If you are one to eat out every day. Even if you eat out only once a week. This is probably the tip that will save you the mot money. For those of you that only eat out for lunch during work hours, taking your own lunch that you prepared at home is the key we are talking about here.
I know in some cases it can be difficult. For example I work in a fast food chicken place. There is no break-room and no microwave to heat up my own lunch in. The chicken is broasted in peanut oil and is very healthy for you. As is the yogurts and salads that they serve. Still, it is not cheap. Even with my 50% discount. It is not always in the budget. How do I eat my own lunch without getting odd looks from co-workers and customers. I mean if you are a customer and you seen an employee that won't eat the restaurants food. What kind of message does that send? I need to find that balance.
Some might suggest sitting in my car. However, right now it is cold. Which means I would have to turn on the car and waste gas (and the money spent to buy it) to keep the car warm. I know it is possible not only for you, but for me to. It is important to our budgets to cut expenses everywhere that we can.
When I worked at the grocery store, it was a lot easier. Same with working in an office. However, how do I do it while I am working in a fast food restaurant?
go ahead share your thoughts with me now, my ears are open. I'm always eager to hear what you think.
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