Guest post by Staci Striegnitz
The heat is on already this summer in Colorado, especially after a drier-than-normal winter. Air conditioners are the second highest users of electricity. Here are our tips to save a little bit of money this summer on your energy bill if you are in Colorado. If you are not in Colorado, be sure to check your local energy company for similar rebates! So try out this tip to save a few dollars this summer on air conditioning and stay comfortable in your home, without spending more time in the frozen food section at Safeway.
Xcel Energy is offering rebates of up to $1000 to Colorado customers who purchase new qualifying high-efficiency central air conditioner systems, or air source heat pumps. The rebate lowers the initial cost of the unit, and the new equipment costs less to run – which is great for your bottom line. Plus, these newer units require less energy to operate – a bonus for our environment.
To qualify for the rebate: you must be located in a Colorado home that receives electricity service from Xcel Energy. Rebates are only issued for units that are installed by contractors who are participants of Xcel’s cooling program. (And proper installation generates the maximum energy savings for you!) Your new equipment must be installed between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2012, and your application must be submitted no later than July 31, 2013. Window units, rooftop units, and ductless mini-split systems don’t qualify for the rebate program. There are also additional qualifications for trade-ins, which can be found on
You can install more than one unit per house, but you will have to file separate paperwork for each rebate. However, it’s only a little paperwork that can go a long way on saving you some change this summer – and keeping you cool!
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Friday, June 29, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Steps in Registering a Cyprus Company
guest post by Michalis Milonas
For a variety of reasons, Cyprus has been the perfect destination of investors who wish to have minimal tax liabilities. It stands-out against its fellow European Union Members because of its low tax rates and highly secured and confidential banking system.
If interested to pursue a Cyprus company registration, company owners are expected to follow the following administrative procedures:
Decisions on the Type of Legal Business
The government allows the establishment and registration of legal entities belonging to private or public companies, branch office of a foreign company, European companies or Societas Europeas, general or limited partnerships, and trade or business names.
Eligibility for Registration
The government allows legal and physical entities both from EU or non-EU countries to register a company in Cyprus. However, it is necessary that the said company acquire the services of a corporate lawyer duly licensed by the Cyprus Bar Association for the preparation of the Memorandum of Articles of Association together with the signed HE1 Declaration Form.
Approval of Company Name
After finding a lawyer that could represent the company and assist it with the legal documents required by the rules and regulations of the country, it is time for the approval of the Company Name. This can be done through the assistance of the hired lawyer or by the applicant himself. He may refer to the website of the Register and do a query with a list of possible company names in mind. He may then fill-out the Point of Single Contact Form and submit it to the Registrar or PSC together with the required payment for the relevant fees. In some instances, lawyers may offer “shelf names” to their clients for a speedier registration process.
Submission of Required Documents
The approval of your company name signals the submission of legal documents needed for the pursuance of the registration. These materials are as follow:
a. Memorandum of Articles of Association
b. Amount and Division of Nominal Share Capital
c. Relevant information of the proposed directors and secretaries, which includes their names, passport details and addresses
d. Proposed addresses of the company to be registered
e. Certified copies of the passports of its ultimate beneficial owners
f. Bank reference for the ultimate beneficial owners
g. Chain of ownership for the Cyprus Company with the indicated names of its ultimate beneficial owners
h. Other requirements required by the Know Your Clients (KYC) in compliance to the Anti-Money Laundering Law set by the CBA
i. Duly filled out Declaration Forms HE1, HE2, HE3
Payment of Fees
The following expenses are the minimum amount you need to pay for the registration of a Cyprus company:
a. €102.52 for the subscription fee plus an additional 0.6% of the nominal share capital as payment for the subscription tax
b. €51.27 for the submission of the HE1, HE2 and HE3 forms
c. Additional fees for optional services, primarily the translation of documents etc
d. An optional €85.43 for those who wish to accelerate the registration process
The Time Table
Once these has been submitted to the Registrar, the company owner may wait for 2 to 5 business days for its approval and registration; if and only if all the submitted documents are free of errors and omissions. After which, you are expected to file for a tax identification number at the Inland Revenue Department.
There are several technicalities required in the registration of a Cyprus company. For a speedier and more convenient process, it is best to find the perfect Cypriot partner agent adept with these processes.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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For a variety of reasons, Cyprus has been the perfect destination of investors who wish to have minimal tax liabilities. It stands-out against its fellow European Union Members because of its low tax rates and highly secured and confidential banking system.
If interested to pursue a Cyprus company registration, company owners are expected to follow the following administrative procedures:
Decisions on the Type of Legal Business
The government allows the establishment and registration of legal entities belonging to private or public companies, branch office of a foreign company, European companies or Societas Europeas, general or limited partnerships, and trade or business names.
Eligibility for Registration
The government allows legal and physical entities both from EU or non-EU countries to register a company in Cyprus. However, it is necessary that the said company acquire the services of a corporate lawyer duly licensed by the Cyprus Bar Association for the preparation of the Memorandum of Articles of Association together with the signed HE1 Declaration Form.
Approval of Company Name
After finding a lawyer that could represent the company and assist it with the legal documents required by the rules and regulations of the country, it is time for the approval of the Company Name. This can be done through the assistance of the hired lawyer or by the applicant himself. He may refer to the website of the Register and do a query with a list of possible company names in mind. He may then fill-out the Point of Single Contact Form and submit it to the Registrar or PSC together with the required payment for the relevant fees. In some instances, lawyers may offer “shelf names” to their clients for a speedier registration process.
Submission of Required Documents
The approval of your company name signals the submission of legal documents needed for the pursuance of the registration. These materials are as follow:
a. Memorandum of Articles of Association
b. Amount and Division of Nominal Share Capital
c. Relevant information of the proposed directors and secretaries, which includes their names, passport details and addresses
d. Proposed addresses of the company to be registered
e. Certified copies of the passports of its ultimate beneficial owners
f. Bank reference for the ultimate beneficial owners
g. Chain of ownership for the Cyprus Company with the indicated names of its ultimate beneficial owners
h. Other requirements required by the Know Your Clients (KYC) in compliance to the Anti-Money Laundering Law set by the CBA
i. Duly filled out Declaration Forms HE1, HE2, HE3
Payment of Fees
The following expenses are the minimum amount you need to pay for the registration of a Cyprus company:
a. €102.52 for the subscription fee plus an additional 0.6% of the nominal share capital as payment for the subscription tax
b. €51.27 for the submission of the HE1, HE2 and HE3 forms
c. Additional fees for optional services, primarily the translation of documents etc
d. An optional €85.43 for those who wish to accelerate the registration process
The Time Table
Once these has been submitted to the Registrar, the company owner may wait for 2 to 5 business days for its approval and registration; if and only if all the submitted documents are free of errors and omissions. After which, you are expected to file for a tax identification number at the Inland Revenue Department.
There are several technicalities required in the registration of a Cyprus company. For a speedier and more convenient process, it is best to find the perfect Cypriot partner agent adept with these processes.
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"People don't plan to fail, they fail o plan."
