks were seized or otherwise failed over the holiday weekend. Are the Feds wanting more banks to collapse? Anyway, below is a list of banks that believes to be on the current quarters watch list.
    < <
    Bank Name Location Notes
    Advanta Bank Wilmington, DE -
    First National Bank Rosedale, MS Failed on 6/4/10
    MidFirst Bank Oklahoma City, OK -
    Arcola Homestead Savings Bank Arcola, IL Failed on 6/4/10
    Ravenswood Bank Chicago, IL -
    CF Bancorp Port Huron, MI Failed on 4/30/10
    American Patriot Bank Greeneville, TN -
    Southwest Community Bank Springfield, MO Failed on 5/14/10
    Pisgah Community Bank Asheville, NC -
    State Central Bank Keokuk, IA -
    Citizens Bank and Trust Company of Chicago Chicago, IL Failed on 4/23/10
    Champion Bank Creve Coeur, MO Failed on 4/30/10
    Imperial Savings and Loan Association Martinsville, VA -
    SouthwestUSA Bank Las Vegas, NV -
    Bank of Florida - Southwest Naples, FL Failed on 5/28/10
    Appalachian Community Bank, F.S.B. Mc Caysville, GA -
    Beach First National Bank Myrtle Beach, SC Failed on 4/9/10
    New Century Bank Chicago, IL Failed on 4/23/10
    Access Bank Champlin, MN Failed on 5/7/10
    Sunrise Bank of Atlanta Atlanta, GA -
    Towne Bank of Arizona Mesa, AZ Failed on 5/7/10
    ISN Bank Cherry Hill, NJ -
    New Liberty Bank Plymouth, MI Failed on 5/14/10
    Sterling Bank Lantana, FL Failed on 7/23/10
    1st Commerce Bank North Las Vegas, NV -
    Lakeside Community Bank Sterling Heights, MI Failed on 4/16/10
    Wheatland Bank Naperville, IL Failed on 4/23/10
    Bank of Ellijay Ellijay, GA -
    Butler Bank Lowell, MA Failed on 4/16/10
    Pinehurst Bank Saint Paul, MN Failed on 5/21/10
    Peotone Bank and Trust Company Peotone, IL Failed on 4/23/10
    Satilla Community Bank Saint Marys, GA Failed on 5/14/10
    City Bank Lynnwood, WA Failed on 4/16/10
    Williamsburg First National Bank Kingstree, SC Failed on 7/23/10
    Bank of Florida - Tampa Bay Tampa, FL Failed on 5/28/10
    AmericanFirst Bank Clermont, FL Failed on 4/16/10
    First National Bank Savannah, GA Failed on 6/25/10
    Sun West Bank Las Vegas, NV Failed on 5/28/10
    Mainstreet Savings Bank, FSB Hastings, MI Failed on 7/16/10
    Bank of Las Vegas Las Vegas, NV -
    Metro Bank of Dade County Miami, FL Failed on 7/16/10
    Frontier Bank Everett, WA Failed on 4/30/10
    The Bank of Bonifay Bonifay, FL Failed on 5/7/10
    Bayside Savings Bank Port Saint Joe, FL Failed 7/30/10
    Westbridge Bank and Trust Chesterfield, MO -
    Bank of Florida - Southeast Fort Lauderdale, FL Failed on 5/28/10
    BC National Banks Butler, MO Failed on 4/30/10
    Blue Ridge Savings Bank, Inc. Asheville, NC -
    High Trust Bank Stockbridge, GA -
    Western Springs National Bank and Trust Western Springs, IL -
    First Vietnamese American Bank Westminster, CA -
    R-G Premier Bank of Puerto Rico Hato Rey, PR Failed on 4/30/10
    Bramble Savings Bank Westminster, CA -
    Triad Bank, National Association Tulsa, OK -
    ShoreBank Chicago, IL -
    USA Bank Port Chester, NY Failed on 7/9/10
    First Federal Bank of North Florida Palatka, FL Failed on 4/16/10
    Oglethorpe Bank Brunswick, GA -
    Midwest Bank and Trust Company Elmwood Park, IL Failed on 5/14/10
    Broadway Bank Chicago, IL Failed on 4/23/10
    Roxbury Bank Roxbury, KS -
    Midwest Community Bank Plainville, KS -
    Lincoln Park Savings Bank Chicago, IL Failed on 4/23/10
    Earthstar Bank Southampton, PA -
    Crescent Bank and Trust Company Jasper, GA Failed on 7/23/10
    >Woodlands Bank Bluffton, SC Failed on 7/16/10
    Horizon Bank Bradenton, FL -
    Peninsula Bank Englewood, FL Failed on 6/25/10
    Washington First International Bank Seattle, WA Failed on 6/11/10
    Riverside National Bank of Florida Fort Pierce, FL Failed on 4/16/10
    Premier Bank Jefferson City, MO -
    McIntosh State Bank ackson, GA -
    Putnam State Bank Palatka, FL -
    First Central Savings Bank Glen Cove, NY -
    Michigan Commerce Bank Ann Arbor, MI -
    Fort Lee Federal Savings Bank, FSB Fort Lee, NJ -
    Hillcrest Bank Overland Park, KS -
    First Suburban National Bank Maywood, IL -
    Ideal Federal Savings Bank Baltimore, MD Failed on 7/9/10
    Tifton Banking Company Tifton, GA -
    American Trust Bank Roswell, GA -
    Community Security Bank New Prague, MN Failed 7/23/10
    Copper Star Bank Scottsdale, AZ -
    Security Exchange Bank Marietta, GA -
    Community National Bank of Bartow Bartow, FL -
    Jefferson Bank Dallas, TX -
    OptimumBank Plantation, FL -
    Sunshine State Community Bank Port Orange, FL -
    Gulf State Community Bank Carrabelle, FL -
    Hometown Community Bank Braselton, GA -
    Sonoma Valley Bank Sonoma, CA -
    K Bank Randallstown, MD -
    Chelten Hills Savings Bank Abington, PA -
    Badger State Bank Cassville, WI -
    Paramount Bank Farmington Hills, MI -
    Independence Federal Savings Bank Washington, DC -
    North Georgia Bank Watkinsville, GA -
    Family Federal Savings of Illinois Cicero, IL -
    Bay National Bank Baltimore, MD Failed on 7/9/10
    Old Harbor Bank Clearwater, FL -
    High Desert State Bank Albuquerque, NMFailed on 6/25/10
    First City Bank of Florida Fort Walton Beac, FL -
    Bank of Granite Granite Falls, NC -
