Monday, May 4, 2009

Can You Spend Your Way To Prosperity?

To get ourselves out of this recession, that we are in, we must spend. At least that's what the government is telling us. Is that really the case though? A simple financial class, and basic math would disagree. True, if spending is down so will go the economy, but is spending really the answer?

I don't usually, get into politics on this blog, but today, I am going to make an exception. The reason is a friend and an occasional reader of my blogs over the years made a speech to the entire nation this past weekend. Her name is Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins. I know, she has read both this blog, and my former one that I did in conjunction with the local newspaper, because she has told me.

I would like to think, some of the things that she said, she got from gleaming my blogs. That however, I know is not true. Those ideas did not originate with me.

In her speech, she made the following comment, which was probably the most circulated. I even heard it on NPR.

Middle class families and small businesses are tightening their belts, and making sacrifices each and every day, during this recession and Republicans believe that it's time for Washington to do the same.

Personally, I believe there are independents and yes even Democrats who would agree with those Republicans. Unfortunately, there are some Republicans that would over spend to.

In response to the article on her speech, on a local newspaper website, one reader, who calls himself, Cokeheadmel said
I want my 10 credit cards and $500,000 house back. I'm entitled to it. I'm American.

You sir, are a big part of the problem. This is a perfect example of the wasteful spending Jenkins was talking about. A number of American's was doing this and drove us head first into this economic collapse. Now Washington, wants us to borrow more, to get us out? That doesn't make since. We spend our way into a recession, and are going to spend our way out?

Bull hockey! The only way we are going to get out, is to live within our means. This can only be done by spending less then we make, and saving. Sure, it will take longer to get out of the recession, but it will be a true recovery, not an artificial one.

This idea, of borrowing and overspending will only, once again catch up to us and cause a worse economic crisis. It's time America wakes up to this fact. Jenkins had it right.
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