- Anonymous
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Monday, June 25, 2012
Arizona Imigration Law a Mixed bag According to the Supreme Court
The Supreme Court issued its ruling on the Arizona Immigration law, but said they won't announce their ruling on Obama's healthcare (sometimes referred to as Obama Care) until Thursday. As for the immigration decision today they stroke down parts of the law, but left intact the central structure of the law.
If someone is stopped for speeding lets say, then yes if their immigration status is questioned they should be checked out. This is not stopping them randomly just to check out their immigration status. There shouldn't be anyone that has a problem with this. Likewise I find it hard to understand why anyone who immigrated to this country legally, waiting in all those lines, putting in the effort to get here legally, why would they support someone who bypassed all those channels and came here illegally. Thus in of itself makes them criminals. I support legal immigration, but I do not condone illegal immigration or any other illegal activity. Since it is a criminal act, it should be dealt with accordingly.
The High Court said regarding what was a 5-4 decision on the remaining three issues that the national government had power to regulate immigration and that Arizona could not enforce laws that undermined that power, even though the Court could understand it's frustration with the problems illegals cause.
So what were those three provisions?
I have problems with registering, it raises all kinds of privacy concerns for me, but since I am not sure exactly what that is all about I can't say a whole lot. If it is paying takes and getting a social security number like the rest of Americans/get a green card, okay, but if it is a special registration over and above that then I have alarm bells ringing in my head. Also I have huge problems with warrant-less arrests. The other provision is already a crime under federal law so i am not sure why that was struck down. It is a law that that needs to enforced better by all law agencies.
My name is Kevin, and that's what I think. What do you think? Agree? Disagree?
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The court unanimously sustained the law’s centerpiece, the one critics have called its “show me your papers” provision. It requires state law enforcement officials to determine the immigration status of anyone they stop or arrest if there is reason to suspect that the individual might be an illegal immigrant.To me I don't understand how anyone could have a problem with this. Lets take a look at the keywords in the statement above.... " It requires state law enforcement officials to determine the immigration status of anyone they stop or arrest if there is reason to suspect that the individual might be an illegal immigrant."
- New York Times
If someone is stopped for speeding lets say, then yes if their immigration status is questioned they should be checked out. This is not stopping them randomly just to check out their immigration status. There shouldn't be anyone that has a problem with this. Likewise I find it hard to understand why anyone who immigrated to this country legally, waiting in all those lines, putting in the effort to get here legally, why would they support someone who bypassed all those channels and came here illegally. Thus in of itself makes them criminals. I support legal immigration, but I do not condone illegal immigration or any other illegal activity. Since it is a criminal act, it should be dealt with accordingly.
The High Court said regarding what was a 5-4 decision on the remaining three issues that the national government had power to regulate immigration and that Arizona could not enforce laws that undermined that power, even though the Court could understand it's frustration with the problems illegals cause.
President Obama said that he was "pleased" with the Court's decision to strike down some aspects of the law, but he voiced his concern about the remaining provision.Well Obama just doesn't want to enforce the federal law at all, and is disappointed that at least one state will enforce it. Obama needs to learn to follow the law and he needs to learn to follow the Constitution, and stop making up his own laws.
- New York Times
So what were those three provisions?
- a provision that made it a crime under state law for immigrants to fail to register under a federal law
- a provision that made it a crime for illegal immigrants to work or to try find work
- a provision that allowed the police to arrest people without warrants if they have probable cause to believe that they have done things that would make them deport-able under federal law
I have problems with registering, it raises all kinds of privacy concerns for me, but since I am not sure exactly what that is all about I can't say a whole lot. If it is paying takes and getting a social security number like the rest of Americans/get a green card, okay, but if it is a special registration over and above that then I have alarm bells ringing in my head. Also I have huge problems with warrant-less arrests. The other provision is already a crime under federal law so i am not sure why that was struck down. It is a law that that needs to enforced better by all law agencies.
My name is Kevin, and that's what I think. What do you think? Agree? Disagree?
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What is Warren Buffet Thinking?
As many of the regular readers of this blog knows one of the people I admire, at least when it comes to business and finances is the so called Great Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffet. Well he has been in the news a great deal recently.
First off in April we learned he has been diagnosed with prostate cancer.
According to the USA Today, it is still in the early stages and studies say that 91% of these cancers caught this early are survived even after 15-years. Buffet on his part says he will start radiation in July.
More recently we have learned that he has been buying up large blocks of newspapers, most small weeklies. Even though the reports that the newspaper industry is a dying industry.
Since the 63 papers bought back in May (2012) he has bought what Seeking Alpha reports as his 66th newspaper, this past Friday he added to his collection of newspapers the Waco Tribune-Herald.
Finally on June 22, 2012 we learned the Buffet and his companies vice-chairman Charlie Munger has become the latest financial advisers/gurus to not buy gold.
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According to the USA Today, it is still in the early stages and studies say that 91% of these cancers caught this early are survived even after 15-years. Buffet on his part says he will start radiation in July.
it is reported that one of the world’s richest and a long-term-focused investor, Warren Buffett, has been actually ramping up his investments in newspapers. AFP’s Rob Lever reports that over the past year, Buffett has invested up to $350 million in the newspaper industry. Investments include $200 million in the Omaha World-Herald (seen by some analysts as a sentimental investment), $142 million into the Media General chain of 63 newspapers, and another $2 million into Lee Enterprises, owner of the St. Louis Post Dispatch and Arizona Daily Sun. Buffett’s Berkshire-Hathaway Company also holds investments in The Buffalo News and The Washington Post Co.
- Smart Planet blog
Since the 63 papers bought back in May (2012) he has bought what Seeking Alpha reports as his 66th newspaper, this past Friday he added to his collection of newspapers the Waco Tribune-Herald.
In a freewheeling discussion to a private channel, Warren Buffett, Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A and BRK.B) has exhorted investors to invest in productive businesses instead of buying gold.I must say I admire his tenacity and have to agree that I like the newspaper business as well, and I have discussed similar sentiments about gold. Although I have allowed guest posters that have posted contrary thoughts. I would love to hear what you think, Is Buffet still a wise investor or is becoming senile? The comment fields are now open.
A day before ,Vice-Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, Charlie Munder also expressed similar sentiments when he said, (civilized people don’t buy gold”. Investing in gold is a computer game and the company abhors such tricks to make money, he added.
- Finance Enquiry
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Wednesday, June 20, 2012
More Freebies
Free Eat-Smart(r) Bar
Get a free Eat-Smart(r) Bar packed with 27 grams of protein! Request this free sample and start building a superior body!Free slice of pie from Waffle House(r)
Do you like pie? Well for a limited time (till June 27, 2012) you can get a free slice of pie from the Waffle House(r). Offer is for dine in only. Available in AL, AK, AZ, AR, CT, DE, FL, GA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MD, NM, NC, OH, OK, PA, SC, TN, TX, and VA.Free box of Nestle(r) Drumstick
You can enter to win a free box of Nestle(r) Drumsticks. They are giving away 1000 box a day!100 Free American Airlines Miles
This one is probably my favorite freebie today. If you visit their Facebook page and “Like” them, you can get 100 free American Airlines miles for learning about their miles donation program. This will also reset your miles expiration date, which is 18 months from most recent activity. No worries, if you already like them, just fill out the form to get your 100 free miles to.---
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Free cup of Dreyers(r) Slow Churned Ice Cream
Get a free cup of Dreyers(r) Slow Churned ice cream. Please note their is a limited number of coupons daily, so if you miss today try tomorrow. Offer is void in CA, CO, LA, NV, and TN.
