Sunday, October 23, 2011

Who Are The Occupiers?

by Kevin Surbaugh

For over a month we heard stories about Occupy Wall Street, with a group of individuals protesting big business. This movement has since spread to other cities around the globe. Likewise a group known as Occupy Austin has been gathered outside Austin's City Hall to protest their grievances. Recently they collectively walked to Skank Bank of America and other national banks withdraw all their money and close their account and redeposit their money into new accounts at local credit unions. An act I fully support.
With this group being downtown I thought I would go downtown to talk to some of those protesting. While I was there I seen/heard a number of drivers honking their horns in support of the protestors, while a small cars contained people shouting, "Get a job." Despite all the commotion the demonstrators didn't seem deterred from their protests. So what is on the minds of these protestors? Why are they protesting?

These are some of the questions I wanted answered. I was tired of hearing people say that this group wanted to overthrow the government. That they wanted to establish a socialist government. So I decided to go to them and hear in their own words what they had to say.  

The first person I talked to was Larry Singleton (age 53). He was the only one to give me his last name.  He told me
I'm here because I was placed here by God because...actually I am dying of emphysema, COPD and P.A.D. I'm looking to build a facility for some of the homeless vets and non-homeless.
Hmm, sounds like a very advantageous goal. Unfortunately, he was arrested at the beginning of the Occupy Austin for public intoxication. While I would love to see his ideas to become a reality, I have to question whether her really could do it. Still though he was really the only one that seemed willing to step forward and do something about the problem they saw. What is his idea plan of action?
I have the Lord behind me. He's woke me up and showed me that I am dying and he's also stated that he's going to do a facility for the people so when you (himself) are gone, they will enjoy it.

The next person I talked to was Gabriele (age 24). His answer seemed more typical of what you I've been hearing from the Occupy Wall Street coverage on the news. In that he said,
I guess looking to just put power back in our hands and take it (the power) out of the money.

When asked if had any solutions to this problem; he replied,
No! As a 24-year old I expect grown men who are 40 and actually seen how the United States to have evolved, I expect them to practically put their knowledge to use. I'm here to back good ideas. If I come up with one, I'll let you know. Sorry I don't have much political knowledge.
The next person I interviewed was Amber (age 24). Amber seemed to be the most intelligent at least when it came to the political system. Whether her claims were accurate or not is not the topic of this story (perhaps I will do another story later in the week).
Amber (age: 24)
POT: Why are you here?

Amber: To protest, maybe get a change. It's the little things I would like to get to happen.

POT: What do you hope to accomplish by being here?

Amber: To see the world open her eyes. see what is going on. Because people look the other way.

POT: What changes would you like to see?

Amber: Probably, definitely for the better. To help.There is a lot about the government that I do agree with but it's the little things like where are they going to put the money for this budget. Why are they so overdrawn? Like they expect us to pay all of our bills, but they can't even balance a checkbook.
Why are there so many homeless people? Why are there so many people that don't have Medicare? They are just on the street dying because they can't afford the right medications.

POT: If Government don't have any money, How are they going to pay for all this?
Amber: This beautiful building (Austin City Hall) right here is made out of copper. Seventeen ($17) million dollars of copper just setting there on that roof. I mean, why can't they just put regular brick or glass on top of the building like all the rest of them? Why is the $17 million just setting there? You know $17 million dollars can feed so many people and help so many people out.

POT: Do you have any ideas as to how to accomplish these changes?

Amber: I figure we should get people that aren't as spoiled. Like if they mess up , if they go to jail they get a slap on the wrist. They can go drink and drive. They next day they are out of jail. Everything's fine, nothing on their record. Their spoiled and they know they are spoiled. They are getting paid all this money to do what? If they can't do their job, then we can't do it for them. So I figure if we pay them like normal people to help everything else and maybe have 2 or 3 people doing that one job so they can figure out different ways, then it will be okay.

POT: Do you have any aspirations about running for city council or maybe another public office?

Amber:No. I feel it is to corrupted right now. Until they get better people I won't stand for it.

POT:  If you feel they need better people, why not run and maybe you can be one of those better people?

Amber: It's kind like I would be the little stick in the river. Like a little stick is not going to do much in the river, but if you get a bunch of sticks then a bunch of things will happen.

Kevin: But doesn't it start with one person?

Amber: It does, but you have to have rain drops to get the river.

The final person I talked to was Kendall (age 20), who said,
I don't support the fed and I don't support the fiat system I think it's ponzi (scheme).
When asked how he planned to accomplish solving the problems that he sees. He said,
Still looking for the next epiphany. I haven't seen a single corporation go to jail for 80-years for killing anybody. So you know I'm just trying to go off of practical stuff. Separation of state and corporation could be one extension of that of that thought. Because as sovereign states we are really going to do a lot better for ourselves if we have a green standard.

Let's face it, I agree with some of these people. However, many of these people seem to be protesting only because it's something to do. Most, I won't say all, seem to only be protesting just to complain. They don't seem to have any ideas to correct the problems that they see. Most even don't appear to be willing to even put themselves out as the agent of change that they so desperately seek. Sadly that is most Americans though. We all want to complain and whine about how terrible everything is, but we won't rise up to make those changes that we want.

Read my related articles Why are the Occupiers Really Protesting? In Their Own Words on Blogcritics and Talking To Occupy Austin Protesters on the WisdomSteps101 blog.

My name is Kevin, and that's what I think. What do you think? Agree? Disagree?

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