Last year I became aware of a kind of joke that has been circulating the Internet since at least 2002, so without further ado, who says the best way to tell Republicans from Democrats is by observing how they act during the holidays.
I found my actions/favorites, would make me a member of both parties, so as a Christmas treat, I thought I would share this with all of you. Merry Christmas and happy Hanukkah to all my readers at and Cjonline. I hope everyone enjoys it.
Republicans say "Merry Christmas!"
Democrats say "Happy Holidays!"
Republicans help the poor during the holidays by sending $50 to the Salvation Army.
Democrats help the poor by giving $50, one buck at a time, to panhandlers on the street.
Democrats get back at Republicans on their Christmas list by giving them fruitcakes.
Republicans re-wrap them and send them to in-laws.
When not in stores, Republicans use a catalog.
Democrats watch for "incredible TV offers" on late-night TV.
Democrats do a lot of their shopping at Costco and Wal-Mart.
So do Republicans, but they don't admit it.
Republican parents have no problem buying their kids toy guns.
Democrats refuse to do so. That is why their kids pretend to shoot each other with dolls.
Republicans spend hundreds of dollars and hours of work decorating the yard with outdoor lights and Christmas displays.
Democrats save their time and money and drive around at night to enjoy the scenery.
Democrats' favorite Christmas movie is "Miracle on 34th Street."
Republicans' favorite Christmas movie is "It's a Wonderful Life."
Right-wing Republicans' favorite Christmas movie is "Die Hard."
Republicans always take the price tag off any expensive gifts they buy before wrapping.
Democrats also remove tags from pricey gifts ... and reposition them to make sure they are seen.
Republicans wear wide red ties and green sport jackets during the festive season.
So do Democrats, all year round.
Most Republicans try, at least once, enclosing indulgent, wretchedly maudlin form letters about their families in Christmas cards.
Public ridicule from Democrats usually discourages them from doing it again.
Democrats' favorite Christmas song is "Deck the Halls."
Young Democrats' favorite Christmas song is "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer."
Republicans' favorite Christmas song is " White Christmas."
Young Republicans' favorite Christmas song is "White Christmas."
Cheapskate Republicans buy an artificial Christmas tree.
Tightfisted Democrats buy a real tree, but they wait until the week before Christmas, when the lots lower their prices.
Democratic men like to watch football while wives, girlfriends or mothers fix holiday meals.
On this, Republicans are in full agreement.
Republicans see nothing wrong with letting their children play "Cowboys and Indians."
Democrats don't, either, as long as the Indians get to win.
Republicans first began thinking like Republicans when they stopped believing in Santa Claus.
Democrats became Democrats because they never stopped believing in Santa Claus.
---Merry Christmas and happy Hanukkah to all my readers at and Cjonline------
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