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go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Frank M. and Annie G. Covert House
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Photograph by D. Kevin Surbaugh |
Frank M. and Annie G. Covert House
Location: 3912 Avenue GHours: Not open to the public
The Frank M. and Annie G. Covert House is a historic home in the Hyde Park Historic District in Austin, Texas. It is also a part of the Shadow Lawn Historic District, a subdivision within the Hyde Park neighborhood established by Hyde Park founder Monroe Shipe.
The building was completed near the turn of the 20th century by local real estate broker and auto dealer Frank Covert. Like other homes in the neighborhood, it includes an eclectic combination of styles, including a Queen Anne form and Romanesque and Classical Revival details. The house features irregular massing, a two story wraparound veranda and masonry construction, unusual in Hyde Park.
According to information compiled by Peter Flagg Maxson, architectural historian, the Covert House had many owners in the 20th century. Under the Sassman ownership (1917–1945) it was rented out to, among others, Robert Winslow and the House of the Holy Infancy, a home for unwed mothers.
In the 1970s the Covert House was acquired by several families, who tried group living there. After a period of some neglect, the property was acquired by Dr. John and Ann Horan, who beautifully restored it. It has since been sold on to another person.
The house is located at 3912 Avenue G, across from the Page-Gilbert House. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1990.
- Wikipedia
3912 Avenue G, Austin, TX 78751, USA
Monday, June 18, 2012
Page-Gilbert House
Page-Gilbert House
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Page-Gilbert House -- Photograph by D. Kevin Surbaugh |
Location: 3913 Avenue G
Hours: Not open to the public
The Page-Gilbert House is a historic home in the Hyde Park Historic District in Austin, Texas. It is also a part of the Shadow Lawn Historic District, a subdivision within the Hyde Park neighborhood established by Hyde Park founder Monroe Shipe.
It was built in the late 19th century by its first owner, Christopher Page, a British immigrant who had worked as a stonemason in constructing the Texas State Capitol. It features a muted Victorian style with Queen Anne accents such as a pyramidal steeple roof.
The house is located at 3913 Avenue G, across from the Frank M. and Annie G. Covert House. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1990.
- Wikipedia
3913 Avenue G, Austin, TX 78751, USA
Father's Day 2012
Morning. Yesterday started off as a normal Sunday morning. I made sure the two daily devotions were posted on the daily devotions site named after my grandmother. Ate breakfast and then went to church for the day, where the fathers were given a back-scratcher. We also read some verses about Fathers that I had seen on Facebook (see picture):
After church, we stopped by the car wash and washed the car which it needed desperately. Then went t store to get items for the wife's clear liquid diet in perpetration for the colonoscopy she is having tomorrow.
Before going home we stopped by BJ's Restaurant and picked up the free pint glass they were giving away for Father's Day (no purchase necessary). We did get some Mountain Dew to drink as it is the on Pepsi product either of us will drink. Then all we got was soda water as their Mountain Dew syrup had run out.
Once we got home, we relaxed and enjoyed our Sunday off. Hope all of you had a fantastic Father's Day as well.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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After church, we stopped by the car wash and washed the car which it needed desperately. Then went t store to get items for the wife's clear liquid diet in perpetration for the colonoscopy she is having tomorrow.
Before going home we stopped by BJ's Restaurant and picked up the free pint glass they were giving away for Father's Day (no purchase necessary). We did get some Mountain Dew to drink as it is the on Pepsi product either of us will drink. Then all we got was soda water as their Mountain Dew syrup had run out.
Once we got home, we relaxed and enjoyed our Sunday off. Hope all of you had a fantastic Father's Day as well.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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Friday, June 15, 2012
When Marriage and Money Just Don’t Add Up
Guest post by Margaret Cook
Saving money by spending less is a common first strategy. Once people realize how hard that is, they often turn to ideas for generating more income. Very few ideas are instant income assurance, but almost every income generating solution requires initial expenditures.
If you are working to reduce debt and you are considering starting a business of any kind, create a specific plan of what you will need to spend in starting your business. Be practical and realistic. When your financial worries abound, errors in planning and decision-making increase.
Married couples often have added stress making financial decisions. Money can become an emotionally charged flash point in the relationship. Starting a business before both partners have learned how to work through financial decision-making and being able to work well together to meet a financial goal can be a recipe for disaster.
Follow these tips for handling finances in your relationship:
1. Learn about the values, ideas and experiences each of you bring to any financial conversation and decision (saver vs. spender, competitive vs. passive, fearful vs. idealistic, etc.) These are not excuses to defend. Understanding your experiences will let you make any changes you need to make for the collaboration that financial success requires.
2. Identify a regular time to work together on financial decisions and work. It may start as a weekly financial meeting and it may be able to move to every other week/once a month when things are going well financially.
3. Read and learn about how to make good financial decisions. Read reputable resources on the internet and/or use the many downloadable tools for budgeting and finances.
4. Accept responsibility for the financial decisions that contributed to the problems you are working to solve. Accepting responsibility allows you to make changes and become active in the solution.
5. Learn to handle the checkbook more as “math” than mood. Make sound financial decisions – even on small purchases that are consistent with the agreed budget and remember to “do the math” often enough that everyone knows where you stand on the balances and meeting the budget.
If you are considering starting a business to create additional income, consider using a guide to help you create a realistic plan. Many of my clients found the information in The Jump-Start Guide… helps them create a realistic budget. It keeps them from underestimating expenses and inflating the expectation of income. I developed the material in the book over the last twenty years of counseling and career/business coaching.
Margaret Cook
Author of The Jump-Start Guide for a Start-Up Online Business
Article © 2012 Margaret Cook. All rights reserved. Printed by permission for
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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Saving money by spending less is a common first strategy. Once people realize how hard that is, they often turn to ideas for generating more income. Very few ideas are instant income assurance, but almost every income generating solution requires initial expenditures.
If you are working to reduce debt and you are considering starting a business of any kind, create a specific plan of what you will need to spend in starting your business. Be practical and realistic. When your financial worries abound, errors in planning and decision-making increase.
Married couples often have added stress making financial decisions. Money can become an emotionally charged flash point in the relationship. Starting a business before both partners have learned how to work through financial decision-making and being able to work well together to meet a financial goal can be a recipe for disaster.
Follow these tips for handling finances in your relationship:
1. Learn about the values, ideas and experiences each of you bring to any financial conversation and decision (saver vs. spender, competitive vs. passive, fearful vs. idealistic, etc.) These are not excuses to defend. Understanding your experiences will let you make any changes you need to make for the collaboration that financial success requires.
2. Identify a regular time to work together on financial decisions and work. It may start as a weekly financial meeting and it may be able to move to every other week/once a month when things are going well financially.