    Olde Cypress Community Bank Clewiston, FL Failed on 7/16/10
    Northwest Bank & Trust Acworth, GA Failed on 7/30/10
    Community Bank of Rockmart Rockmart, GA -
    Haven Trust Bank Florida Ponte Vedra Beac, FL -
    Town North Bank, N. A. Dallas, TX -
    Eurobank San Juan, PR Failed on 4/30/10
    Amcore Bank, National Association Rockford, IL Failed on 4/23/10
    Independent National Bank Ocala, FL -
    Citizens Bank of Effingham Springfield, GA -
    United Americas Bank, National Association Atlanta, GA -
    First National Bank of the South Spartanburg, SC Failed on 7/16/10
    Palm Desert National Bank Palm Desert, CA -
    Texas Coastal Bank Pasadena, TX -
    Plantation Federal Bank Pawleys Island, SC -
    1st Pacific Bank of California San Diego, CA Failed on 5/7/10
    Turnberry Bank Aventura, FL Failed on 7/16/10
    First Guaranty Bank and Trust Company of Jacksonville Jacksonville, FL -
    Nevada Security Bank Reno, NV Failed on 6/18/10
    Darby Bank & Trust Co. Vidalia, GA -
    Farmers & Merchants Bank Lakeland, GA -
    Capitol City Bank & Trust Company Atlanta, GA -
    Peoples State Bank Hamtramck, MI -
    Palos Bank and Trust Company Palos Heights, IL -
    Western Community Bank Orem, UT -
    Tamalpais Bank San Rafael, CA Failed on 4/16/10
    Westernbank Puerto Rico Mayaguez, PR Failed on 4/30/10
    Ventura County Business Bank Oxnard, CA -
    Polk County Bank Johnston, IA -
    First Sound Bank Seattle, WA -
    FirsTier Bank Louisville, CO -
    North County Bank Arlington, WA -
    Second Federal Savings and Loan Association of Chicago Chicago, IL -
    Enterprise Banking Company Mcdonough, GA -
    San Luis Trust Bank, FSB San Luis Obispo, CA -
    Rocky Mountain Bank & Trust Florence Florence, CO -
    First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Hammond Hammond, IN -
    State Bank of Cokato Cokato, MN -
    Coastal Community Bank Panama City Beac, FL Failed on 7/30/10
    CommunitySouth Bank and Trust Easley, SC -
    Southern Commerce Bank, National Association Tampa, FL -
    The Peoples Bank Winder, GA -
    First Bank of Jacksonville Jacksonville, FL -
    Business Bank Burlington, WA -
    Western Commercial Bank Woodland Hills, CA -
    Freedom Bank Columbia Falls, MT -
    Bank of the Eastern Shore> Cambridge, MD -
    Security Savings Bank, F.S.B. Olathe, KS -
    Americana Community Bank Sleepy Eye, MN -
    The Four County Bank Allentown, GA -
    Butte Community Bank Chico, CA -
    Shoreline Bank Shoreline, WA -
    Talbot State Bank Fayetteville, GA -
    Coastal Bank Merritt Island, FL -
    Mountain Heritage Bank Clayton, GA -
    Premier Bank Minnesota Farmington, MN -
    Habersham Bank Clarkesville, GA -
    Thunder Bank Sylvan Grove, KS 7/23/10
    Albina Community Bank Portland, OR -
    Oxford Bank Oxford, MI -
    Progress Bank of Florida Tampa, FL -
    TierOne Bank Lincoln, NE Failed on 6/4/10
    Inter Savings Bank, fsb D/B/A Interbank, fsb Maple Grove, MN -
    Community Bank and Trust - West Georgia Lagrange, GA -
    Home National Bank Blackwell, OK Failed on 7/9/10
    Liberty Bank, Inc. Salt Lake City, UT -
    Eastside Commercial Bank, National Association Bellevue, WA -
    Century Bank Parma, OH -
    Pilsen State Bank, Lincolnville, Kansas Lincolnville, KS -
    Clarkston State Bank Clarkston, MI -
    Rosemount National Bank Rosemount, MN -
    Nexity Bank Birmingham, AL -
    Farmers State Bank Lumpkin, GA -
    First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Pekin Pekin, IL -
    AztecAmerica Bank Berwyn, IL -
    Bank of Jackson County Graceville, FL -
    AnchorBank, fsb Madison, WI -
    First Bank West Des Moines, IA -
    The First State Bank Stockbridge, GA -
    HarVest Bank of Maryland Rockville, MD -
    Wakulla Bank Crawfordville, FL -
    The First National Bank of Barnesville Barnesville, GA -
    Superior Bank Hazelwood, MO -
    The First National Bank of Olathe Olathe, KS -
    Innovative Bank Oakland, CA Failed on 4/16/10
    The Bank of Commerce Wood Dale, IL -
    Pacific State Bank Stockton, CA -
    Maritime Savings Bank West Allis, WI -
    First Cherokee State Bank Woodstock, GA -
    The Cowlitz Bank Longview, WA Failed on 7/30/10
    Prosper Bank Prosper, TX -
    PlantersFIRST Cordele, GA -
    FirstSecure Bank and Trust Co. Palos Hills, IL -
    First National Bank of Crestview Crestview, FL -
    Granite Community Bank, N.A. Granite Bay, CA Failed on 5/28/10
    EverBank Jacksonville, FL -
    Community Central Bank Mount Clemens, MI -
    First Commerce Community Bank Douglasville, GA -
    >Colombo Bank Rockville, MD -
    Gunnison Valley Bank Gunnison, UT -
    Central Bank of Georgia Ellaville, GA -
    EvaBank Eva, AL-
    First Georgia Banking Company Franklin, GA -
    Integra Bank National Association Evansville, IN -
    Community Federal Savings Bank Woodhaven, NY -
    Allegiance Bank of North America Bala Cynwyd, PA -
    AmericanWest Bank Spokane, WA -
    SunBank, National Association Phoenix, AZ -
    Los Padres Bank Solvang, CA -
    Central Pacific Bank Honolulu, HI -
    The Farmers Bank Lincoln, NE -
    Heritage Banking Group Carthage, MS -
    Easton Bank & Trust Easton, MD -
    Sterling Savings Bank Spokane, WA -
    Citizens National Bank of Springfield Springfield, MO -

