It seems, that my pants love to get holes in the pockets. Especially the jeans that come from that evil Wal-Mart. People claim that the store is cheaper then everyone else. However, how much cheaper are they, if you wear their jeans once, before holes develop in the pockets?
Really, this isn't a post about how bad Wally World is. Instead, I need to figure out how to sew, so that I can replace those holes in my khaki's and jeans. In the past I have taken them to a nearby seamstress who charges me about $4/pair to repair the pockets. Not very frugal.
Any idea, how I can learn to sew? I learned to sew 20 years ago in my independent living class in high school, but never have used it. When I have tried to sew the threading is loose and quickly falls out. I need to re-learn how to sew and get a good tight threading so it will actually patch what needs to be repaired.
Have you tried asking your Mom, Sister, Aunt..if you have any of those? How about a nice lady from church? For future reference, you don't have to pay fuill price for clothes, you can buy nice jeans khakies at Thrift stores or yard sales for CHEAP!
ReplyDeleteI have looked in the Thrift shops, but seems in my area the jeans all have holes and then if I find Kahki's or jeans that are in good condition, finding them in my size is the biggest challenge. I have enough problems at Kmart or Target finding my particular size (33 waist 32 inseam)
ReplyDeleteStill though, I am always looking at my salvation army store...though they seem to be the worst place for quality pants...I also visit my DAV and rescue mission stores. No goodwill stores in my town.
I am not sure about any ladies from church who might volunteer, but that is a possibility...I live 100 miles from my closest relitives. Thanks for your input.
Library has lotrs of books on hand
ReplyDeletesewing and simple machine sewing.
That type of repair is very simple.
Did you know I went to a car show at the mall and they were selling pants with holes put in on purpose(No kidding!)
how about any ladies at your work that can teach you how to sew?
ReplyDeleteI learned in home ec class in school. a lot of my friends actually took additional sewing classes and can make cool stuff like curtains and dresses and their halloween costumes but i never progressed beyond being able to repair holes...but i think that's a good enough skill to have =)
I am a seamstress, and I would say that $4 per pair is a REALLY good deal. I don't know of many other seamstresses that would do it cheaper than that. My other piece of advice: stop shopping at Walmart. Buy quality clothes that will last a long time.