3. Read and learn about how to make good financial decisions. Read reputable resources on the internet and/or use the many downloadable tools for budgeting and finances.
4. Accept responsibility for the financial decisions that contributed to the problems you are working to solve. Accepting responsibility allows you to make changes and become active in the solution.
5. Learn to handle the checkbook more as “math” than mood. Make sound financial decisions – even on small purchases that are consistent with the agreed budget and remember to “do the math” often enough that everyone knows where you stand on the balances and meeting the budget.
If you are considering starting a business to create additional income, consider using a guide to help you create a realistic plan. Many of my clients found the information in The Jump-Start Guide… helps them create a realistic budget. It keeps them from underestimating expenses and inflating the expectation of income. I developed the material in the book over the last twenty years of counseling and career/business coaching.
Margaret Cook
Author of The Jump-Start Guide for a Start-Up Online Business
Article © 2012 Margaret Cook. All rights reserved. Printed by permission for
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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Hildreh-Flanagan-Heirman House
Hildreh-Flanagan-Heirman House
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Hildreth-Flanagan-Heierman House 3909 Avenue G -- Photograph by D. Kevin Surbaugh |
Location: 3909 Avenue G
Hours: Not open to the public
The Hildreth-Flanagan-Heierman House is a historic home in the Hyde Park historic district in Austin, Texas. It is also a part of the Shadow Lawn Historic District, a subdivision of the Hyde Park neighborhood designated by Hyde Park founder Monroe Shipe.
The home was completed in 1902 by master builder William Voss, Sr. for owner Charles A. Hildreth, at a total cost of $2,718. The house combines features of the Queen Anne and Colonial Revival styles.
The house is located at 3909 Avenue G. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1990.
- Wikipedia
3909 Avenue G, Austin, TX 78751, USA
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Col. Monroe Shipe House
Colonel Monroe Shipe House
Location: 3816 Avenue G (Ave G. and 39th Street)Hours: Not open to the public
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Col. Monroe M. Shipe House -- Photograph by D. Kevin Surbaugh |
The Col. Monroe M. Shipe House is an historic two-story home in the Hyde Park historic district in Austin, Texas. The building was completed by Monroe Shipe, founder of Hyde Park, in 1892. It uses an eclectic combination of styles, including a Stick style form, Queen Anne decorations, and a flat concrete roof.
Shipe platted the entire neighborhood of Hyde Park, and designated the few blocks near his home to be a subdivision he called "Shadowlawn."
During renovation, it was discovered that the lumber in the home came from the grandstands of the State Fair of Texas which was once held nearby.
The home is located at 3816 Avenue G. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places on March 29, 1983
- Wikipedia
Monroe Martin Shipe (b. 1847) had this residence built in 1892 in Austin's Hyde Park, a suburb which he developed on the site of the old state fairgrounds. A man of broad vision, Shipe brought innovative changes to the city's form of government, its public transportation system and other matters of civic concern. His home, partially constructed of wood from the fair grandstand, stands as a monument to his achievements.
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark-1992
3816 Avenue G, Austin, TX 78751, USA
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
An Update on the Prince Of Thrift getting Healthier Successes
Good morning a few weeks ago I discussed how I was trying to begin to eat healthier. Thus far I have been doing pretty good, at least with the reduction of soda pop. Last week I only drink a Coca-Cola on Wednesday and Saturday. This week thus far I have not a had a Coca-Cola (or any other soda for the matter) since Monday. I have even significantly reduced the amount of ice tea that i have drank as well.
In place of the sodas and teas I have been drinking more water, some of which has been mixed with the Youngevity products (like Tangy Tangerine and Pollen Burst) other has been just plain bottled water.
This healthier attitude is in part to taking my multivitamins in a tasty beverage form called Tangy Tangerine.
A product from Youngevity that can be found in the Wisdom Steps Store.
If you would like to get this great product, that is actually absorbed in your body (unlike many of the pills which end up just being pooped out) take a look at the store. If you would like to help spread the word and earn some extra cash, or just get the products at wholesale, you can join with me at the store as well. The cost is just $10 for a lifetime membership to get the products at 30% off the retail.
Costs of bringing this site to you is not cheap, even though we do everything to keep the expenses as low as possible. The only way we earn money, through our readers, whether it be sponsors, readers who shop in the store and/or team up with us through Youngevity and the occasional (but very rare) donations. This is a ministry that depends on its readers to survive. I as the primary writer, has to work a full-time job as well in order to pay the bills, these sources of revenues only pay for the costs associated with the website, and then just barely. So I encourage you to join me in promoting healthy products we all can use. Just as I teamed up with such great folks as Pharmacist Ben and Alex Jones.
In addition, I also have a link to gently used DVDs I am selling at all of which can be found at the Wisdom Steps Store. Won't you get healthy with me and help support this site at the same time. In time, I hope to add more products including new DVDs and books that I believe would be of interest to you.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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In place of the sodas and teas I have been drinking more water, some of which has been mixed with the Youngevity products (like Tangy Tangerine and Pollen Burst) other has been just plain bottled water.
This healthier attitude is in part to taking my multivitamins in a tasty beverage form called Tangy Tangerine.
A product from Youngevity that can be found in the Wisdom Steps Store.
If you would like to get this great product, that is actually absorbed in your body (unlike many of the pills which end up just being pooped out) take a look at the store. If you would like to help spread the word and earn some extra cash, or just get the products at wholesale, you can join with me at the store as well. The cost is just $10 for a lifetime membership to get the products at 30% off the retail.
Costs of bringing this site to you is not cheap, even though we do everything to keep the expenses as low as possible. The only way we earn money, through our readers, whether it be sponsors, readers who shop in the store and/or team up with us through Youngevity and the occasional (but very rare) donations. This is a ministry that depends on its readers to survive. I as the primary writer, has to work a full-time job as well in order to pay the bills, these sources of revenues only pay for the costs associated with the website, and then just barely. So I encourage you to join me in promoting healthy products we all can use. Just as I teamed up with such great folks as Pharmacist Ben and Alex Jones.
In addition, I also have a link to gently used DVDs I am selling at all of which can be found at the Wisdom Steps Store. Won't you get healthy with me and help support this site at the same time. In time, I hope to add more products including new DVDs and books that I believe would be of interest to you.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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Tuesday, June 12, 2012
8 Signs America is Becoming a Police State
Can you believe it? America is becoming a police state. More and more of our liberties, guaranteed us by the Constitution are being taken away from us. The following are 30 signs that the United States of America is being turned into a police state or as some have suggested a giant prison.
- In April 2009 the department of Homeland Security issued a report that stated: Christian's who believe in end time prophecies are potentially dangerous.
- In February 2009, Missouri issued a report called, "MIAC Strategic Report: The Modern Militia Movement" that made the claim that potential terrorists could be those are view the so called "New World Order" as a potential threat, Anti-abortion activists, those that have a negative view of the United Nations, and gasp those that against illegal immigration. That's tight if you oppose illegal activity you might be terrorist. We aren't talking about legal immigration, we talking illegal immigration. Not only that, if you question the purpose of the United Nations in anyway negatively, you could be a terrorists. But wait if you are "pro-life," you to might be a terrorist. So lets see lets look at myself, I am a Christian believing the Bible to be literal, so because I believe in "end times prophecies," am "pro-life," question the United Nations, am concerned about the "New World Order," and want to see immigrants come to this country legally rather then illegally then they are lumping me into this group despite for my hatred of guns although I do support the second amendment. How can this be? We fought a war against England to gain our freedoms from such tyranny, yet now our own government is treating us this way?