    go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.

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    Sunday, July 4, 2010

    Happy Birthday America

    Today is the 4th of July. Independence Day. The birthday of America. I can truly say that next to Christmas, this is my favorite holiday. Why? Because, I am proud to be an American. I may not agree with the politics. May not even care for all of our elected officials, but I am still proud to be an American.

    A land where we have so many freedoms, that other countries only dream of having. Now if you will, please remove your hats, put your hand over your heart, watch this video and then leave a comment.

    go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.

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    Saturday, July 3, 2010

    Worries of Upcoming Expenses

    I am beginning to get worried about my savings and the upcoming expenses. With only $700 in savings at the moment and a number of expenses beginning to come due, I am really worried. I have 3 more paychecks before, the wedding.

    The next big expense, is my trip to Austin August 14 to secure an apartment and hopefully have a couple of job interviews. I have already paid for the airline ticket, so that isn't a problem and I am staying with my fiances son (and his girlfriend), so I won't have the expense of a hotel. I have $700 in savings at the moment, with the following expenses yet to come.

  • Wedding Dress (back from alteration/cleaning) $200
  • Tux Rentals (for the wedding party) $365
  • Flowers $200
  • Cake (last installment) $45
  • Music/Sound (last installment) $125
  • Movers (U-haul, friends gas, etc, flight back) $1235
  • Apartment (estimate to secure) $1200-$1600
  • Honeymoon Hotels $500
  • Travel expenses (Food, Gas, etc) $300
    Grand Total $4170-$4570

    If I could get more sponsors to step up and sponsor a post (for $75) I would only need 61 posts sponsored to have all the expenses covered. I also have three (3) more paychecks to cover these expenses, but after food (and such) that would leave only $500 out of each of those (which means electricity, heat and such won't be paid, but I leave town in August anyway). Which means, I would only need to come up with an extra $1970-$2370. Which also means I would only need to have 32 posts sponsored (at $75/post) or get 48 sponsors to place a sponsor link ($50) on this blog or the website.

    As most readers should know, I tend to be an optimist, and I believe in the end it will all come together and it will happen, but right now my faith is truly being tested. Any thoughts?

    Also, if anyone knows how I can do a live video feed on the blog (and then save the video for those that want to watch later) please let me know. I would like to stream the wedding here on the blog. I can't afford to buy any software programs, so it would have to be free. Any thoughts?

    go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.

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