I had to close the store last night. That has become somewhat of a Friday night fact. So, I was unable to attend in full force my annual weekend called "Kansas Day". Somewhat a political convention, the weekend is a get together of all the political hacks and politicians (of my particular party) in the state. They always meet the Friday and Saturday closest to Kansas Day (Jan 29), which is the day (148 years ago) the Kansas became a state. The opposing party has theirs in February around Presidents Day.
Anyway, I did make an effort to run by during my lunch hour. I had to get by the Abate of Kansas hospitality suite. They always have the finest food of any of the receptions. Sure, some of the other receptions have great cookies, but the Abates have the finest turkey and ham. So, I ran in, said hi to a few friends, like the newly elected congresswoman, and a couple of friends who have announced their intentions to run for Governor. Then quickly made my way to the Abate reception. They were still sitting up, but I grabbed a Coke, and a plate and got myself some of that excellent turkey and yes even some of the have along with some chips and headed for the door, after saying some quick Hello's to a few other friends and acquaintances.
As always a great place for free food. It was here, that two years ago I pigged out during my eating for $1 a day experiment. Today, I will be walking the few blocks over to the hotel and enjoying the day of receptions and meetings. There is even speculation, that one of the members of Congress will officially announce that he is running for the U.S. Senate during the district meetings. After all the meetings, they will go back into receptions and end with a banquet (that sadly I won't attend this year). Officially though it won't be over until what in years past has been the coffee and cordials reception (9-Midnight), but this year is Java and Jazz.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now.