- So to the FBI has issued a report lists suspicious activities as paying in cash.
Insist on paying in cash...
having missing hands/fingers...
Make Bulk purchases of items to include:
Weatherproofed ammunition or match containers
Meals ready to eat
Night vision devices; night flashlights; gas mask
- FBI Really? Ready to eat meals? That's most Americans. There a huge number of people who stock there freezers with ready to eat meals. Even more that has an ample supply of food in their pantries. I guess I should be reporting anyone who buys frozen dinners and prepared meals from my grocery stores deli. Since Dave Ramsey, John Cummuta, and myself all preach against using credit cards and instead paying with cash, we must be terrorists. Give me a break. Do these sound suspicious to you? - Feeling a little nervous about something? Well according to a London Telegraph newspaper report in Oct 2011, that could get you classified as a terrorist.
Using cameras and sensors the "pre-crime" system measures and tracks changes in a person's body movements, the pitch of their voice and the rhythm of their speech.
It also monitors breathing patterns, eye movements, blink rate and alterations in body heat, which are used to assess an individual's likelihood to commit a crime.
The Future Attribute Screening Technology (FAST) programme is already being tested on a group of government employees who volunteered to act as guinea pigs.
The first test was carried out at an undisclosed location in the north-eastern United States.
According to the Department of Homeland Security it was not at an airport, but was at a "large venue that is a suitable substitute for an operational setting".
- London Telegraph - In November 2011, Senator Joe Lieberman sent a letter to Google asking the tech giant to place a "terrorist button" on blogger for readers to flag content as potential terrorist as it as done in November 2010 on it's YouTube site.
- In a bill introduced in Congress by Senators Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) in November 2011.
In what may be a tale too bizarre to be believed by millions of Americans, the U.S. Senate appears ready to pass a bill that will designate the entire earth, including the United States and its territories, one all-encompassing “battlefield” in the global “war on terror” and authorize the detention of Americans suspected of terrorist ties indefinitely and without trial or even charges being filed that would necessitate a trial.
The bill could come to a vote as early as today, according to a bulletin issued by the American Civil Liberties Union. The legislation “goes to the very heart of who we are as Americans,” the ACLU statement said, describing the bill as having moved toward passage while most Americans were celebrating Thanksgiving and a long holiday weekend for millions of U.S. workers. “The Senate will be voting on a bill that will direct American military resources not at an enemy shooting at our military in a war zone, but at American citizens and other civilians far from any battlefield — even people in the United States itself,” the ACLU warned.
- The New American
The bill which was passed and signed into law allows the U.S. Military to to arrest any and hold any U. S. citizen and hold them indefinitely without trial, in direct contrast to due process. In an article from the PPJ Gazette there are three unconstitutional things this new law does1) Explicitly authorize the federal government to indefinitely imprison without charge or trial American citizens and others picked up inside and outside the United States;
(2) Mandate military detention of some civilians who would otherwise be outside of military control, including civilians picked up within the United States itself; and
(3) Transfer to the Department of Defense core prosecutorial, investigative, law enforcement, penal, and custodial authority and responsibility now held by the Department of Justice.
Yes the Illuminati and Barak Obama, are passing into legislation the right to arrest anyone anywhere without trial and dispose of them by any means they see fit. The book of Revelation had a name for this time period; the beginning of the three years of tribulation. No opposition will be tolerated. All opposition will be silenced.
- PPJ Gazette - According to Wired Magazine, American Government agencies have set up fake cell towers.
You make a call on your cellphone thinking the only thing standing between you and the recipient of your call is your carrier’s cellphone tower. In fact, that tower your phone is connecting to just might be a boobytrap set up by law enforcement to ensnare your phone signals and maybe even the content of your calls.
No legitimate right to privacy? Say what? Again there goes our American Government as it basically tries to burn the Constitution. Someone tell me I am dreaming, please. Then wake me up. Is this really happening? So many attempts to walk on the Constitution. How can this be? When will us Americans wake up? Please someone! Anyone! Take a stand and tell the government to start following the Constitution.
So-called stingrays are one of the new high-tech tools that authorities are using to track and identify you. The devices, about the size of a suitcase, spoof a legitimate cellphone tower in order to trick nearby cellphones and other wireless communication devices into connecting to the tower, as they would to a real cellphone tower.
The government maintains that the stingrays don’t violate Fourth Amendment rights, since Americans don’t have a legitimate expectation of privacy for data sent from their mobile phones and other wireless devices to a cell tower. While the technology sounds ultra-new, the feds have had this in their arsenal for at least 15 years, and used a stingray to bust the notorious hacker Kevin Mitnick in 1995.
- Wired Magazine Finally, even though there are many more examples the last one I am going to list is this one. - According to the Washington Post, in Washington D.C. the movements of every single car are tracked using automated license plate readers (ALPRs).
More than 250 cameras in the District and its suburbs scan license plates in real time, helping police pinpoint stolen cars and fleeing killers. But the program quietly has expanded beyond what anyone had imagined even a few years ago.
It can sound good when a criminal is arrested, especially a murderer, but the article continues and says.
With virtually no public debate, police agencies have begun storing the information from the cameras, building databases that document the travels of millions of vehicles.
Nowhere is that more prevalent than in the District, which has more than one plate-reader per square mile, the highest concentration in the nation. Police in the Washington suburbs have dozens of them as well, and local agencies plan to add many more in coming months, creating a comprehensive dragnet that will include all the approaches into the District.
- Washington Post“It never stops,” said Capt. Kevin Reardon, who runs Arlington County’s plate reader program. “It just gobbles up tag information. One of the big questions is, what do we do with the information?”
Police departments are grappling with how long to store the information and how to balance privacy concerns against the value the data provide to investigators. The data are kept for three years in the District, two years in Alexandria, a year in Prince George’s County and a Maryland state database, and about a month in many other suburban areas.
- Washington Post That's what makes this scary. They are just tracking everyone with the obscure hope of catching a criminal.
