Plan price $39.99
myFaves Minutes N/A
Whenever Minutes® 1000
Weekend Minutes Unlimited
Weeknight Minutes Unlimited
Mobile-to-mobile minutes N/A
Additional minutes $0.40
Additional charges to my bill include Roadside Assistance for $2.99/month. I also found unauthorized charge for $9.99 by Ringaza that is being "blacklisted," to insure that they don't bill me again. I also found that I was still be billed $5.99/month for a service I had discontinued. That being the package allowing me to download up to 3 ring tones a month. I have also requested that this be discontinued at once.
These two charges alone would cut my $70/month bill by $16 plus taxes. That means my new estimated bill will be between $45-$50 figuring 10% tax.
thanks for your comment on my site. I just wanted to let you know that I posted a response to your comment there. Also, I like your site and will browse around a bit. :)