Historically, domestic rightwing extremists have feared, predicted, and anticipated a cataclysmic economic collapse in the United States. Prominent antigovernment conspiracy theorists have incorporated aspects of an impending economic collapse to intensify fear and paranoia among like-minded individuals and to attract recruits during times of economic uncertainty. Conspiracy theories involving declarations of martial law, impending civil strife or racial conflict, suspension of the U.S. Constitution, and the creation of citizen detention camps often incorporate aspects of a failed economy. Antigovernment conspiracy theories and “end times” prophecies could motivate extremist individuals and groups to stockpile food, ammunition, and weapons. These teachings also have been linked with the radicalization of domestic extremist individuals and groups in the past, such as violent Christian Identity organizations and extremist members of the militia movement. - Right-wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment by the Department of Homeland SecuritySo I guess the first amendment no longer exists, since they say make the argument that anyone who believes in these teachings straight from the Bible is a potential terrorist. The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression from government interference. Yet we see here that even teachings from the Bible that are older from then the Consitution is now being deemed as signs of a potential terrorist, thus we can easily see that the government is interfering with the free exercise of the Christian religion, in direct disregard of the first amendment of the U. S. Constitution. Despite the fact that the majority of the founders and writers of the Constitution were Christians themselves, believing in the very things that are now being deemed as signs of potential terrorists. I don't know about you, but this scares me. I love this country, but some high ranking officials are going to far with this one. Are there extremists that seize upon this portion of the Bible? Yes, we all know there is. However, the early founders that signed the Deceleration of Independence would also have been considered "extremists" and antigovernment. So we have to be more careful in who we are calling terrorists.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Government Wants to Take More of our Liberties
Did you know the government isn't content with the liberties they have taken from us already? They want even more control of our daily lives. They literally have plans for what we read about only in the Revelations.
A recent report from the Rockefeller Foundation is evidence of that.
The report entitled, "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development" from 2010 outlines a scenario in which 13,000 are killed in a bombing at the 2012 Olympics in London. Unfortunately this is not a scenario of what could happen, here is how we can prevent it. Rather it details
how the public will be more welcoming of a more authoritative government with a tighter control across all aspects of life, including Biometric IDs for all citizens
I don't know about you, but that is a scary thought. I mean it would be one thing to be running through worse case scenarios to fight crime and/or disasters, but using it to find ways to take away our freedoms is very scary to me. I mean compare to what the Bible has to say about end times.
You get that? The Bible predicted 2,000 years ago that there would be a one world government of some sort and that every man would be numbered in a way that they could be tracked. As we see when this verse tells us that mo one would be able to buy or sell without the number of the beast. This would seem to indicate what we now know as Biometric IDs, which is a computer chip inserted just under our skin so that they can track our every movement and require stores to scan the potential customers Biometric ID, in order to complete the transaction. Likewise employers would be required to scan each potential employee before they could be hired. If the government thinks they can fake a terrorist attack and usher in more control over us, then I have to do what i can do to resist, until I am either killed by this tyrannical government or the Lord Himself calls me home to be with Him.
Believe me when I say I am no conspiracy theorist, but more reports I see like this, the more I have to question the official line of anything the government has to say.
My name is Kevin, and that's what I think. What do you think? Agree? Disagree?
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A recent report from the Rockefeller Foundation is evidence of that.
The report entitled, "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development" from 2010 outlines a scenario in which 13,000 are killed in a bombing at the 2012 Olympics in London. Unfortunately this is not a scenario of what could happen, here is how we can prevent it. Rather it details
how the public will be more welcoming of a more authoritative government with a tighter control across all aspects of life, including Biometric IDs for all citizens
At first, the notion of a more controlled world gained wide acceptance and approval. Citizens willingly gave up some of their sovereignty — and their privacy — to more paternalistic states in exchange for greater safety and stability.
Citizens were more tolerant, and even eager, for top-down direction and oversight, and national leaders had more latitude to impose order in the ways they saw fit. In developed countries, this heightened oversight took many forms: biometric IDs for all citizens, for example, and tighter regulation of key industries whose stability was deemed vital to national interests. In many developed countries, enforced cooperation with a suite of new regulations and agreements slowly but steadily restored both order and, importantly, economic growth.
- "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development"
I don't know about you, but that is a scary thought. I mean it would be one thing to be running through worse case scenarios to fight crime and/or disasters, but using it to find ways to take away our freedoms is very scary to me. I mean compare to what the Bible has to say about end times.
The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.
- Revelation 13:16-18 (NIV)
You get that? The Bible predicted 2,000 years ago that there would be a one world government of some sort and that every man would be numbered in a way that they could be tracked. As we see when this verse tells us that mo one would be able to buy or sell without the number of the beast. This would seem to indicate what we now know as Biometric IDs, which is a computer chip inserted just under our skin so that they can track our every movement and require stores to scan the potential customers Biometric ID, in order to complete the transaction. Likewise employers would be required to scan each potential employee before they could be hired. If the government thinks they can fake a terrorist attack and usher in more control over us, then I have to do what i can do to resist, until I am either killed by this tyrannical government or the Lord Himself calls me home to be with Him.
Believe me when I say I am no conspiracy theorist, but more reports I see like this, the more I have to question the official line of anything the government has to say.
My name is Kevin, and that's what I think. What do you think? Agree? Disagree?
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Friday, June 8, 2012
May in Guatemala
This past month we were able to get in contact with another guy who grew up in Casa Shalom, named Carlos, who now has returned to live with his family. We have his story in our blog here, and it was great to see him again. There are many other kids who have also left over the years, and we hope to continue to make contact with them.
The construction on the house continues to progress well, although it's now a little more complicated because we've entered the rainy season. There are new pictures of the progress here. The most exciting progress was finally getting permission from the new mayor to connect water to our land. After three months of asking neighbors to use their water in order to be able to mix cement, we are very excited to now have all the water that we need.
Prayer requests for June:
The construction on the house continues to progress well, although it's now a little more complicated because we've entered the rainy season. There are new pictures of the progress here. The most exciting progress was finally getting permission from the new mayor to connect water to our land. After three months of asking neighbors to use their water in order to be able to mix cement, we are very excited to now have all the water that we need.
Prayer requests for June:
- At the end of May we flew up to Austin, Texas in order to visit some friends and our home church in Austin, Texas for ten days. It's wonderful to be back visiting with so many friends! Please pray that this time will be relaxing and refreshing for us.
- This trip was necessary because of the current status of Yuli's residency paperwork. We'd appreciate prayer that it would all get sorted out.
- Please pray for Elias and Benjamin as they're home alone until we return on Monday. They're both adults, but it feels strange to be away from them. Fortunately Skype helps us keep in touch!
- Yuli's pregnant! We'd appreciate your prayers for her health and for us as we plan the new addition to our family.
- Please pray Philippians 3:10-11 for us, "I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead."
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Location: 304 East 44th Street Austin, Texas
Hours: Wednesday-Sunday 12 noon - 5 pm
Admission: Free
Parking: Free on Street Parking
Handicapped Accessible: Historic Building with Reasonable Accommodations (They have a door they can open to allow wheelchair access and all statuary is viewable from a wheelchair, however, not all wall displays can be seen from a wheelchair. There is also a 2nd floor, with info about about Elizabet and her husband as well as a couple of pieces of furniture belonging to her. However, because of the historic nature of the building it is only the original staircase and is handicapped accessible.)
The Elizabet Ney Museum sits in a residential neighborhood on 44th Street off of Avenue G. It's an unusual location for a museum - but nothing about the place (or Elizabet Ney) is usual. The museum contains many statues created by Mrs. Ney who would commute 110 miles on horseback from her home in Hempstead, Texas to her studio (now the museum).
Hours: Wednesday-Sunday 12 noon - 5 pm
Admission: Free
Parking: Free on Street Parking
Handicapped Accessible: Historic Building with Reasonable Accommodations (They have a door they can open to allow wheelchair access and all statuary is viewable from a wheelchair, however, not all wall displays can be seen from a wheelchair. There is also a 2nd floor, with info about about Elizabet and her husband as well as a couple of pieces of furniture belonging to her. However, because of the historic nature of the building it is only the original staircase and is handicapped accessible.)
Elizabet Ney Museum
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Elizabet Ney Museum located in her Austin, Texas home/studio |
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Photographs by D. Kevin Surbaugh |
The Elizabet Ney Museum sits in a residential neighborhood on 44th Street off of Avenue G. It's an unusual location for a museum - but nothing about the place (or Elizabet Ney) is usual. The museum contains many statues created by Mrs. Ney who would commute 110 miles on horseback from her home in Hempstead, Texas to her studio (now the museum).
Monday, June 4, 2012
Austin Texas Joins the Tyrannical Government in Spying on Americans
You have heard of drones used for spying in Iraq and Afghanistan, now the spy weapons may be heading to a city near you. No this is not no conspiracy theory. This no black helicopters. This is real and has been reported in mainstream media.
I have heard Katherine Albrecht (author of Spy Chips) report that Montgomery County, Texas was the first place to buy drones for domestic spying, now the city of Austin (as well as other communities around the country) are joining them.
Even the liberal ACLU has weighed in on this issue. As you can see in these two videos.
According to reports there are 63 approved locations for previously secret bases to conduct aerial drone flights for domestic spying operations. Below is that list. Notice the number of them that are in Texas. Likewise the sheer concentration of them in the D. C. area as well.
All this gives new meaning to the “The Eyes of Texas are Upon You,”
All this and the fears it raises, does make some consider shooting down these devices if they invade our own personal space. Whether it is the right or wrong answer, it is out there. I am not here to say, I am just reporting the buzz that I hear in the patriot community. Each individual patriot will have to decide in his/her heart what is right.
As for the police using these things, I don't like it. No matter how much they try to tell me I have nothing to fear. We have all heard that before.
My name is Kevin, and that's what I think. What do you think? Agree? Disagree?
follow us on Twitter
When the Patriot Act was passed shortly after 9/11 many concerned activists warned that the legislation would soon be turned against the American people. A common response amongst the skeptics of this argument, was that “I’m not doing anything wrong, so I don’t have anything to worry about.” Well, tell that to the lady that was arrested and detained for 3 days for taking pictures at an airport recently. The examples of Patriot Act abuse, and encroachment upon the American people seems to be growing by the day as the Department of Homeland Security is expanding the TSA to grope citizens at bus-stops, railways, and at some point our highways too. The gradual expansion of the you’re guilty until proven innocent totalitarian ideology must be stopped now, for if it isn’t you’ll eventually realize that you waited too long to have any effect to stop it at all. The drones may be unarmed now, but they could never get away with announcing armed drones when people haven’t been conditioned into accepting drones being “normal” first, just like getting groped by the TSA at airports was necessary to set the stage for the expansion of the TSA/DHS onto highways, bus-stops, railways, and sporting events.
- Texans for Accountable Government
I have heard Katherine Albrecht (author of Spy Chips) report that Montgomery County, Texas was the first place to buy drones for domestic spying, now the city of Austin (as well as other communities around the country) are joining them.
Even the liberal ACLU has weighed in on this issue. As you can see in these two videos.
According to reports there are 63 approved locations for previously secret bases to conduct aerial drone flights for domestic spying operations. Below is that list. Notice the number of them that are in Texas. Likewise the sheer concentration of them in the D. C. area as well.
FAA List Of Permitted Drone Operators:
- Alexander Higgens blog
U.S. Air Force Mississippi Department of Marine Resources Arlington Police Department Mississippi State University U.S. Army U.S. Navy City of Herington, Kansas New Mexico Tech City of North Little Rock, AR Police Department Ogden Police Department DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) Ohio University DHS (Department of Homeland Security) / CBP (Customs and Border Protection) Orange County Sheriff’s Office DHS (Department of Homeland Security) / Science and Technology Polk County Sheriff’s Office DOE (Department of Energy) – Idaho National Laboratory Seattle Police Dept Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Research Service Texas A&M University Corpus Christi Department of the Interior – National Business Center/Aviation Management Directorate Texas A&M University – TEES Eastern Gateway Community College University of Alaska Fairbanks Texas State University University of Colorado FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) University of Connecticut Gadsden Police Department USMC (United States Marine Corps) Georgia Tech Research Institute University of Florida Kansas State University University of North Dakota Mesa County Sheriff’s Office NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Miami-Dade Police Department Utah State University Middle Tennessee State University Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University New Mexico State University Physical Sciences Laboratory (NMSU-PSL) Washington State Department of Transportation
All this gives new meaning to the “The Eyes of Texas are Upon You,”
All this and the fears it raises, does make some consider shooting down these devices if they invade our own personal space. Whether it is the right or wrong answer, it is out there. I am not here to say, I am just reporting the buzz that I hear in the patriot community. Each individual patriot will have to decide in his/her heart what is right.
As for the police using these things, I don't like it. No matter how much they try to tell me I have nothing to fear. We have all heard that before.
My name is Kevin, and that's what I think. What do you think? Agree? Disagree?
follow us on Twitter
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Travel Desires and Dreams Can't Dash my Will
by Kevin "Prince of Thrift" Surbaugh
Since moving to Texas, it hasn't been easy. There is no question, I took a pay cut when I moved here. Which means it has been harder to stay up on the bills, that coupled with my wife's medical bills as made things a struggle at times. That said, no matter what I believe God has a greater good in mind, though we may not see it at the moment.
Sure it is disappointing, that I was unable to return to Kansas for my 25th high school reunion yesterday. Sure it can be discouraging at times, when it seems nearly impossible to save enough cash to visit my wife's family in Boone, North Carolina.
One thing I know, is that God owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalms 50:10). As such, I know he will provide and I am trusting\ Him that we will be able to visit my wife's family in North Carolina. I am eager to meet them, but I can't let the funds discourage me, for even Paul desired to go to Rome (Romans 1:11), but he had to wait for the Lord's timing. Likewise I must learn to do the same.
I believe, this website and the related blogs will become self-sufficient, even though it can't happen fast enough for me. The Lord's timing however, is perfect and in when the timing is right all these things will be a mute point. With this bit of knowledge I have o wonder what lesson I still need to learn, before the floodgates open up and the blessings of self-sufficiency poor upon this household and this ministry. Along with the travel related site that is growing fast.
For those of you who have been long time friends of this site. Thank you. If you are new to this blog and/or website a hearty Thanks and Welcome are extended to you as well. It is my deepest desire that everyone can take a kernel of nugget from the website and blog(s).
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
follow me on Twitter and facebook
Since moving to Texas, it hasn't been easy. There is no question, I took a pay cut when I moved here. Which means it has been harder to stay up on the bills, that coupled with my wife's medical bills as made things a struggle at times. That said, no matter what I believe God has a greater good in mind, though we may not see it at the moment.
Sure it is disappointing, that I was unable to return to Kansas for my 25th high school reunion yesterday. Sure it can be discouraging at times, when it seems nearly impossible to save enough cash to visit my wife's family in Boone, North Carolina.
One thing I know, is that God owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalms 50:10). As such, I know he will provide and I am trusting\ Him that we will be able to visit my wife's family in North Carolina. I am eager to meet them, but I can't let the funds discourage me, for even Paul desired to go to Rome (Romans 1:11), but he had to wait for the Lord's timing. Likewise I must learn to do the same.
I believe, this website and the related blogs will become self-sufficient, even though it can't happen fast enough for me. The Lord's timing however, is perfect and in when the timing is right all these things will be a mute point. With this bit of knowledge I have o wonder what lesson I still need to learn, before the floodgates open up and the blessings of self-sufficiency poor upon this household and this ministry. Along with the travel related site that is growing fast.
For those of you who have been long time friends of this site. Thank you. If you are new to this blog and/or website a hearty Thanks and Welcome are extended to you as well. It is my deepest desire that everyone can take a kernel of nugget from the website and blog(s).
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
follow me on Twitter and facebook
Friday, June 1, 2012
Romney vs Obama how will They Affect our Finances
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
follow me on Twitter and facebook
10 Ways to Save Money & The Planet
Guest post by Geoffry
We are all aware of the value of being socially responsible – whether this is saving money or contributing to a greener world. There are many ways to economise on some expenses and feel that you are making savings where it counts, while rethinking your domestic strategy to develop some ecological strategies. Here are 10 ways to ease the strain on the planet while saving money.
1. Plastic Bottles
Plastic water bottles are almost universally regarded as environmentally unfriendly. Apart from the transportation costs and associated carbon footprint of transporting bottled water from its source to the shops, discarded bottles are a menace to wildlife. Save bottles by filtering tap water and keeping it cool in a metal water bottle.
2. Buy a Smaller Car
Downsizing from a large car to a smaller, more energy-efficient vehicle will reduce fuel bills. Keeping larger vehicles on the road is an expensive business, especially with insurance premiums and road tax on the rise. Switching off the engine while stationary will help save fuel.
3. Change your Shower Head
A four-minute shower can consume up to thirty litres of water. Modern showers are designed to maximize water pressure, which produces a vigorous spray but deposits far more water than is actually needed. Fit a low-flow shower head to cut down the volume, and take short, hot showers to reduce energy usage.
4. Eliminate Leaks
Leaking taps are more than a nuisance – they cost a fortune in lost water every year, and the cost of replacing them is a fraction of the monthly water bill. Like many small jobs that are easy to put off, leaking plumbing is easily, quickly and cheaply fixed.
5. Buy Rechargeable Batteries
Although many types of modern disposable battery can be recycled, most of the cheaper ones cannot. Rechargeable batteries will put in years of good service and prevent used batteries from going into landfill – cheap batteries contain many harmful chemicals, including lead.
6. Buy Local Food
Much of the produce sold in high street shops is shipped long distances with a high carbon footprint. Buying local produce reduces dependence on vegetables grown out of season and shipped at great expense to the UK. Locally sourced meat and poultry encourages small producers and is better quality than factory farmed meat.
7. Use Eco-Friendly Chemicals
Domestic chemicals are often far more damaging for the environment. Instead of bleach, consider using white vinegar, which will kill many types of bacteria in the home without harming wildlife.
8. Re-use Shopping Bags
While many retailers have reduced their dependency on plastic shopping bags, there is still room for improvement. A re-usable plastic shopping bag, or better still a biodegradable jute bag, is a much better option.
9. Replace your Light Bulbs
Choose energy-saving light bulbs, as these will outlive the disposable kind several times over, and reduce demand on the grid while you light your home. The same rule applies to most household appliances- replace older items for newer ones with a better energy rating.
10. Buy a Slow Cooker
Cooking in an oven consumes a huge amount of electricity. Slow cookers work much more efficiently, heating food slowly throughout the day and can produce some spectacular results. It’s also a great opportunity to put in some left-over food or cheaper cuts of meat.
Author Bio: Geoffery is a keen financial savings writer, blogging part time on behalf of savings & investment comparison site – high interest savings accounts provider, connecting the consumers with market leading financial knowledge.
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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We are all aware of the value of being socially responsible – whether this is saving money or contributing to a greener world. There are many ways to economise on some expenses and feel that you are making savings where it counts, while rethinking your domestic strategy to develop some ecological strategies. Here are 10 ways to ease the strain on the planet while saving money.
1. Plastic Bottles
Plastic water bottles are almost universally regarded as environmentally unfriendly. Apart from the transportation costs and associated carbon footprint of transporting bottled water from its source to the shops, discarded bottles are a menace to wildlife. Save bottles by filtering tap water and keeping it cool in a metal water bottle.
2. Buy a Smaller Car
Downsizing from a large car to a smaller, more energy-efficient vehicle will reduce fuel bills. Keeping larger vehicles on the road is an expensive business, especially with insurance premiums and road tax on the rise. Switching off the engine while stationary will help save fuel.
3. Change your Shower Head
A four-minute shower can consume up to thirty litres of water. Modern showers are designed to maximize water pressure, which produces a vigorous spray but deposits far more water than is actually needed. Fit a low-flow shower head to cut down the volume, and take short, hot showers to reduce energy usage.
4. Eliminate Leaks
Leaking taps are more than a nuisance – they cost a fortune in lost water every year, and the cost of replacing them is a fraction of the monthly water bill. Like many small jobs that are easy to put off, leaking plumbing is easily, quickly and cheaply fixed.
5. Buy Rechargeable Batteries
Although many types of modern disposable battery can be recycled, most of the cheaper ones cannot. Rechargeable batteries will put in years of good service and prevent used batteries from going into landfill – cheap batteries contain many harmful chemicals, including lead.
6. Buy Local Food
Much of the produce sold in high street shops is shipped long distances with a high carbon footprint. Buying local produce reduces dependence on vegetables grown out of season and shipped at great expense to the UK. Locally sourced meat and poultry encourages small producers and is better quality than factory farmed meat.
7. Use Eco-Friendly Chemicals
Domestic chemicals are often far more damaging for the environment. Instead of bleach, consider using white vinegar, which will kill many types of bacteria in the home without harming wildlife.
8. Re-use Shopping Bags
While many retailers have reduced their dependency on plastic shopping bags, there is still room for improvement. A re-usable plastic shopping bag, or better still a biodegradable jute bag, is a much better option.
9. Replace your Light Bulbs
Choose energy-saving light bulbs, as these will outlive the disposable kind several times over, and reduce demand on the grid while you light your home. The same rule applies to most household appliances- replace older items for newer ones with a better energy rating.
10. Buy a Slow Cooker
Cooking in an oven consumes a huge amount of electricity. Slow cookers work much more efficiently, heating food slowly throughout the day and can produce some spectacular results. It’s also a great opportunity to put in some left-over food or cheaper cuts of meat.
Author Bio: Geoffery is a keen financial savings writer, blogging part time on behalf of savings & investment comparison site – high interest savings accounts provider, connecting the consumers with market leading financial knowledge.
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